Board Meeting Agenda, October 27, 2008

October 27, 2008 at 6:30           Action items are underlined

Location: Deep Spring Center

Attendees: Anna Teare, Linda Longo, Simon Ha, Curt Fish, Peg Tappe, Sherry Hansen, Barbara Brodsky, Alice Britt.

Brief sitting.

Sharing of personal matters.


  1. Sangha commentary (5 minutes per person)

  2. Office equipment (5 minutes)

    1. Machine donation from Erica D.? (Linda)

    2. Coordinate donation if Erica's willing to donate (Simon)

  3. Treasurer's report (Linda, 10 minutes)

    1. Financial status: review August & September actuals

  4. Fundraising drive (Curt & Alice, 10 minutes)

    1. Contents

      1. Letter

      2. Donation card

      3. Return envelope

      4. Bookmark

      5. Recommending we skip the financial charts

    2. Review/approve letter

    3. Mailing assembly line – 16-Nov (Sunday) after the sitting

  5. Initiative: Location (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

  6. Initiative: Board/Teacher/OM/Sangha communication (Peg, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

  7. Initiative: Deep Spring archives (Simon & Curt, 10 minutes)

    1. Demo

    2. Status update

  8. Initiative: Visioning framework (All, 5 minutes)

    1. Peg to bring color copies of visioning info

    2. Anna to share her progress so far

  9. Newsletter status (Alice , 5 minutes)

  10. Retreat committee report (Peg, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

    2. Upcoming retreats

  11. Social committee report (Linda, 10 minutes)

    1. Poetry night

    2. Drumming circle

    3. Recruiting?

  12. Calendar (All, 10 minutes)

    1. Confirm board meeting schedule for the first half of 2009

      1. 23-Feb-2009

      2. 23-Mar-2009

      3. 27-Apr-2009

      4. 25-May-2009 - Memorial Day. Move to 18-May?

      5. 22-Jun-2009 - June retreat. Move to 15-Jun?

      6. 27-Jul-2009

    2. Upcoming events?

  13. Closed door session (All, 10 minutes)

  14. On hold: Board book maintenance

    1. Update all board books, weed out the old stuff

Meeting adjourned at ?

Upcoming board meetings

November 24th at 6:30

January 26th at 6:30