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DSC Board Minutes - January 29, 2007
ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Linda Longo, George SanFacon, Peg Tappe, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson.
Minutes from the November 2006 board meeting were read and approved.
- Sangha meeting
- The date will be May 6, 2007 from 3:00- 5:00.
- Many ideas were generated around community building, celebrating DSC, and deep listening.
- George and Linda will work up an outline and email it to the board for comments prior to the February meeting
- Sandy will schedule with Alice
- Treasurer's report.
- Linda Longo presented the December 2006 monthly and year-end report.
- The budget had projected a loss of $4,589 when the actual year-end tally was a positive $7,817.
The reasons for this are in part:
- Year-end donations were up $6,000 compared to the budget.
- Program service revenue was up $7,000, specifically from retreats, because the income for the Feb. 07 retreat
has been recorded in the 06 budget, but there are outstanding expenses to be recorded in '07.
- Linda is making a budget reference document for each board member. It will have a matrix of each line item and
further detail break down for each.
- There will be further discussion about this next level of detail during the February meeting.
- At the March meeting we will go into the ramifications of specific booking decisions.
- The year end budget projection for 2007 is -2,936
The reasons for this are in part:
- Teachers have budgeted conservatively for '07 class revenue.
- Retreats may do better than this projection.
- The budget was created before the large end of year donations were received in 06.
- There was discussion about how class revenue vs. teachers fees are accounted for in the December 2006 year end
report vs. the 2007 budget report.
- There was discussion about how the budget should reflect the change if classes go to a totally donation (dana)
- Linda will research rates of return for certificates of deposit and purchase one following previous practice.
- The board approved Linda Longo as treasurer with great gratitude.
- The board also approves and warmly welcomes George SanFacon as a member taking over Carol Blotters term.
- The board approved expenditures for advertising in Inquiring Mind, Shambahala Sun and Buddha Dharma.
- Retreat Committee report.
- The February self retreat has twelve people signed up and pre-paid.
- The March
beginner's retreat has 5 people signed up and pre paid. More are expected to register from the Rec. and Ed. class
which is just starting.
- The November weekend retreat at Sunnyside was a great success. Fourteen attended.
- The week
long morning sitting intensive had 35 in attendance.
- Dianne and Ann will identify other potential members for the nominating committee.
- Delyth needs someone to help with the layout for the newsletter.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: February 26, 2007 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:32 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin