April 19th 2009 at 11:00am. Action items are underlined

Location: Deep Spring Center

Attendees: Deep Spring Board, Barbara Brodsky, Deep Spring Sangha stakeholders.

11:00 – Social time

11:15 – Introductions (Curt)

    1. All board members were introduced: Curt Fish – President, Peg Tappe – Vice President, Linda Longo – Treasurer, Anna Teare – Secretary, Sherry Hansen – Incoming Treasurer, and Simon Ha.

    2. The new Class Coordinator, Vivian Sanders, was introduced. Part of her role involves finding out what classes and programs the sangha would like to see, and transmitting this information to the teachers. The sangha is encouraged to email her with suggestions. The deadline for fall classes is early June.

    3. The Deep Spring Teachers in attendance were introduced.

    4. The Guiding Teacher, Barbara Brodsky, was introduced.

    5. It was also announced that the Office Manager, Alice Britt, will be leaving on 4/28 and that DSC will be looking for a new OM. Those interested in this part-time position should send an email to om@deepspring.org. Replies will be sent out once criteria and process have been developed.

11:30 – State of the Sangha (Curt/Anna/Peg)

  1. What we've done

    1. Statistics for classes were presented:

      1. Winter 2008 7 classes 66 attendees

      2. Spring 2008 4 classes 63 attendees

      3. Summer 2008 2 classes 38 attendees

      4. Fall 2008 6 classes 80 attendees

      5. Winter 2009 8 classes 105 attendees

      6. There were also several drop-in programs, such as Sunday and Tuesday sittings, yoga, healing circle, and days of meditation.

    2. Statistics for retreats were presented:

      1. During 2008 there were 5 retreats offered.

      2. The June 2008 retreat had 52 retreatants, of which 24 stayed for the whole week.

      3. The spring 2009 Steiner retreat had 17 retreatants.

    3. Amongst social activities offered during 2008 were the annual summer picnic, election gathering, Thanksgiving celebration, holiday festivities, drumming circle, and Tuesday breakfasts at Panera's.

    4. Accomplishments:

      1. The DSC Newsletter went out 3 times in 2008 and is now up to 24 pages.

      2. The DSC Archives were finished – see http://archives.deepspring.org.

      3. WiFi is now offered at DSC.

      4. We have moved to digital record maintenance. The board meeting agenda is published on the website one week in advance and the approved board meeting minutes are published one week after the meeting.

      5. The board went from a 10-person to a 6-person board.

      6. The Dharma Within was organized between DSC, Jewel Heart, and the Zen Buddhist Temple and had approx. 200 attendants.

  2. Looking ahead

    1. Upcoming classes:

      1. For spring 2009, 5 classes are scheduled.

      2. For summer 2009, currently 2 classes are scheduled.

      3. Fall 2009 schedule TBD.

      4. Barbara will be offering a 2-year class for experienced students together with Aaron. The application deadline is May 17.

    2. Upcoming retreats:

      1. April no-frills retreat.

      2. June retreat at Albion College.

      3. October non-beginner's retreat.

      4. Other day-long and weekend retreats.

    3. The drop-in programs will continue.

    4. There is currently limited social activity scheduled since the social committee is down to only one volunteer, Thomas Slank. The social committee is moving more toward coordination than arrangement of actual activities.

    5. Other plans:

      1. A new lease has been signed, starting in August and running through July 2011.

      2. There are thoughts about a fall fundraiser.

      3. The new framework will be implemented and used for long-range planning (see below).

    6. Visioning - Anna presented the new DSC organizational/strategic framework:

      1. The purpose of the framework is to link previously separate pieces, such as our mission statement and 2005 visioning process with the current board initiatives and committees.

      2. Its main parts are 4 strategic areas: 1. Organization, 2. Finance and Development, 3. Teaching and Sharing, and 4. Community. Through color-coding (see framework chart), one can at a glance see what areas are covered in the mission, vision, initiatives, and committees.

      3. The benefits are that this framework allows us to see the big picture while we accomplish the day-to-day tasks and it allows us to see where our efforts are currently focused so we can make sure that all parts of the organization receive attention. This is a way to ensure a healthy organization long-term.

11:45 – Treasurer's report (Linda)

  1. The 2008 actuals were presented. In 2008 we were close to breaking even with only -$333 in the red.

  2. The 2009 budget was presented. This year the projections point to a $5,800 deficit. This is mainly due to donations being projected as 10% down, the 2009 retreat deposit (usually paid the year before) being paid this year, and the retreat revenue being projected as lower due to a change in venue.

  3. If needed, we can use part of our $40,000 CD savings to cover a deficit.

  4. Our main income comes from donations, retreats, classes and workshops.

  5. Our main expenses are building and office, salaries, and retreats.

12:00 – Guidance from our Guiding Teacher (Barbara)

  1. Barbara touched on the history of Deep Spring and its name (our inner wisdom seen as a deep spring), and the current state of chaos in the world: Our practice is not about changing things but about spreading calm through our practice. All instability is the result of conditions. We need to put down the tension, fear, and habitual reactions and hold a spacious container for this chaos, to ground this chaos. In this way we heal ourselves and heal the world. Our dharma work is to take what is and ask: How can I make lemon juice out of lemons; in other words how can I use this in a way that brings greater wisdom, love, and compassion to the world?

  2. Aaron reiterated what Barbara said and also spoke briefly on the meaning of our mission statement. He pointed out that nonduality does not mean that nothing exists but that everything exists interdependently: This means that the chaos in this world is the result of conditions. Your work on a daily basis is to explore how you are participating in the conditions for that which is unwholesome – as well as how you are participating in the conditions for that which is wholesome. As the Buddha said: "Cultivate the wholesome. If it were not possible, I would not ask you to do it. Abandon the unwholesome. If it were not possible, I would not ask you to do it." However, instead of pushing away the unwholesome, sit with the wholesome; breathe with it, give energy to it, and allow it to blossom. In this way you heal yourselves and the world.

12:20 – Sangha feedback

  1. Feedback on newsletter (Led by Rori)

    1. The DSC newsletter is printed in 500 copies, out of which 3-400 copies are mailed out. Rori would like feedback on whether people prefer paper copies or are satisfied with only the electronic version. She will include a survey in the next newsletter. Rori also needs new layout people and a content manager.

  2. Feedback on fundraising

    1. Hal volunteered to assist with fundraising.

    2. Erica and Linda proposed a plant split in the spring or fall, with proceeds going to DSC. Anna proposed that perhaps anyone who makes things (such as baked goods, jewelry, or art) could bring that to sell as well. Contact Erica if you have items to contribute.

  3. Feedback on social activities

    1. Barbara proposed sangha softball games.

    2. Jenny asked for more social activities. Anna agreed and suggested low-effort ideas such as getting together at a café on a weekend afternoon.

    3. Anyone who has an idea can email Tom Slank so that he can help them coordinate the activity.

  4. Feedback on Deep Spring vision, e.g. location

    1. If you are interested in moving to a different location come 2011, contact Curt to get on this committee.

  5. Repeat call for volunteers

    1. DSC is a volunteer organization; you can even volunteer to help with only one activity if you would like. Send an email to om@deepspring.org if interested.

    2. We need a volunteer coordinator – please send an email to om@deepspring.org if interested!

12:40 - Wrap-up and closing

Respectfully submitted,

Anna Teare