Board Meeting Agenda, April 28, 2008

April 28, 2008 at 6:30           Action items are underlined

Location: Deep Spring Center

Attendees: Delyth Balmer, Linda Longo, Simon Ha, Curt Fish, Peg Tappe, Susan Klimist. Barbara Brodsky is away on the Emerald Isle retreat.

Brief sitting.

Sharing of personal matters.


  1. Sangha commentary (5 minutes per person)

  2. Treasurer's report (Linda, 20 minutes)

    1. Review draft budget

    2. Confirm process for final approval of budget

    3. 2007 Tax return

    4. Financial status

  3. What is a Deep Spring Event? (All, 15 minutes)

    1. Review updated policy

    2. Confirm process for final approval of event policy

  4. DSC Teachers (Peg, 5 minutes)

    1. Calendar coordinator – search status

  5. Deep Spring archives (Simon & Curt, 10 minutes)

    1. Current status

      1. Web site

      2. Process/procedure documentation

    2. Roles:

      1. Terry Gliedt – Tech volunteer

      2. Phil Harding – Talk Distribution Coordinator

      3. Bob Bartz – Topic Feedback Coordinator

  6. Can DSC accept dana for teachers to make it tax deductible? (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Need a volunteer to investigate

  7. Building lease (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Contact with landlord

    2. Lease up June 2008

  8. Nonprofit mailing application (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Submitted for consideration

  9. Board member recruiting (Curt , 5 minutes)

    1. Can someone get in touch with Anne Barden to get this going? Perhaps one of the outgoing board members?

  10. Newsletter status (? , 5 minutes)

  11. Retreat committee report (Peg, 5 minutes)

  12. Social committee report (Linda, 10 minutes)

    1. Recruiting status

    2. Drum circle

    3. Renewal of vows

  13. Board book maintenance (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Review master board book

    2. Individual board books

    3. Use the Deep Spring Archive?

  14. Organizational goals (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Use the ones from the newsletter?

  15. Calendar (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. OM out 1-May to 21-May

    2. Annual sangha meeting – volunteers to investigate/organize?

    3. Upcoming events?

Upcoming board meetings

May 19th, 2008 at 6:30p.m.

June 30th, 2008 at 6:30p.m.

July 28th, 2008 at 6:30p.m.

No meeting in August