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DSC Board Minutes - September 24, 2007
ATTENDING: Delyth Balmer, Linda Longo, Susan Klimist, Simon Ha, Curt Fish,
Peg Tappe, Barbara Brodsky , Mary Grannan as a sangha member and Martha Zingo as
signer for Barbara.
We began with a brief sitting.
We had a sharing of personal matters from
board members.
- Mary Grannan, asked the board for approval for
two actions:
- Request for metta sitting(s) in support of the Burmese monks,
nuns and citizens who are silently protesting the military government recently
doubling the price of oil.
- After discussion and consulting the DSC calendar
the board agreed to support an early morning sitting on Friday September 28th to
support all beings that live under political oppression, with particular
awareness of the present situation in Burma. A dana bowl for the Burmese Relief
Organization will be available along with the Deep Spring dana bowl. Susan
Klimist will provide the office manager (Alice) with the information to be
emailed to the local sangha.
- Additionally:
- Susan Weir has agreed to offer a
supportive metta sitting on Sunday morning, September 30th.
- Barbara Brodsky
said Aaron would speak Wednesday September 26th on how we all can support people
living with violence and under oppression.
- The Zen temple and Jewel Heart will
plan their own activities.
- Proposal: The Sunnyside November 3-5 meditation
retreat be held as a private, sangha only, retreat. This action is proposed as a
result of recent discussions around accessibility for disabled persons.
- The
board supported the proposal. The November retreat will be offered to the sangha
- Additionally:
- The board noted it's appreciation of the Coyne's
generosity and open-hearted offerings of their lovely home and retreat space.
- The board will have further discussion regarding accessibility concerns, retreat
settings and how to advertise retreats.
- Minutes from the August board meeting
were shared with new board members.
- Minutes from the September board retreat
were edited.
- Linda Longo will make a separate annual calendar of board
activities for the board books.
- Discussion on how to do the board minutes
- The board person who is responsible for the agenda will do it's best to have
meeting agenda's to Alice a week prior to the meeting so they can be posted on
the web site.
- The draft minutes will be sent to Alice.
- The final copy of
the minutes will be sent to Alice for posting on the web.
- Selection of
- After a heartfelt discussion and brainstorming for how to share the
work of the board there was consensus for maintaining the roles and duties
outlined in the board retreat minutes (with the agreement that the vice
president would actively work as a support for the president). The officers for
this year are: President- Curt Fish, Vice President- Peg Tappe, Secretary-
Delyth Balmer, Treasurer-Linda Longo.
- August financial report
- Linda Longo
directed our attention through the report
- Archives Committee Proposal
Copies of the proposal were given to the board members.
- There was discussion
and clarification that the board needs to approve the proposal or make another
decision regarding the next step for making the Aaron talks available.
- The
board agreed to make a decision on the proposal at the next board meeting.
Simon agreed to provide the board with some information about software that
would fit the needs requested and to share his knowledge about having a hot link
from the DSC website to a separate website that would contain the transcripts.
- If the proposal is approved, Barbara offered to write something for the December
newsletter about the archives project with a request for volunteers.
There were
several agenda items for what needs to be done in October:
- Annual fundraising
- A volunteer coordinator is needed
- Peg will call Hugh Danville
- Art bookmark piece volunteer o Peg will call Diane Austin
- Letter from the
board o Curt will contact Sandy Weiner
- If volunteers are not found Curt will ask
the office manager to put a request for volunteers on the class announcements
- Newsletter
- Delyth and Barbara have been in contact with the new
volunteers: Rori Stienstra, Maria Edelen and Kathleen Sheridan. Roann Altman
will continue as editor of material.
- Who does what brochure
- Linda Longo
will give Alice the names of the new officers
- The brochure will be reviewed
at the next board meeting
- Purchase of laptop for the treasurer
- The
technology committee has approved the purchase of a laptop for use by the
- The board asked for a proposal which identified what software
would be required and estimated costs.
- Linda Longo will provide the board
with this information. Action is requested at the next board meeting.
- Early
morning sittings on November 1st and 2nd
- Barbara has already approved these
sittings as offered by a teacher.
- The calendar was open at the identified
- Linda Longo will tell Alice that she may send Dottie's email out to
the local sangha.
- Office manager link
- Curt, Peg and Alice will decide on
the best way to do this
- Board pictures
- Simon's camera and the photographic
skills of several were used to take pictures of the board individually &
- Pictures to be provided to the OM?
Next board meeting October
22nd at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Peg Tappe