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DSC Board Minutes - July 23, 2007
ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Susan Klimist, Linda Longo, George
SanFacon, Peg Tappe, Sandy Wiener
Minutes from the May board meeting were read and approved as amended.
- Board Retreat
- Linda has generated a list of topics that are of interest to the
new board and will email it all board members. Board members are to also
send their ideas to George.
- From this George will send out a proposal outlining the structure
for the September board meeting and retreat. It is hoped that the
new board members will be able to identify specific topics of interest
- George brought up the idea of organizing past board members into a
Resource Network to handle specific tasks or services that would support
the existing board. He is willing to generate a survey for past board
members to identify their areas of expertise, willingness to offer their
time, and availability. The board will review the survey and give
input before September's board retreat.
- Technology:
- With agreement from the board, the tech committee has spent $3,237 for
computers (old and new) for Barbara, of which $3,057 was unbudgeted.
- DSC reimbursed Barbara $2,048 for a new computer, and $180 for a
new printer.
- An AppleCare 3 year service contract was purchased for the new
computer for $349.
- In addition to his budgeted quarterly retainer, Nicholas has been
paid a total of $660 for 12 hours of tech support in June and 10 in
- Barbara is 100% productive with the new computer, (even though there
are still things to install and learn). Her old computer will serve as a
backup for data, and/or problems with the new computer.
- Nominating Committee:
- Simon Ha agreed to serve on the board. The board gratefully approved
his nomination.
- Dianne has stepped off the committee and Sandy has come on.
- They will be looking at how the new board will be interacting and
working with Alice.
- George handed out a proposal: "Guidelines for New Policies and
Administrative Directives" for the board to look over.
- Retreat Committee:
- The June retreat was a success with great evaluations and feedback.
- The February 08 self retreat will be at St Johns in Plymouth from Sat.
23- Fri. 29. The cost is $460.
- The March 08 beginner retreat will again be at Steiner House in Ann
- The April 08 no frills is scheduled to be at Howell.
- The June 08 week-long will be from Fri. 20- Fri. 27 at Emrich.
- Treasurer's Report: Linda directed our attention through the mid year
review. Columns were added to provide line item variances of the actuals to
budget for easier understanding of how DSC is doing, along with and
explanation column with notes.
- Newsletter: This coming issue will be 16 pages long. Delyth is formatting
it herself. It will be all text. It will consist of articles from Aaron and
Barbara and the calendar.
- Social Committee: The next scheduled events are kayaking and picnic on
Aug. 4 on the Huron River and the sangha picnic on August 18 at Friends
NEXT BOARD MEETING: August 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin