Board Meeting Agenda, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009 at 6:30           Action items are underlined

Location: Deep Spring Center

Attendees: Anna Teare, Linda Longo, Simon Ha, Curt Fish, Peg Tappe, Sherry Hansen, Barbara Brodsky, Alice Britt.

Brief sitting.

Sharing of personal matters.


  1. Sangha commentary (5 minutes per person)

  2. Treasurer's report (Linda & Alice, 20 minutes)

    1. 2009 Budget status & review

    2. January actual

    3. Unexpected donation

    4. 2008 tax return

  3. Initiative: Location (Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

  4. Initiative: Board/Teacher/OM/Sangha communication (Peg, 10 minutes)

    1. Status

    2. Meeting minutes uploaded to the Teacher's site? (Peg)

    3. Report on Calendar coordinator discussion with Dave Lawson (Simon)

  5. Initiative: Deep Spring archives (Simon & Curt, 5 minutes)

    1. Status/updates

  6. Initiative: Visioning framework (Anna, 5 minutes)

    1. Any further action needed?

  7. Sangha meeting (Peg, 15 minutes)

    1. Confirm location, date and time (19-Apr at ? at Deep Spring Center)

    2. Save-the-date e-mail?

    3. Agenda

    4. Materials to be made available

    5. Date for a follow-up/prep meeting?

    6. Other coordination?

  8. Newsletter status (5 minutes)

    1. Status for Spring newsletter

  9. Retreat committee report (Peg, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

    2. Upcoming retreats

  10. Social committee report (Linda, 5 minutes)

    1. Status

    2. Thoughts from Tom

  11. Calendar (All, 5 minutes)

    1. Upcoming events

  12. Closed door session (All, 20 minutes)

    1. OM attendance at board meetings

    2. OM Review

  13. On hold: Board book maintenance

    1. Update all board books, weed out the old stuff

Upcoming board meetings

March 23 at 6:30

April 27 at 6:30

May 18 at 6:30 at Linda's house

June 15 at 6:30 at Linda's house