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Light and DarknessAaron: My friends, many of you ask me, "Is there any such thing as evil?" You wonder about your own spiritual path and where you fit into the picture of the new world you see emerging. You ask me to define my concepts of "light" and "darkness." Let me first express the fact that what I share with you here is not truth with a capital T. We each name God in our own language. I teach you only what I understand, as taught me by my teachers, through theirs before them. We each add what we can. Remember, I am not God; I am simply Aaron. These are truths with a small t because they're only what I see as true. That's all that I can give you. I do not have all the answers. Weigh it for yourself. I have more experience and a different perspective, but no more inherent wisdom or understanding than each of you do. The only Truths I know are God and Love. I have described myself as a Being of Light, as are all of you. You have each begun as a spark of God, moving on your own path to maturity. As you evolve to purer and purer light, you are ever more in harmony with the universe and with God. You have chosen this journey of so many lifetimes in order to evolve into mature compatibility with the one who is your Creator. We are all on the same journey, but follow a multitude of paths. Your path is your own and unique to your Self. But all paths lead to the same end. Every being will find its way home. You ask me "What of those who are evil?" We are all Beings of Light: All! God is the creator of all forms and concepts. As this source of all love and all light, God cannot create a concept of inherent evil. Thus, you must come to understand the word "evil," not in terms of that non-existent "total darkness," but as an absence of light. We are all in different places on this journey, and while many beings are filled with a great deal of light, others are deep in darkness and mired in misunderstandings. From such beings, there may be real intent to harm on either a physical or a spiritual plane. These are the beings we commonly refer to as "evil." Please remember that the soul of a Hitler, the soul of a Gandhi, and your own soul have equal value. While we have chosen different paths to maturity, and are at different places on our journeys, we are all Beings of Light. We are all One. As you begin to understand your own spiritual nature, to connect with your Higher Selves, you question the purpose of your lives, and where your own personal growth is leading you. First you must learn the law of Karma, and understand that each issue in your lives has a purpose, and has been wisely chosen by you for your own growth. You begin to realize the need for honesty within yourselves as you understand this unfolding process of your lives. You learn to look from a second perspective, that of your Higher Self, and realize that those difficulties your human self took as obstruction are instruction for your soul's growth. You learn not to blame, but to accept responsibility for your choices and learn from them. Often these choices seem harsh or cruel to those with only a human perspective, but they are always made with wisdom and love. When you have reached this plane where you can usually view your life from the perspective of your Higher Self, then you are asked again to expand your consciousness. Can you begin to look at this now from a third perspective, a place where your own Higher Self blends with All That Is? Here is the place where each individual's growth profoundly effects the evolution of the entire universe into Light. I have said that we are all Beings of Light, evolving into purer and purer light. There are also beings who live in great darkness and would pull us in that direction. Remembering that they are also growing into perfect Light, you will understand that their pull creates no conflict unless you permit one. Allow a provocation to battle to become an invitation to love. In some distant day and time even the last soul will have become purest Light. This is the way it has been planned and no being can alter that basic plan. It is a process which is speeded or slowed by each being's commitment to Love, and its courage to honor its convictions. We are all tools for light, or for darkness. You cannot have a foot in each camp. When you respond with love and compassion to any provocation, then you are allowing yourself to be a channel for light. Perfection is not expected. You learn from your mistakes. If you were already evolved to perfect light you would have no need to be here on the earth plane and learning in a physical body. What is asked is that you be honest with yourselves and manifest your energy as purely as possible. In this way you allow yourselves to learn, to grow, and to expand your own inner light and the light of the entire universe. Simply put, when you respond with love and awareness, you add light to the total light of the universe. You tip the balance of light and darkness toward light. When you react in anger, fear or hatred, you become a channel for darkness. It is only asked of you that you be honest in your effort to do the best you are able. Remember to look from this third perspective, from that place where your soul unites with God and All That Is, and know that each act and word is of importance to the whole. As we are each evolving toward perfect light, so the whole universe is evolving. Remember that each being will find its way home, and that in some distant day, all will be perfect Light. The process cannot be rushed, but your loving awareness will assure that it not be impeded. Continue to learn, to remain open to all that is, to greet each "now" with choiceless awareness, and of greatest importance, to love. Do not be afraid. Trust. |