Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2006
June 26, 2006
ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Ann Barden, Carol Blotter, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson
Minutes from the May board meeting were read and approved as amended.
- Board retreat
- The date for the board retreat was changed to Sept. 10.
- Sandy and Delyth will work with George SanFacon on the agenda.
- They will send out a preliminary agenda for board input prior to the retreat.
- Treasurer's report.
- Carol explained the report.
- The equity trend looks very good with $6,000 more than predicted in the budget. However, not all data is available at
this time.
- The break down of income generated by classes was discussed.
- Barbara 's computer has been repaired and is back in use.
- There was a proposal for a technology committee to be formed.
- It would be responsible for all computer repairs, support and purchases.
- There would be an adequate amount budgeted for these expenditures starting in 2007. Therefore, there would not need of
board approval for each expenditure.
- It was recommended that there be 3 members including the treasurer, the office manager and a past board member
knowledgeable about computers.
- A charter will be presented at the July board meeting.
- The board approved the proposal with thanks.
- All board books should be available at the July meeting to be purged and organized.
- Jewelry sale/ swap was a big success.
- The Oct. 14 breath workshop was approved. George SanFacon is the liaison.
- Nominating Committee Report
- Names of persons contacted, and to be contacted were presented.
- There will be a need for four new members to join the board in the fall.