Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2006
January 23, 2006
January 23, 2006
Attending: Delyth Balmer, Carol Blotter, David Coupland, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson.
Minutes from December board meeting were read and approved.
Reports from Joining Committee and from Other Options Committee.
- Gisela reported on results of first Joining Committee Meeting. Minutes of the meeting were emailed to the board prior to
the meeting.
- Motion was made to accept the modification of the DSC Interfaith Joining Committee statement regarding reporting to the
DSC board. Gisela, as board member will report directly to DSC board.
- Mary reported on Other Options committee.
- It was agreed that minutes of both committees are to be posted on DSC's web site.
- State of the Sangha Meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2006 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Budget discussion for 2006.
- The board reviewed the budget - presented and summarized by Carol.
- Budget projections for 2006 show a $6,144.00 deficit.
- Sandy recommended that retreat and classes committees revisit their projections.
- Discussion to continue at the next board meeting.
Split of class income between teachers and DSC.
- Motion: Unless otherwise agreed {by specific teachers in specific classes} donations and fees received for all Deep Spring
classes or courses will be divided 50/50 between teacher(s) and DSC.
- Gisela motioned, David seconded. All in favor.
- This policy is to be revisited in July 2006.
OMA Committee report.
- OM will have 4 months at 25 hours per week, 8 months at 20 hours per week.
- OM will have 6 paid holidays per year on the same days as they are observed by other organizations. (This is to address
when a holiday falls on a weekend.)
- OM will stop using the timesheet until OMA feels it is needed to explore an issue.
- Carol Blotter will be the liaison between OM and the Teachers during the transition to Teachers receiving 50% of total
class donation.
- Carol and OM are developing a contract for the teachers. It will be discussed at the next Teacher Training Circle.
- It was suggested that DSC investigate having legal advice on the need for a teachers contract, the liability of paying
teachers as contractors and the wording of the contract. Carol will follow up with OM after the contract draft is completed.
Retreat Committee report:
- Fall retreat had $1,927.00 net income.
- Retreat Scholarship fund: generous donations to this fund were received.
Items postponed until next meeting:
- Discussion of possible reorganization of Treasurer's position.
- Board representative to "What's a DSC Program Committee.
Next Board meeting: February 27, 2006 at 7:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Delyth Balmer