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September 25, 2006
September 25, 2006
ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Ann Barden, Alice Britt, Barbara Brodsky, Carol Blotter, Mary Grannan, Susan
Klimist, Linda Longo, Peg Tappe, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Martha Zingo
Minutes from the July board meeting were read and approved.
- The board discussed filling the position of Vice President. Discussion will continue at next board meeting.
- Space needs.
- Sandy researched business condos. Because of current purchase prices and related costs, this option is not
financially practical at this time.
- Four options were discussed.
- Negotiate terms for 749 Airport Dr. and go to the sangha for feedback.
- Renegotiate lease here.
- Do both 1 and 2
- Keep looking for rentals or purchase options.
- After deep sharing a consensus was reached to renegotiate a lease here. Individuals will continue to look for
future options.
- ACTION ITEM: Ann and Dianne will negotiate a new lease with Bob Amick. An eighteen-month lease is preferred.
- Policies on pricing.
- The teachers are exploring a completely dana based class policy. They will present a proposal to the board at a
future time.
- The treasurer requested clarity about how retreat attendance fees are generated.
- Some factors to consider when pricing are: maintaining consistency with previous retreats, affordability for
those attending, overhead costs that are part of retreat budget, and sustainability.
- The treasurer and retreat registrar with the retreat committee, as per the retreat committee's charter, will
review and determine future retreat fee schedules.
- To help prevent miscommunications, board members are reminded to be clear with themselves and others when they are
speaking as a board member or a sangha friend.
- The opportunity for sangha members to share ideas with the board the half hour before the business meeting will be
reflected on the agenda.
- Officers were agreed to as follows: Sandy Wiener, president, Dianne Austin, secretary, Carol Blotter, treasurer,
Linda Longo assistant treasurer. These officers signed the required annual report for non-profits; the Michigan
Department of Labor Corporate Authorization Form for the Bank of Ann Arbor.
- ACTION ITEM: Dianne Austin and Linda Longo shall receive keys to the file cabinet holding the DSC checkbook.
- The President signed the Anti Terror Compliance measures form the United Way.
- The sangha meeting scheduled for September 24 was not held.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: October 23, 2006 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin