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August 28, 2009 Venture Fourth Fall Intensive
Friday Afternoon with Heather
(This tape not yet
corrected by Heather)
Keywords: quantum
physics of energy healing, power animal guides, shamanic journeying,
guidance, transfiguration/energy session, Reiki, spirit canoe
journey, Siberian drum healing
Heather: So how was
that this morning? Deep, right? The actual meditation you can get
from Medicine for the Earth, page 186. I change it a little
bit as I go along depending. You can create your own, which I often
do, but I like Sandy's words, they're really profound. You can
also buy her CD on Sounds True, called Miracles for the Earth.
Our work working with
transmutations of water was done with this using the principles of
Medicine for the Earth to, as I talked about yesterday, using
case studies actually polluting water with, I forget the name. I'll
tell you afterwards. But it's a strong toxin–ammonium hydroxide,
yes. It usually takes about 6 or 7 days to evaporate. So we had
scientists on site polluting the water, bringing it from a pH of 7 to
about 14. And after we would transfigure and send the energy to the
water, seeing the water as divine and perfect. We would transfigure
into our divinity, like we did today.
But we don't need to
do that long journey because now you can actually either transfigure
or merge with your spirit guide, asking them to drop their form, and
merging with their light and asking them to merge you with your
higher self, if you wish, or just merge with your higher self or your
divinity. Because you've done that one journey. So you have it
within you, like riding a bike.
So we're going to
practice that this afternoon, merging with our spirit guides, with
their light. We will work in pairs. So once you've transfigured,
you'll sit up and just send energy to the person. You're not
sending or pushing energy to the person and you're seeing them as
holy, divine, and perfect. And from a quantum physics point of view,
their cells will come up to match the vibration of the light, and
remember their divine state of wellness.
So when I am working
with clients now, my focus is always on their absolute wellness. I
set the intention that they remember, their cells and tissues
remember their divine code of wellness. There have been studies done,
one particular one was by Fred Alan Wolfe, who wanted from a quantum
physics perspective to show or prove how energetic healing takes
So he went to Peru and
studied with a shaman. He writes in a book, something to do with
eagles, I forget the full title of it, basically his conclusion is
that when a practitioner, whether it be Reiki, healing touch, Qi
Gong, or shamanism, is channeling the light or bringing the light and
sending the light, the person's own divinity comes up to come into
coherence with the divine code, on the principle that illness or
imbalance is created because we come out of resonance with our divine
code; we lose our divine coherence. And so by journeying, meditating,
these modalities help us to regain that coherence with the light from
which we're all created, and then our cells and tissue remember and
light up.
I like that
visualization when I'm working with people, and so I don't get
caught up in what their illness is but rather their perfection. So
when sending the light, I merge, because you become quite quick at
it, going to that merged state. Merging with your teacher is easier
sometimes, I think, because you've got an intermediary. So journey
to your teacher, your guide, and ask them to drop their form and be
in their divinity. So you have that expansive ever-perfect energy and
you merge with that. And then just sending the energy; don't push
it; not trying to make anything, just sending the energy like I'm
sending you now, just seeing you, honoring your divinity and your
perfection and holding that and the light coming through and out for
the person. Does that make sense?
That's how we worked
with the bodies of water as well. When we focused in the room on the
water there'd also be a hidden bottle, the same pollution, hidden
from us that we were not focusing on. So the one in the room would
change, the hidden bottle wouldn't. Or we'd have a bottle out of
the room which we would focus on, which would change because we were
focusing on it and with the intention.
So, marrying in with
the time when Sandy was doing this work was sort of when Emoto's
work was coming out as well. When you have the lake, for example, you
can just meditate on seeing it divine and perfect and well, and
whatever toxins need to be transmuted will take place. So great work
that she brought through. This whole book was brought through by the
spirits for her, as was Soul Retrieval, other books she's written.
And she's written a smaller version of this but if you would like a
CD, it's nicer and easier because you can just play it, listen to
it, take it piece by piece.
There are a lot of
wonderful exercises in here, and the whole idea that we must be
centered in union with our divinity, focused intention, love,
creating that formula, and then we can transfigure into our divinity.
Jesus transfigured, or shape-shifted into the light. He was able to
very easily carry that light, the divinity, and so people would touch
his robe and become healed because he carried so much light. He was
able to do it in such a profound way. And Sai Baba carryied that
One of the things that
shamans and shamanic communities use to carry the light – you could
see it in their eyes, you could see a shining in their eyes. And it's
important for us to do as meditation, you can get to it through
meditation, just shifting your focus. Because you're such powerful
meditators you can go to these places now without the use of the drum
if you don't wish to, and go to your sacred space and take off from
there. Call upon your guides to meet you or your animal spirit
guides, and make that your jumping off space, and keep practicing.
Because the spirits love playing with us, they love us doing things
to help in any way, to help the planet and help bring joy into our
I'm sure you all
notice when you look at people who don't meditate, you all have a
shine in your eyes. So it's about us carrying this light out into
the world, going into supermarkets shopping and radiating the light
out. Like the hub of a wheel in a great cart wheel and going out into
that whole area, so it helps as well. So then supermarket shopping
doesn't become a chore but we know we're in service to the light
as well.
We're going to start
with a power animal journey to connect with our spirit animal guides.
You know, sometimes people go, "Oh, a power animal, right." Some
people love it and some people have an issue with it. From a shamanic
perspective, it's from our heritages, living in tribal community
where animals were very much part of our everyday life. I grew up
with that so animals were my closest friends. When I was upset with
my mother I'd jump on my horse and tell my horse all about it.
One time I remember my
horse stopped and I sort of fell around his neck, because I was so
into my issue that I was too far away and my horse turned me around
and brought me back. But there was a synchronicity with animals, and
people who ride horses or breed dogs, you all understand that
synchronicity that we have with the animals very close to us.
So for some the spirit
guide is easy, for some it's not so easy, but you'll figure it
out. As some of you found it easier to get a teacher, maybe you find
both easier. It's a replacement of power as well. When we are
losing spiritual power, symbolically we blow back in. We journey for
an animal spirit guide and blow back in that power for the person.
The shaman journeys and he has 4 different times that he sees the
same animal spirit guide who communicates to him or her why they're
coming back to help that person, what power they're bringing that
So I don't get too
caught up with animal-speak, or these books, "What does butterfly
mean?", I ask butterfly, "What are you bringing me? What are you
bringing to this person? What qualities shall I tell them that you're
bringing to them?" because it's always unique for every person.
Sandy Ingerman herself
was in great pain and she could not get healed, about 20 years ago
when she was studying shamanism. She eventually just journeyed to her
animal spirit guide who brought through power for her, connected her
to a different spirit guide. She prayed for a dream and after about 3
weeks the dream came to her and an animal spirit guide came to her in
a dream and took away her pain in the dream, dismembered, took away
where the pain was, as we have been practicing. She never had pain
Think of it as
spiritual power that's coming to you in the form of an animal
spirit guide. Again, I don't see Ed the Talking Horse but I receive
the information, I'm sure similar to Aaron downloading the
information to Barbara. Some people see, some people hear the
information. Or sometimes it sort of comes across like tickertape on
the screen, all different ways that you can receive, if again you
want to ask the animal spirit guide to fine-tune so you can have that
information. Don't think of them as being speechless, they have
great information to impart to us. It's the way that you receive it
that you'll practice, okay?
One other thing.
Usually in journeys we get symbols, you know, it's metaphors. If
I'm doing a soul retrieval for somebody and I don't understand
the metaphor, I'll say, "Not getting this, can you give me
another one?" And immediately there's another metaphor that
comes. "Oh, do you mean this?" Yes. And then I can check on that.
I often check by doing a finger yes or a no, or I can just have that
A great film to watch
again, if you haven't already watched it, it's a great film to
watch, it's about 10 years old, Il Postino, The Postman, a
great film about the Chilean poet, Pablo Naruda. A great film. It's
beautiful about Italy, and Pablo Naruda is all metaphorical poetry so
it's all about metaforo. He keeps talking about this. It
gives you great ideas about the importance of metaphor.
One time 80 of us
journeyed to our spirit guides and asked them why do they communicate
to us in metaphors? And the answer we all pretty much got back was
the same, that it's the language of the soul. It's the language
that the soul can read because it doesn't need words, you know,
it's images and metaphors. So we can get that language very easily.
A lot of times we'll get metaphors when we journey, and just
asking, "Do you mean this or mean that?" Then you might get
another metaphor.
Q: Can you just go back
over the yes/no finger thing?
Heather: Yes, actually
I'll give you another, do you know dowsing? I do use this finger,
so this is my yes, "Is my name Heather?" so it's strong, right?
"Is my name Tom?" it slips through. But you can use others. I've
been using that for a long time, you can use this finger if you want
or the little finger. There's less power in the little finger to
override it. So this is my yes and this is my no, slipping through.
I'm holding the thumb and the little finger. Do the little finger
because you have less power to resist in the little finger. So this
is the yes, is strong, and it slips through when it's not true.
Here's an example. If
you all close your eyes...I want you to tell yourself the truth and
see the body feeling. This is how I use it in journeying too...
Closing your eyes and think about something you really, really love.
Something you know is an absolute truth for you. It can be chocolate,
dark chocolate. If you prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, make
it the one you love the most. It could be... I love yellow roses so
I'm going to say to myself the truth, "I love yellow
roses." You say your own truth, the thing that you love. Not a
person because you don't want to, you know-- make it something in
nature that you love. Just say to yourself that truth quietly and see
how you feel, see that energy state expanding inside you...
So you all got that
feeling, right? Just open your eyes to shift the energy for a second.
Did you all feel that? You can sort of feel an expansiveness. A nice
feeling, right? Exhilarating, because it's your truth. So this is
your yes.
Now you're going to
do the same thing, and I want you to use the same object, "I love,"
for example if I say, "I love yellow roses," I'm going to say,
"I don't like yellow roses," which is not true, and see how it
feels for me. And you see how it says for the issue you said was your
truth. "I don't like..." And you can feel the contraction, can
you feel that?
Okay, so let's
eradicate that by saying, "No, no, delete, delete, I love yellow
roses," so you can go back to the expansive state. Say whatever it
is that you love.
So that's a good way
of checking when you're journeying, "Is this true?" This would
have been great for yesterday when you asked the person, "Is this
the truth of this person?" You could tell, you actually felt it in
the body sense, right? So that's another way of doing it. You can
either use your little finger like that, yes/no, okay? Or you can use
that feeling sense. Does that make sense?
Okay, so I'm going to
guide you on a journey to your sacred space again. And we're going
to ask in this moment, we're just going to take a moment to call in
the spirits again and welcome them with your rattles for a few
(rattling begins,
drumming begins with calling in the spirits, 10 minute journey not
transcribed DS20105)
(sharing, symbolism
of snake and bear)
Heather: Just a little
aside on owls. The more shamanic we become in seeing the omens, omens
come to us all the time. And in shamanic communities we learn to read
the omens. So for example if you see turkey crossing your path, it's
like, "Oh, that's a spiritual being, wonder what..." or hawk, I
say, "What a great gift! Thank you for bringing me that vision."
In Brazil there used to
be a field in front of the hotel and they were grazing cattle there.
And then that was lotted off . I didn't have spare cash at the time
but managed to get 3 of the lots. Somebody helped me with one and we
managed to preserve it. My intention was to preserve those lots into
a field. So I gave free grazing to a cart man so his horse could be
in there at night. And that I wanted the owls to return. We're into
the 5th year now; the owls breed in there. They came back
and then they teach the young to fly onto the ground, and delight us
all. We can even get quite close and they look at us, you know, that
360 vision.

baby owls - photo
from Barbara
As we connect in
that shamanic way with them, with our intentions, nature responds.
It's healing for the groups that come, it's healing for me, it's
delightful, and hopefully we're giving them safe place. I will
never sell that land for building so it's nice and quiet and lots
of land for fruit trees we planted, and provided water for them. So
every year they come.
Q: I found myself
getting a little hung up on how much these things come from the mind
and how much they're actually coming from beyond the mind in the
non-ordinary reality, it's so easy for the mind to imagine things...
Heather: It doesn't
matter if it is or not, you're still having the experience, right?
It doesn't matter to me, I don't get into an argument with the
mind, I go, "Yes, I'm on a journey of the imagination. I'm
enjoying this." Because imagery is healing anyway, so it doesn't
really matter.
Barbara: Twenty or more
years ago when I was first channeling Aaron, I said, "I think I'm
making it up. I'm imagining it. How do I know it's real?" And a
good friend who had been channeling for many years, Carla and the Ra
Material we spoke of earlier, said, "Wait a few years until you've
got thousands of pages of material–you could never make all of that
Aaron has said, "Of
all the animals that could come, why would your mind choose this
one?" So even if it is just from the mind, or even if it is partly
from the mind, there's something else that's happening there. For
some reason, this animal is coming forth, or this guide. It's not
just chance, it's not just egoic mind saying, "Now I'll do
Barbara: Within this
tradition, what distinction is made between power animal and teacher?
When I first began to journey just now, immediately the power animal
with whom I've had almost a lifelong contact, appeared. I didn't
expect it or not expect it, but that's what appeared, a powerful
silver stag. So I felt my energy with it and gratitude toward it, and
then it indicated I should look down.
When I looked down
there was a small turtle. The question I had asked is simply, "How
can I become a more clear medium?" The turtle, I can't say it
said it in words so much that it simply communicated, that when its
limbs were pulled in and it was in its shell it could not swim. But
as soon as it came out of its shell, it could swim and move freely.
And it had power and speed. Then it just swam away and the stag came
back and said, "Be a turtle."
So it seemed to me that
the stag is my power animal and the turtle is more a teacher.
Heather: Yes, the stag
brought you, the turtle came to you as a metaphor to show you, and I
would say that also turtle medicine for your back and shoulders, to
give you strong back and shoulders, because you've been
experiencing some pain in your back and shoulders, I believe. So that
would be more as a medicine. It has a strong back shell, bringing you
So later on when I do
the power animal retrieval for somebody who would like help, that
will be bringing back the medicine and the power of that. A power
animal can be a butterfly because they are all-expansive, they are
everything. So it doesn't have to be something large, you know; it
can be small, it can be big. But I would say that the turtle was
bringing you also the strength for your back, spiritual medicine.
Swimming, and you can ask it to expand and hold on to its back and go
through the healing waters. Ask him to take you to healing waters.
Barbara: So go back to
the turtle, don't just think of him as a one-time teacher?
Heather: No, I'd go
back and say to the stag, "Can you take me to..."...So, go to
stag. I was asking for light to come through the drum for her
shoulders as I was drumming behind her.
(sharing and
Heather's comments)
Barbara: We'll talk
more about this tomorrow but now after this intensive your home
assignments are going to change a bit, your vipassana practice and
the practice with the quality of the week, and also some time
journeying or working with your guides. They're kept separate. You
work with your guides and then you move into silence and are just
there and present with whatever arises during choiceless awareness
Then you might spend
some time reflecting on that quality of the week. We're not trying
to mix these all up into one lump, but on a daily basis, to be doing
them all. Now some of you are going to say, "I don't have time."
You'll work it out. We'll talk more about it.
Heather: (is working
with P) So I'm going to be transfiguring, and the way I do this
is I go to a spiritual guide, and I'll ask my guide to drop his
form and allow me to merge with his divinity, his formless expansive
divinity. And then from that merged state, for me that sort of takes
me to merge with my own divinity, but I come up and I'm going to
sit up and I'm going to be, not pushing energy into her, I'm just
going to be holding this transfigured state, being transfigured or
merged with the divinity of my guide.
I'm going to ask that
my guide then is radiating or sending the light to P. I'm going to
focus on seeing her divine, whole and perfect. And the energy will
just be coming out of my hands, I'm not going to be moving them up
and down, I'm just going to be sending it. This is divine
intelligence that will be going wherever it needs to go. I don't
need to push it, direct it, or anything else, I'm just holding the
space, holding the merged space, transfigured into the light quality
of my spiritual guide.
(removes watch and
glasses) The metaphor that I'd like you to think of, P, is how
about one of these, either a sponge–you know how a sponge is dry,
you know the little sponges and you put them in and they just (poof!
expand). So you're just going to soak up the light because the
light is healing, the light is where you come from, and your light
will just come up to meet the light.
You don't have to do
anything, you can just imagine yourself as a sponge, or you can
imagine a plant., You know when a plant is needing water and then you
give it water and it just sits up. How's that? Either one.
Q: When you say you're
inviting your guide is there a specific one or you're just going to
say, "Whoever ..."
Heather: No, I'm
going to a specific one and you'll be going to a specific one
today, too, that you've been working with. You're not going to
invite in one that you haven't worked with yet.
Q: So it's going to
be one of the guides that we've (worked with), it could be the
animal one, or the higher guide...
Heather: Yes.
P: My intention is just
Heather: ... to soak up
the light. Not mine, The Light. Because I'm not sending my energy
in, my energy is--each person has their unique code. So if I try and
give my energy to her, first of all then I'll be losing my energy.
Secondly, it's like putting an overcoat on her that's not the
right size. It would be like putting, it's just dampening her, it's
not helping her. My energy isn't going to help her. It's always
never what we do, it's the light coming through and out our hands
that's coming through. So it's the light of the spirit guide that
I'm transfigured into, that I'm merged with. Does that make
Never what we're
doing. When you're doing Reiki you're never healing the person,
the energy, Reiki is God's energy. Rei, God; ki, energy, in
Japanese. So it's never us doing the work.
Q: So this is the same
model that we'd be using, say, if you had a client come for a Reiki
Heather: Right. When
I'm doing Reiki I go to that place and I will place hands on and do
the Reiki because people come and they want to have hands on, and
after awhile I'll push back and then I'm going to be sending you
energy. You're just holding it, sending energy. We call it magnetic
passes in Brazil, but it's divine light because it's coming from
the spirit guide who is coming from a higher source and he's
generating it down, but we're merging with his formless divinity.
So he's not having to compress into form, he's able to be Light...
So I'm just going to
drum for myself, here... (a couple minutes of drumming, then quiet
during the session)
So I continue to focus
on seeing you divine and perfect, and your light body just coming
into alignment or coherence with your divinity.
P: You want me to tell
you what I experienced? I had my eyes closed so I don't know what
you were doing, but...
Heather: I went out for
a walk, actually! (laughter)
P: ...The vibration of
the drum is very powerful and seems to just expand vibration of
<background noise> anyway. And when it stopped, there
was sort of a lessening for a very short period of time, and then it
seemed like, maybe because of the suggestion of the left side, I felt
much more vibration in the hand, the left hand, and then it seemed to
be streaming through a muscle that I've had pulled in the back and
neck. And then that relaxed and then there was just a sense of the
energy expanding more and more and kind of merging and feeling the
energy in the floor and feeling the rain and energy of the rain, just
sort of all melding and just going out. And then when you touched my
hand, I thought I was supposed to come back into my body more to
consciousness, so I just kind of let go of...
Heather: That's
interesting about your neck because the image I got was, your neck
was kind of on a rubber band pulled up, and then settled back into
its place. It sort of shifted and then your body stretched out.
Thank you, thank you
very much.
Afterwards, if Barbara
is willing, I'd like to demonstrate a Siberian drum healing, on
you. Bringing the light through the drum for your shoulders.
(Barbara has spoken of shoulder pain caused by arthritis in the
shoulders) Through the beat of the drum rather than through the
Barbara (off mic):
As you were drumming and working, an experience, which I often have
when working with people, of, it's not spirit incorporating in my
body but more just present as when I'm paraphrasing Aaron. And to
hold my hands out as you were, and had feelings of spirit's energy
moving through. The experience was different in that it was not... it
was different than what you described. It's what I often
experience, though, that as spirit is moving through me to offer
support to another, I also feel their energy moving in me. I was
experiencing healing...
Heather: ... as it came
Barbara: I think we're
inviting the highest expression of wholeness of P's body down
there. I was feeling as they moved through me that they were inviting
the same highest expression of wholeness in me. Is that accurate?
Heather: Yes, perfect.
Because you are transfiguring into your light, your highest
expression of your being. The light is flowing through, if you will,
so you are healing as that light comes through you.
Barbara: And as that
makes it available to others. Aaron just said, no self or other! Just
one healing light, one body.
Heather: And everything
comes into coherence, everything comes up to match.
(informal break)
Heather: So the black
goo is just showing you images that it's working. I never get
freaked out by things like that because it's just showing you...
otherwise I'd get bored, "Oh, nothing's happening here, what
can I do now?" It's the universe just showing you images saying,
"Keep focused there..."
Okay, Barbara, this is
from Siberia...the idea being that I'm connecting to source, God's
light, and asking the light to come through the drum. Sometimes it
will be close, sometimes it will be far, as I'm guided. I will let
the guidance take the drumbeat. Barbara's just going to receive,
just opening up to receive the blessings. To come into coherence with
her divinity and perfection. Aaron can help too; he's part of the
(drumming followed
by long silence)
Barbara(off mic):
That turtle was back, a tortoise, not a turtle. I think it was from a
past life. It had something lodged in its shell. Just here, where the
shell comes up by the neck, so that it could not move the leg, cold
move just one leg. The other leg, from doing all the work, was also
very painful. And this side was so painful it could not move it at
all. And I was able to remove, it was a rock, I was able to remove it
for it and feel the release of it, and feel how I was still carrying
that in my shoulders. Just to let go, to give him the blessing of
release of that rock or cracked shell particle and to feel that shift
in my own body, and the potential for that shift.
Now, I still have
severe osteoarthritis in my shoulders, but I know that the perfect
shoulders are there along with the osteoarthritis, and are capable of
Heather: What I saw
was, especially on this side, that as I drummed it was first like
shards of, looked like shards of glass. But it was like gold-colored,
hard, sharp energy. So to give me a feeling that it was hard and
brittle energy. And as the drum was releasing into that it eventually
just released, and then all this inflammation came out. Lots and lots
of inflammation.
Barbara: It felt like
the drumming, like I said I reached in and pulled out the rock, but
it felt like the drum's energy was drawing this out.
Heather: It was like
inflammation and stagnant energy, a pus-like quality, and then it
just became like a beautiful flower, closing and closing and closing
until it became smoothed over. And then I just kept focusing on the
divinity coming back, of your shoulder, remembering its divine code
of absolute perfection. So for a day or two it might be as if it's
being manipulated, painful, too. Use some Casa water, too.
Barbara: When I swim
every day it's less painful. This week I have not been swimming, so
it's more painful.
Heather: Use a poultice
today with Casa water, with a washcloth, leave it on for 20 minutes
or so.
Barbara: I could feel
just what you described. I could feel... the drum and my intention
dislodged this. And this tortoise was so patient but in so much pain.
And I had the sense he had been in pain a long time. I had the sense
he had borne this pain for a long, long time. And there was just such
a sense of gratitude and release. And I could feel myself as him, the
whole thing just opening and releasing.
Heather: And that would
feel like a stone, hard. Symbolically they're very similar, the
metaphors. One was sharp, metal-like, hard, brittle, and then yours
was a stone, hard, and really under the casing of the tortoise, would
be rubbing, rubbing, creating inflammation. The metaphors are
slightly different but they're actually the same story, because
everybody has their own imagery.
Thank you.
Okay, so you guys are
ready to work on each other, now. We don't need to do anything, the
spirit guides do it all. We're merging with them and then their
light comes through. How's that sound?
(group arranges
themselves and prepares for healing session)
Heather: Take a deep
breath. Feel yourself fully present. And just go over that meditation
again. Just imagine yourself drawing in the light, coming down your
branches, down through your crown, flowing down. Down your body,
inside and outside, connecting to your light body. Feeling the light
inside your core permeating out. Connecting. Washing through all your
organ cells and tissues, feeling them lighting up.
Light running down
through and out your feet, rooting down into the ground, so the light
is coming down through your crown, connecting through the filament of
light within you and permeating out. Expanding out. And coming out
and flowing out into your field, expanding your field out, grounding
you down into the earth. So lightning is to be grounded and you're
calling in the light to ground down into the earth, to ground you,
focus you. So it is with focus, union with our higher selves, the
intention, the highest good in the divine right order, to merge
(light drumming begins)...I'm going to take you in the
journey to your spirit guide. If you feel drawn to go to your power
animal, if you feel close enough already, ask your power animal or
the spirit guide you've been working with if they will please drop
their form and let you merge with their expansive divinity.
And then to bring the
healing light through you, through your hands, for the person you're
working with...
(drumming, partners
switch, tape running during informal sharing and chatting)
(continue with
spirit canoe)
Heather(off mic):
Spirit canoe is from the Salish community, from out west. So what
we're doing... you're going to be rowing (all using paddling
motion as in a canoe), this is the community (something about the
shaman) and this is the person who needs help, down the river of
Source, if you will. You don't want to be rowing like this, because
we're going to be putting our intention in it. So you're going to
imagine you're rowing in water <lost to background noise>.
And you'll build up a sweat doing this. <lost to background
chatter> You're the drummer,... the drummer is at the back
drumming us along. ... So you're rowing with intention, the idea
is, the intention is, <lost to background noise> so that
I can bring back <> spirit guides <> highest healing. So
that when I rattle, the drummer who will change the beat of the drum...
(not able to follow for several minutes, Heather is adjusting
arrangement of people, can't hear her over chatter)
<This is a
community> going in search of healing for our beloved sister,
(new recording file,
Heather on mic)
So we're rowing down
the river of non-ordinary reality in search of healing for our
sister. And I'm going to be journeying to bring back an animal
spirit guide. It will be a power animal to bring her back medicine
for her highest healing and well-being, in divine right order. So
you're journeying down the river and rowing. You're rowing like
this... (group says "paddling")–paddling, okay. But
you're really putting your focus, you're in focus, in harmony, in
union with your divine essence. Okay?
Then when you hear me
rattle, then this side will raise your oars. This side will continue
to paddle so we turn, right? We're going to turn the boat around.
Just for a couple of minutes, it's symbolic, and then you'll
start rowing again and bring the canoe back to land, back to the home
port. Okay? So you'll hear this, she'll change the drum beat,
really fast for about 30 seconds, and then you'll carry on rowing
again. When you hear her doing a fast drumbeat, the right-hand side
raises the oars and the left-hand side continues to row, paddle.
And by the time you get
back to port, I'll be long-gone. I'll be having dinner! Now I
have to find the power animal for you and I'll be bringing back, if
it's all right with you, blowing it into your field...Okay?
Alright, are we all set?
(spirit canoe
So thank you, great
So we give thanks to
the helping spirits for this canoe that has taken us down the river
of source, to restore health and vitality and healing, the right way.
And to all the crew, the spiritual, the seen and the unseen, we thank
So first of all I was
taken to a scene of a waterfall and something that I'll explain to
N afterwards, when I've got clarity with her, I'll speak to her
in private about it. And then down the river, carried on down the
river looking for the animal spirit guide. Then I was taken up off
the canoe, the canoe stopped, taken up right into the high trees.
Then there were like 15 or 20 of these big blue morpho
butterflies...I've actually never brought one back before in all
these years. They were all up there. Then just one big one came down
and this was your butterfly.
She had a soul
retrieval and butterfly–when you have a soul retrieval an animal
spirit guide comes to fill you with power. So then I brought the 2
back in...
(further dialogue
about the canoe journey)
I think what would be
nice for us to do now is create the circle, we'll close, we'll
thank the spirits. We'll thank them for this because in the evening
Aaron is going to take over. I'd like to show you a Quechua namaste
that we could do, the light in me honors the light in you. Or, from
my heart to your heart. If you'd like to learn that, I think
Barbara already knows it.
(sharing about canoe
Alright, shall we
create the circle, then?... Let's hold hands...
Beloved spirits of
light, entities of light, compassionate spirits, our power animals,
teachers and guides, angels and archangels, the spirits of nature,
compassionate spirits of this land, keepers of this land and home,
the orbs of light, the faeries, Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother
Moon, Grandfather Sun, and all the stars and the planets of the
universe, to all the winged and animal creatures, all the sentient
beings that have been helping us, we thank you.
We thank Aaron and all
our power animals, teachers, and guides who have been so palpably
present with us, and Aaron's 2 spiritual friends, the Brother of
Light and the Sister of Light, our higher selves and our personality
selves for being willing to go through this process.
Thank you for all the
dolphins, the lake, and all Mother Nature's beautiful beings, the
plants, the trees. Thank you for reminding us that we all come from
one source, one creator. And remember that we can go to the trees and
the plants to get strength and energy, choosing a nice tall straight
tree and embracing it, or putting your back against it to give you
strength down your spine.
We thank the owls
that greeted us last night. We look forward to hearing you tonight.
And the work is done for today. Help us to continue our search as we
seek to evolve, to serve the light, to become compassionate and
loving in all that we do and say, in every moment. Radiating the
light within us, letting it permeate our being, coming into our
fields so we can shine like the brightest star in the sky. Because
nobody tells the stars not to shine brightly.
So let your essence
envelop your whole being and guide you through the joyful, healthy,
exhilarated life, feeling absolute gratitude, appreciation, and joy
in every moment.
We thank also the
compassionate ancestor spirits and the compassionate descendent
spirits for all your wisdom and grace. Thank you for hosting us.
And so we're going to
do the Quechua (shungu/sounds like shoongoo). So I'm going
to have you hold hands so I can help you do this... We'll start
with Barbara. Would you hold your hands together? Barbara is going to
put her hand here (on the heart). And, from my heart to,
shungu, the word is shungu. Keep it here, say shungu. Looking into
each other's eyes. That means from my heart to your heart, namaste...
(shungu around the
Shungu Pachamama!
Pachamama means the earth and the universe and everything in between.
It's from Ecuador, Quechua...