November 28, 2005

November 28, 2005

Attending: Delyth Balmer, David Coupland, Peg Tappe, Barbara Brodsky, Sandy Wiener, Diane Austin, Carol Blotter, Mary Grannan, Gisela Wilson, Dotty Coyne, Ann Thomas

October minutes approved.

The majority of the meeting was spent discussing the new policy of suggested donations.

The dana letter written by Barbara was reviewed by the Board. Barbara is entrusted to revise the letter for publication in the newsletter. Additionally, as OM time permits, the letter will be copied for regular handouts on desk by front door, put on the web and emailed to the local Sangha.

  • Action: Barbara will revise letter and email it to Delyth and OM
  • Action: Letter will be inserted in Winter newsletter
  • Action: OM will copy to put beside class flyers in DSC, put letter on web and send out letter as an email.

Winter/Spring 2006 Classes and Programs Schedule: "Important note” paragraph at the top of page 2 was revised to read:

Deep Spring classes for the winter and spring of 2006 are offered with a suggested donation at the rate of $10-20 per session. These donations will be shared between Deep Spring Center and the teacher(s) of the class. Barbara's Letter [this will be hyperlinked to the web version] explains this change and can be found in the Winter 2005/2006 newsletter. As always, no one will be excluded from any of our classes for financial reasons. Additional donations specifically for the teacher or for DSC may be offered separately. With your support, we can continue to offer a wide-range of programs and activities.

Review of classes and decision on how to divide donations between DSC and teachers was tabled for a later Board Meeting.


  • For a Board-approved visiting teacher who is teaching a single event held in Deep Spring Center and has no DSC paid expenses, there will be one dana bowl and all proceeds will go to the teacher.
  • Board approved workshops will be assisted by interested Sangha members. The Workshop Committee members are not expected to provide support for every workshop. OM has a workshop process checklist on file.
  • Barbara will contact Bo Lozoff and invite him to provide a DSC workshop. Barbara and David Lawson will look for additional Sangha support for the workshop.

The next Board meeting is December 19th at 5:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Blotter