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WanderersAaron: You have all begun as what I call a "spark of God," just a bit of that infinite Energy and Love of the Eternal. You are That. Moving into the first awareness of an illusory "self" as separate from all that is, you begin the long journey back to understanding of your true nature. Through this process of evolution, that spark burns with increasing clarity and brilliance, coming to know its own divinity. The ways you may move through this process are varied. Many of you whom I address here chose to enter first density on the earth plane. This plane is only one of many paths that are offered. Others of you chose to evolve on other planes, some with physical form and some as disincarnate energy. There are myriad paths, beyond description. Energy knows no limits and may shape itself as it needs, ever moving to allow the optimum situations for its evolution. The unique aspect of the earth plane route is that here you are given both the physical and emotional bodies. Those bodies offer a sharp learning, harsh at times, and best suited to those spirits who are a bit impulsive or impatient. You are those who, with a sense of joyful abandon, yearn to move faster through this process which does not know time! In human incarnation you are offered perhaps the most powerful of the catalysts for learning that the universe has to offer. These are your ignorance and suffering and the veil of forgetting that descends with each birth. Some of you who chose other routes became stuck in one way or another. Perhaps there was a building up of reactivity to emotion due to misunderstanding. Perhaps there was just that impatience of the soul to come home. For whatever reasons, some of those beings who had not originally chosen earth plane learning decided to move into earth incarnation. We call these beings "wanderers." Once they have chosen to move to the earth plane and have incarnated into third density, they are fully human. They are most emphatically NOT space creatures, any more than any of us are. They are subject to the laws of karma and will remain enmeshed in this process of birth and death until they are ready to graduate from third density. There are several differences in the way these wanderers experience their incarnations. First, many have dim memories of another plane, of existence as a light being. While those who have evolved fully through the earth plane may also have such memories, they are less vivid because they are remembered only from the first origins of that spark, or from the astral plane where there was still emotional body. The other difference for wanderers is that some have been in fourth or fifth density on their prior planes and have had to return to third density to take human form. There are two requirements for one to become a wanderer. One is the willingness to expose oneself to earth, often to learn what it had been difficult to learn in the prior place of learning. Second is the eagerness to serve and that special abilities are brought to human form, with which that service may be rendered. Thus, wanderers have some memories of that place from which they came, and at least vague awareness of the special abilities of healing, compassion, wisdom, or understanding with which they incarnated. As human, these memories fade at birth, but are reawakened as life progresses, in meditation, in daily awareness and in dreams. Such beings may be aware of the force of their energy, through their hearts or through their hands. They may be aware of a special knowledge that they can channel as they come into mature contact with their higher selves. They come to the incarnation with a deep sense of purpose beyond the ego-self. Please note that not all such beings with that sense of purpose are wanderers. Those who have evolved through the human plane also arrive at that deep desire to serve. By the time wanderers have been able to define that purpose, they usually know themselves to be wanderers. Whether that knowing is conscious or not is irrelevant. Also note that not all wanderers have come primarily for their own learning. For some, there was no sense of being stuck that brought them here, only a joyful willingness to move into incarnation, to offer the self as servant to help all beings move past suffering and ignorance. Such beings offer service knowing well that they can become stuck in the cycle of karma and caught in this web of birth and death. They also know that, should that happen, they will learn from the experience. Can you picture a school child who is asked to take an examination before graduation. He had straight A's on his schoolwork; he thought he knew it. But in that examination he failed one section and was told he could not graduate; he must repeat the grade. The foolish or rebellious child will grumble and curse about its not being fair, will mutter that he knows it. The wise youth will welcome the opportunity to learn something that otherwise would have slipped by. In this perfect schoolroom of ours, there is no hurry, and no need or desire to let anything slip by. This is the way with wanderers who come just to serve and become caught in adhering karma that necessitates rebirth. The conscious being may grumble. The higher self, with its wisdom and perspective, understands that precious learning is offered and determines to make the most of that opportunity to further clarify its light. All wanderers have some shared experiences, regardless of their original reason for choosing human incarnation. They usually have grown up and lived their lives with some indefinable sense of being different. Wanderers are often spiritually awake, with a clear sense of this life as part of their spirit's journey. They may have a deep sense of purpose, even if they've not been able to define it. Many experience a seeing of other planes, especially in nighttime dreams where the scenery or architecture, let us say, is other than that experienced on the earth plane. They may occasionally dream of light rather than form. While awake, they may see auras and other energy more clearly. Wanderers often feel less at home in their bodies than as spirit. There may be a reluctance to be human, to deal with form, thought and emotion, to get the hands dirtied with the nitty gritty of life experience. Some may choose to escape into meditation or religious ritual. In line with this, many wanderers may find the upper chakras very clear and, for some lifetimes, choose not to want to work to open the lower chakras. There is an attachment to being spirit. Finally, they may have a profound sense of being stuck, of knowing they came to learn something, perhaps of having seen unskillful patterns in this and even past lives, but not clearly understanding how to move beyond those patterns. It is important to recognize that none of these qualities or experiences are proof that one is a wanderer. Truly, it doesn't matter. If you are here as human, you are here as human! You can use this incarnative experience to learn what you came to learn, or not. It is your choice. As long as you're here in human form, in this classroom, why not participate in the learning that is offered? I offer this overview of the wanderer mostly to allow those of you who recognize yourselves to feel a bit more at ease, to open the curtain just a bit, and know your own truth. Perhaps this bit of a way-station for wanderers may give you a moment to catch your breath, to remember to smile before you plunge back into the zesty waters of the present earth plane incarnation. My dear ones, you cry out that it's too hard, too painful. Bear with it; open your hearts. It is your fear of the class that creates your pain. In this moment, just this precious now, there is no fear and no pain, only the joyous heart gladly opening itself to Truth. Trust, and continue to be all that you are with the same willing gladness with which you first entered the process. |