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The Universe According to AaronAaron: Greetings to you all. I am Aaron. There are two general areas of frequently asked questions. One is the "Who are we?" and "Why are we here?" genre. The other and larger covers the area of how we may do the work we came to do. Tonight I'd like to address the "Who are we" as fully and clearly as possible. Hopefully those with that question in the future can read this transcript so we can get on to the work of learning and growth. You are energy and light, what I have called a spark of God. This energy has chosen to incarnate into this wonderful schoolroom we call earth because here is given the opportunity for that small spark to evolve, to learn and grow and blossom into a brilliant sun. Let us start at the beginning. First there was self-awareness, with which came the first delusion of separation from All That Is, the infinite perceiving itself! That minute bit of energy, experiencing itself as separate from God and the Universe, began the long journey back to full understanding of non-separation. In the course of the journey, it will come to know its true nature as part of all things, and to realize that it is both spark of the whole, and also a brilliant sun in its own right. It will not become these things; it will learn that this is what it has always been. It is a voyage of discovery of truth, not creation of truth. This bit of energy had many choices as to how it would evolve. One possibility offered it was to move to material form on a place such as earth. Of course there are other ways to experience material form, and other paths to evolution beside the one of material form. But you are here on earth so we will speak now of this one path. This energy that you are first materialized as gas, as mineral, as what you consider non-organic matter. Then it moved to plant life of one type or another, from simple to more complex. Next it experienced itself as animal, and finally human. In each of these manifestations the materialization had a certain proportion of shadow to light, a certain density to its energy. I do not use density as related to the physical body, in the sense that you consider a rock to be physically denser than a butterfly, but use the term as descriptive of the density of the light body. Those of lower density possess a light body which contains more shadow. Thus, the density of the light itself is less. The lower the density of the light body and the more shadow therein, the lower is the frequency of the energy vibration of that life form; thus, it resonates to, and emits, a lower vibrational frequency. That does not mean it is inferior, only that the vibration differs. The frequency is that which is appropriate to that form into which the energy manifests. In your manifestations you follow the law of karma which draws you back to new form, again and again, until that energy which you are expresses itself with enough clarity that it has no need to return to this schoolroom. Not all the lessons have been learned, but those demanding incarnation have been sufficiently mastered for the being to move on to the next step on its path, that is, learning beyond the earth plane. It is important to note that karma is never punishment. Rather, it is the opportunity to repeat the needed lessons until you learn what you need to learn. In this most perfect schoolroom everyone eventually passes. There is no failure, just the need to review lessons until they are mastered. The courses are ungraded and you may take each class as many times as you wish. When you think it's understood, the universe offers a quiz so you may verify the depth of that understanding. At times the final exams may seem rather tough, but ultimately, the material will be perfectly clear and the hardest exam will be passed with flying colors! After a brief rest, you resume classes. What is the next thing to be learned? The word karma means action. All actions, words, thoughts lead to karma. Some of it adheres and some is non-adhering. The difference lies in both the act itself and the intention behind the act. Karma may be thought of as the planting of a seed. Simply put, if you want sweet fruit, you must plant the seed for sweet fruit. If you plant the seed for sour fruit, all the nurturing and wishing you can give it will not induce that tree to produce sweet fruit. Only sour fruit will grow there. If you wish peace, harmony, joy, and love, those are the seeds that must be planted. When you plant hatred, fear and discord, that is what you reap. Essentially, your incarnations are the opportunity to learn how to plant the seeds of compassion, of acceptance and lovingkindness so that you reap those fruits. It's not as easy as it sounds, because even when there is a desire to plant a seed of generosity, for example, fear may arise and distort that intention, so that greed rather than generosity is planted. Thus, your incarnations are a time to learn awareness of what is planted, to learn to live with increasing skill, to learn to offer love rather than anger or greed as a response to the stimulus of fear. The learning comes slowly, and painfully at times. Remember that you are not expected to be perfect. If you were already perfect, you'd have no need to be here incarnate in a body and learning on the earth plane. Your mistakes are part of the lessons. Allow them to teach you kindness and compassion for the being who errs, rather than contempt. Those of you who have evolved fully through earth plane have reincarnated over and over, in one form or another. Your first lives on the earth plane were first density, in the form of mineral which includes water. The lesson on that plane is awareness. That spark moved into awareness at the moment of experiencing the illusion of separation. With this first incarnation there is the beginning of the experience of a pull to the light, not yet with self awareness, but always reaching for the light. When the lessons of first density are sufficiently mastered, the being moves into second density. The forms that density takes on earth are plant and then animal. Yes, all of you who have evolved fully through the earth plane have been mineral, plant and animal in some of your many past lives. The main lesson of second density is growth into self-awareness. The rock begins to have awareness and then is ready to move into the simplest forms of plant life. Increasingly aware through many incarnations, there is first group self awareness, and finally individual self awareness. The ant or bee is aware on a group level. The pet dog or cat moves into personal self awareness. Those animals who are your pets are often in the final stages of second density. The third density is human. Your primary lessons on this plane are faith and love. These are NOT the only lessons, but the primary ones. When you move beyond the need to incarnate in human form, you are still learning. There is simply no longer need for materialization as an aid to that learning. The fourth density lesson is compassion and the fifth is wisdom. Again, this does not mean you learn no wisdom and compassion as a human, but in higher densities you further develop those qualities. There is an overlap between these lessons of wisdom and compassion. One cannot be learned entirely without the other. The focus in fourth is on compassion and the focus in fifth is on wisdom. To aid this learning, fourth density beings dwell in groups where sharing is at a much more intimate level, then move out from there in fifth density to find deeper wisdom. I've spoken about group entities at length and will not elaborate on this now. Suffice it to say that when you first fully enter fourth density, you find yourself capable of full telepathic sharing and beyond the dictates of the emotional body that would lead you to feel shame or pride. Thus, all sharing is honest and you no longer need to live the experience yourself to fully understand and learn. As you share in this way with your peers, your beloved companions, you enter loosely into a group entity structure. By "loose" I mean that beings are free to come and go as feels appropriate. You always have free will. When the time is right, an entity will begin to move away from that group to better understand and find deep wisdom in its own being. When useful for its own learning or to teach others, it will return to a group, moving back and forth. The sixth density I find it hard to put a label on this. A friend (The group entity or "social-memory complex" Ra, in The Ra Material, channeled by Elkins, McCarty and Rueckert) describes it as learning of love and light. I understand what Ra means but I'm afraid that's not clear to you. I lack the words to define it more accurately. Essentially, the end of sixth density is a movement to total knowledge and acceptance that you have never been separate, a moving back into such total unity with the One that, by the end of sixth density, you are ready to allow the dissolution of all memory and individual identity. This does not mean that you cannot put on a cloak of consciousness, cannot regrasp those memories if need be, as I do. In order to teach, I need personality and memory, so I resume these past attributes. The difference is that there is no attachment to them, nor any delusion that this "Aaron" is who I am. The seventh density has been described as a gateway. It is beyond my experience. I would assume the experience of that gateway to be similar to the gateway of enlightenment experience in third density, but far more profound. It is a gateway to the eighth density, and this I cannot describe to you at all. Let us simply label it as Mystery. It is God. There is a wide range within each density. They do not have fixed borders; movement from one to another is a process of gradual transition. It is also important to remember that you are not forced into these densities. This is an open classroom school. But as the third grader will feel a bit bewildered when he sits down and listens to the teaching in a sixth grade classroom, and will eventually choose to return to a more appropriate class, so you tend to stay in the appropriate class because that is where learning occurs. Remember there is no competition to move faster than another or to outdo another. You are most content to be where you learn. Some of you disagree with that statement, feeling a pull to graduate from this density. Yes, and that is appropriate for your present level of learning. Does the able student about to finish her grade in the spring not look forward eagerly to the next grade? You know that movement beyond the veil of third density will give you fuller exposure to the Light for which you so yearn. You do move around a bit, then, and may even choose to move to a lower density for some reason. We spoke of this once when watching a caterpillar. One of you asked me and I said a small bit of the soul energy could choose to incarnate as a caterpillar if it felt that was the best way of learning. You might choose to incarnate as a tree, for example, if patience was an issue you were having trouble resolving in third density. You would not then have a self-aware tree or caterpillar. That bit of light and energy accepts the density into which it moves. Thus, that highly evolved being you call Jesus, accepting incarnation into human form, became a third density being for the time of that incarnation. There is no formal graduation from one plane to the next, with examinations to be passed. Rather, graduation must be seen as a readiness to master the lessons of the next level, so that one knows that is where one wants and needs to be. One chooses the ideal spot to learn the lessons that one must learn, without concern for density. I believe that is enough background information about densities. I call some of this "the furniture of heaven." There is curiosity and interest to have some understanding of the whole plan of which you are a part. But you are in third density now. You don't need to know the furniture arrangement in heaven; you are not there. There is a story told about the Buddha where he was asked if he taught all that he knew. The Buddha pointed to the surrounding forest, held out a handful of leaves, and said, "What I know is as the leaves of the forest; what I teach is only as this handful of leaves, but this is all you need to know to find liberation." Well, all you NEED to know is about this life and this density. So let us concentrate our inquiry there. As a third density human you are made up of four bodies, the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit bodies. The physical is obviously the present manifestation. When you are no longer in this body, what remains are the other three, together in what we call the astral body. You continue to move in and out of material form, all the while working to clarify the shadow in the emotional body. You are not working to become perfect, nor can you ever be entirely free of emotion while in human form or within third density. Rather, you are working toward what we would call equanimity with emotions, where the rising of an emotion no longer leads to reactivity. I've just talked briefly about group entities and the totally honest and unselfconscious sharing of such entities. On the astral plane between lifetimes, you communicate telepathically, yet there is still emotion that is broadcast. Thus, third density beings feel some discomfort being with higher densities because they are aware that the broadcast emotions create some discomfort. You are like the young child who is aware the elders smile at his antics in loving tolerance; he soon returns to his friends where he can more fully be himself. He will have the opportunity to be an adult in later years; there is no need for him to perfect adult skills as a child. So you keep returning to the physical plane, practicing faith and love, learning to move beyond reactivity to the emotional body. When you accept the arising of emotions nonjudgmentally, make friends with yourself let us say, then and only then are you ready to learn lessons of nonjudgment to others. This readiness is the gateway to fourth density. Let us speak briefly of what lies beyond that gateway. The fourth density being still has an emotional body but has no need to broadcast it. Through fourth and fifth densities the emotional body dissolves completely, as the lessons of compassion and wisdom are mastered. The being ready to enter sixth density is only of mental and spirit bodies. This is often referred to as the higher self. Yes, you all have this aspect as part of you, now in material form. Time is simultaneous, not linear. You are always all that you are; you are not becoming something new, only learning to know the fullness of what you are. In third density, the emotional body is still experienced strongly in the conscious self, and is often in control. As the conscious mind relaxes the need to control, it may learn to communicate with the superconscious, or higher self. When you do so, you have access to far higher inner wisdom that the conscious, rational aspect of self usually shuts out. The mental body is retained through sixth density. Within the mental body is the function of memory, and there is still some level of identification as self. Just as at the threshold of fourth density there is readiness to let go of the emotional body and no longer have it dictate action or thought, so at the threshold of the seventh density there is readiness to release the mental body. As one moves into seventh density, the mental body begins to dissolve. What remains then is the spirit body. This is the pure soul, moving back to awareness of total nonseparation with all that is. It is that aspect of you that is the original spark of God, that bit of perfect energy and light. There is no self there, indeed no mental body capable of generating the concept of self. There is only that pure energy of Love, shining on for eternity. So here you are, in this beautiful body and this perfect classroom. How do you learn? Where do you go from here? On the spirit plane between lifetimes, all I have shared above is clearly known. With each incarnation you agree to a forgetting. It is as if a veil dropped into place, separating you from the spirit plane. You frequently ask me why. My dear ones, you are here to learn faith. How could you learn that if all was clearly seen? Your growth would be a matter of will power and determination, like a mountain climber with an altimeter that measures how many feet yet to climb. You are NOT here to practice will, but love and faith. The veil gives you the constant opportunity for such practice. At some times you have glimpses through the veil. A momentary, deep clarity is given as you peer through this fabric that has thinned in places. That glimpse is enough for experience to confirm belief so that faith is not blind faith but is built on a foundation of inner knowing. Beings at all levels of evolution are on earth. None is better than another. Is the wise adult better than the child or only more mature and experienced? The lessons being learned are varied. Some are learning about materialism, about grasping and generosity. Their concerns may be largely physical. Some of you are older souls and are moving to the lessons of nonjudgment, of acceptance of all within the human experience. By acceptance, I do NOT mean a condoning of reactivity and the suffering it may cause, but acceptance that within the human there is both love and fear. They are not opposites but a part of each other. Unconditional love accepts all of that without need to deny anything in the realm of human experience. Those of you who are drawn to read this have reached that level in your growth where you are more aware of the spirit plane, where the veil is thinner. Your increasing experience with spirit helps provide a foundation of deeper trust from which you may do your work. I say that none is better than another. Then what of good and evil, as you phrase them. These terms are laden with emotional connotations. Let us instead use "light" and "absence of light." Yes, there are those who act in ways to harm others, who make that choice with free will. These beings are responsible for their choices, derived from fear and deep misunderstanding. Their words, acts or thoughts may result in much suffering for themselves, other beings, and the earth itself. Nevertheless, the soul of such is not evil. All souls are pure and brilliant light. But the soul of such a one is connected to an emotional and mental body that are mired in misunderstanding. It may be young or very old. Regardless, it has far to go in learning the lessons of love for which it took birth. It is not necessary to condone the acts and thoughts of such a one in order to move to compassion for it and for the suffering in which it dwells. You can not learn for another. You cannot truly teach another, except through the example of your own love. Your challenge is to move past your fear and judgment and allow the opening of the heart of compassion. You might even wish to thank it, for its misunderstandings provide a catalyst for your practice. How can you learn nonjudgment and compassion when there is nothing that you might tend to judge? The same is true of the situations of your life. Everything is meant to teach you. You are always exactly where you need to be to learn what you came to learn. At times that learning is painful, yet learning does not need to be painful. It is not pain that teaches you, but awareness. Your pain screams "Pay attention!" and that attention teaches. As you become increasingly attentive, as you open the heart's door without judgment to all that moves through and past you, you will find that you learn with less pain. Pain and suffering are also not synonymous. Pain is pain, unpleasant to be sure. Suffering grows out of resistance to what is, from wanting things to be different than they are. As you come to understand this, you will find the infinite space in your heart that allows the experience of pain, not your pain or my pain but pain, the world's pain, without hatred of that pain and resistance to it. Pain flows through you; joy flows through you. As you move beyond attachment and aversion and to what we call choiceless awareness, you will find that suffering does end. We have moved on here from "Who are we?" to "Why are we here?" As for the third question, "How do we do the work we came to do?" let us save that for other talks. It is a vast subject and we'll approach it a little at a time. Only remember and trust that you are here to heal that which cries to be healed, within yourselves and within the whole earth. Trust this gift of incarnation, this life experience. Work with love, courage and faith. Practice awareness and mercy, for yourselves and all beings. Be gentle to all things, including yourselves. Know that you are loved beyond your capacity to comprehend that word. There is nothing more precious in the universe than each spark of the Eternal. |