October 24, 2005

October 24, 2005

Present: Dianne Austin, Delyth Balmer, Ann Barden, Carol Blotter, Barbara Brodsky, David Coupland, Mary Grannan, Susan Klimist, George Sanfacon, Sandy Wiener, Gisela Wilson, Martha Zingo.

September minutes were approved with minor corrections.

Sandy gave opening remarks pertaining to his role as board President: He would like minutes, committee reports, and other documents out there in advance so we don't have to spend time reading at the table.

Sangha meeting: there were 28 people present. The two options chosen were staying where we are or moving into a larger space with Interfaith. The two Boards will meet to begin the process of exploration. The DSC Board must create a process to identify possible issues of sharing space and include the Sangha where appropriate.
Action Item: Delyth to coordinate meeting times with Interfaith and report back to DSC.

Dana pricing issues
Teachers resubmitted their previous request to have one fee for classes, split between teachers and DSC. The teaching about dana should be separate from charging for class.
Board resolution: class fee system will be changed for classes for which we currently charge a building fee so that the student will make a single suggested donation fee and half will go to the teachers. No one will be excluded for inability to pay. This plan will be re-evaluated in the summer.
Suggested fee between $10-$20 per class unanimously passed by the board.


Fund raising committee: Fund letter will be ready to be mailed Nov 20th

OMA: Alice will do no more volunteer activity for 6 months in order to clarify the duties of the OM and she will limit her work days to Monday - Thursday. Alice wants a central list of who is responsible for what from each committee.

Discussion about MFC workshop can be tabled until spring. We need volunteers for the workshop committee.

Donation for Kalyana publication: Net income $218 for all Dana publications this year we will donate $200.00 to Anavati (In even equivalent of British pounds)

Retreat Committee:
Full registration for October retreat. February retreat is filling up. March 17th beginners retreat at Rudolph Steiner house, room for 16 to stay and 8 commuters. Columbiere is booked for next June. There is a search committee looking for a new sites,

Social committee
Did a picnic but canceled the canoe trip .

Workshop committee
Action item need a volunteer to send an email to the Sangha asking for volunteers
Sandy will write this letter.

Kids day was well attended (14 kids) and there were lots of great activities, $60.00 will go to our next kids day.

We need another copy of QuickBooks for Carol, approved.
Signatures on checking account updated: David, Sandy and Mary.
CD's at 4% We are in the black for this year, doing pretty good. D

It was agreed to maintain the present policy of 2 signatures on checks over $3,000.

The vote to set up a web page to allow people to donate by credit cards, an organization (Network for Good) will set this up.

Next meting: November 28th, at 7:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by
Susan Klimist and Delyth Balmer