Board Meeting Agenda, April 27, 2009

September 28, 2009 at 6:30. Action items are underlined

Location: Deep Spring Center

Attendees: Barbara Brodsky, Tana Dean, Curt Fish, Simon Ha, Sherry Hansen, Tom Slank, Sandra Villafuerte, Lisa Zucker

Not Attending:

Brief sitting


  1. Sangha commentary (5 minutes per person)
  2. Consensus on officers (30 minutes)
    1. Review and discuss officers' roles
    2. Discuss and nominate candidates
    3. Come to consensus on officer assignments

  3. Administrative (10 minutes)
    1. Transfer/spin-up status (Tana)
    2. OM comments/questions/concerns (Tana)
    3. Guidelines needed for e-mails?

  4. Treasurer's report (Sherry, 10 minutes)
    1. August actuals
    2. Engage a CPA now to review books and confirm our procedures?
      1. May help us when tax time comes

  5. Teachers' corner (10 minutes)
    1. Teacher's circle - anything to bring to the board (Lisa)
    2. Class coordination - anything? (Barbara)

  6. Archives
    1. Need more material, all is now posted

  7. Social committee report (Tom, 10 minutes)
    1. Upcoming events?
    2. Media exchange

  8. Calendar (All, 10 minutes)
    1. Upcoming events

  9. Retreat committee report (5 minutes)
    1. Online payment status
    2. Upcoming retreats
      1. Howell retreat in October is set.
      2. Sunnyside in the fall questionable
      3. Personal retreat in March is set.
      4. Howell has been booked for next spring.
      5. George has resigned as the No Frills coordinator. There may be a request for volunteer in the newsletter.

  10. Visioning work (whatever time is left)
    1. Use the visioning framework to develop goals for 2010 and beyond

  11. On hold - Board book maintenance
    1. Peg will share her observations from review of the Board books at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at ?

Upcoming board meetings

September 28th @ 6:30
October 26th @6:30
November 23rd @6:30

Respectfully submitted,