March 27, 2006

March 27, 2006

ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Carol Blotter, Alice Britt, Barbara Brodsky, Mary Grannan, Susan Klimist, Linda Longo, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Martha Zingo

Linda Longo shared the garage sale fundraiser report. The board discussed and suggested the first sale have very small upfront costs. This will be used as a trial run to gauge community support.

Minutes from the February board meeting were read and approved.

Each board member expressed heart felt personal ideas and feelings about the next steps for DSC.


  • There are spaces available on Airport Drive.
  • The 4,000 square foot space is adequate for Interfaith, but may not be adequate for both.
  • There is a 4,800 and a 6,000 square foot space available on Airport Drive. These will be researched further.
  • If this proposal goes forward, the board would like to have details out to Sangha, including cost, number of square feet and interior configuration.
  • Also a number of open house opportunities for the Sangha to see the space would be planned.
  • DSC would not pay 50% of the cost, but a pro-rata share of build out costs and rent.
  • Last Friday the Shared Space Committee met and hopes that DSC can make a decision by the next board meeting to share space with Interfaith or not.


  • The board agreed to call sangha members to give out current information and listen to responses.
  • A script will be crafted by Carol, Gisela and Dianne to aid calling.
  • Carol gave the treasurer's report.
  • The March Retreat was a great success with 31 people attending.


* Fundraising
* Board Presidency

NEXT BOARD MEETING: April 24, 2006 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Dianne Austin