May 22, 2006

May 22, 2006

ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, Mary Grannan, Susan Klimist, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Martha Zingo

Minutes from the April board meeting were read and approved.


  • Secretary
    • Dianne will continue taking minutes.
    • Ann will be in charge of updating board books and keeping copies on file. She will also coordinate removing outdated material in board books at the July meeting.
  • President
    • Sandy's term is through this September. He is willing to continue for another year.
    • An incoming Vice President would ideally come on the board in September of 2006 and have that office for one year, then assume the Presidency for two years.


Susan Weir's email was read. She suggests we rest over the summer. If we want to consider an office condo to buy, she is willing to look in the fall.

  • Pros of the office condo
    • The monthly mortgage would be comparable to our current rent.
    • We would be building equity.
    • We would not have to renegotiate a lease.
    • Maintenance responsibilities would be similar to a rental.
    • The office condos under consideration sell quickly, so resale may not be a problem.
  • Cons
    • We would not get much more space.
    • It takes effort to move, and most would not want to move again soon.
    • These office condos sell quickly, so we would not have much lead-time to decide.

Ann got information on our current space from Bob Amick.

  • A two-year lease is possible with a higher rent.
  • He seemed eager to have us sign another lease. We will wait until September.


  • The board retreat is scheduled for August 13. Delyth and Mary will work with George SanFacon on the agenda. New board members will be asked to attend.
  • The treasurer's report was passed out with little change from last month.
  • There was discussion on the email minutes from the teacher's circle. Decision making protocol and the language of dana or suggested donations were discussed.
  • The board approved additional funds for twenty-five hours per week for up to five months for the office manager. Need will be determined by the office manager and OMA committee.
  • Barbara's keyboard on her laptop is not working. The maximum cost for repairs is $250. Support for Barbara is a budget item and has funds available.
  • Susan suggested and will coordinate a book sale/ swap fundraiser.


  • The nominating committee and the board generated a list of people to solicit for future board openings. This will be done by the nominating committee before the June board meeting.
  • Retreat Committee
    • The no frills retreat made $569.
    • The contract for the summer 2007 retreat at Emrich has been signed. We will pay less money than we did two years ago and they will include meals.
    • We need seven more people to sign up for the Colombiere summer retreat to break even.
  • The Newsletter will be out at the end of August. Delyth encourages articles from the sangha before the end of June for the next newsletter. This could include personal events for a sangha news section.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: June 26, 2006 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin