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October 23, 2006
October 23, 2006
ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, Susan Klimist, Linda Longo, Len Puusitinen, Peg
Tappe, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Martha Zingo
Minutes from the September board meeting were read and approved as amended.
- Newsletter
- Nicholas de Paul will no longer do layout (volunteer), printing or mailing.
- Delyth will add layout to what she is already doing.
- Celeste Zygmont and Craig Brann have volunteered to help with the newsletter.
- Delyth researched and contracted with Ink on Paper Printers and Main Office Mailers for printing and mailing.
Total cost is almost the same as before.
- Peg Tappe volunteered to collate chronologically complete sets of newsletters now stored at Barbara's home.
- There was discussion about decreasing the number of issues per year to two and/or having a separate mailing for
the calendar. Conesus was to stay with the current system.
- The board expressed enthusiastic gratitude for all of Delyth's work.
- The board discussed filling the position of Vice President.
- Duties of the President are:
- Chair board meetings
- Deal with any emergency items
- Signatory on checks
- Sign legal papers required by State
- Other tasks that can be shared:
- Newsletter article to update sangha
- Fundraising letter
- Run sangha meetings
- Liaison to office manager (this is now done by the treasurer)
- Field questions from sangha members
- Lease
- Ann Barden renegotiated an eighteen-month lease with Bob Amick.
- There will be a $30 increase per month, which was approved by the Board.
- Treasurer's report
- Linda Longo presented the report.
- The equity trend looks very good with $1,800 more than predicted in the budget. However, not all data is
reflected in this report, i.e., there are outstanding retreat expenses and the garage sale made $850.
- There are many new titles in the bookstore for the Holiday season. The library also has new titles.
- Peg volunteered to update the agenda for the November board meeting while Sandy is gone.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: November 27, 2006 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin