May 23, 2005

May 23, 2005

ATTENDING: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Carol Blotter, Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, David Coupland, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener

The Board welcomed Carol Blotter as a new member who will complete the rest of Sam Clark's term.

The minutes from the April meeting were approved with the following changes: 1. Mary Grannan also attended that meeting, and, 2. Cassie asked Alice to include the Healing Circle on the DSC calendar (not Ann)

We are doing well at this point in time, nearly $9000 ahead of 4/04 in total assets. Profit & Loss shifts monthly - this month up $1000, but retreat expenses will go out in July


  • NOMINATING: the group has some names but will present the full slate of 3 at the next meeting. They reported that the 3 year commitment seemed intimidating to some. The Board agreed that we would keep the 3 year terms, with the understanding that it will not always be possible for someone to complete the term; then an interim person can be appointed.
  • RETREAT: the scholarship fund stands at $2036.75 with the jewelry sale bringing in over $400; $496 has been distributed for June retreat scholarships so far. There are 24 registered for June (out of 35 slots); Mary will talk to Columbiere about possibility of refund. The limo service will cost $26 apiece one way
  • TEACHERS: coming up with a new plan for the upcoming semesters. The Teacher Circle will meet monthly. Dottie will be working with new teachers.
    • They are discussing ways to best use Barbara's time so that she can spend as much time as possible with people yet have more time for self-retreat. The Tuesday class will continue in some form. Barbara will probably give a monthly Dharma talk and the Aaron Spiritual Inquiry classes will continue
    • The group voiced continued commitment to the Dana system, including educating students on the issue
    • The final report from the Crisis Intervention Task Force is not yet ready but they recommend a small group of people to work with Barbara; when she is gone, they will back up the teachers when there is a problem. The Board approved sanctioning the teacher's decision: the crisis support team will support the teacher, not handle the problem.
  • SOCIAL: new committee with 2 members: Linda Longo and Bilha Birma-Rivlin. The committee started at the Sangha meeting; they will develop a charter and begin with periodic structured social activity to foster a climate of seeding further events
  • CHILDREN'S: the Board discussed possibility of this committee forming, recruiting from parents and including 1 teacher. ACTION ITEM: Ann will start contacting a few parents and see what the interest is.

30 people attended the Sangha meeting and the Board felt there is a good sense of where the members stand on some issues. The 2 next steps would be to refine the summaries and draft a vision to present to the Board, then the Sangha; also, to start getting concrete about the space issue - big range of opinion here.


  • Corty (with David assisting) will write a draft vision statement. 2 areas: building community that manifests the teachings & supports individual spiritual exploration; and, expanding ways of sharing the teaching most effectively. They will then go to small group to work on, then Sangha
  • Cassie will start a small group, including Barbara, to start coming up with scenarios that include the infrastructure, energy needed from Sangha involvement, costs, etc. These scenarios will be presented at the fall Sangha meeting.

Board meetings June 27th, July 25th, no August meeting, September 26th, October 24th, November 28th, no December meeting
Fall Sangha meeting Sunday October 23rd 3-5 pm with potluck following

Meeting adjourned 9:40 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron