Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2005
March 28, 2005
March 28, 2005
Present: Dianne Austin, Barbara Brodsky, Corty Cammann, David Coupland, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan
Open Sangha Time:
- Gary Austin who works with Smith Barney talked of a plan to open an individual Roth IRA for Barbara's retirement - she
currently has no retirement plan. The maximum contribution is $4500/year. Checks would need to be written to Smith Barney -
for tax purposes, this is not deductible for the giver so it would need to be clear that contributions would be a gift to
Barbara. A line will be added to the contribution area in the newsletter
- There is currently no link on the DSC Website on how to make any donations. The Board approved a link off the home page to
a page defining Dana, how to donate, and a list of special funds for Dana.
ACTION ITEM: Dave & Alice will look into money given for donations/retreats using credit cards - not an urgent item.
- Web Links Policy: Currently have a link to Amazon - part of the purchase price is donated back to DSC. The Board approved
a Policy that incorporates the following:
- right speech: asking "is this an organization we are willing to accept money from?
- looking into each company's ways of doing business
-if there is a serious objection from a Sangha member, the site will be dropped
-two principles:
1. New links will be approved by the Web mistress and one of the officers,
2. it will be separate from other link pages - a "partner link" with a message explaining the policy,
specifying we are not endorsing the product/company
-the link will be a benefit to the DSC and the company
-the link will be a convenience but we are not doing it specifically to make money
- Crisis Intervention Task Force: The document is written and is still being fine tuned
ACTION ITEM: still open
- Visioning Process: Seems to work best in the classes & will continue. There will be an evening for Committee, Board
members and Sangha members (May 16th) for synthesis, finding areas of convergence/divergence and coming up with 2-3 concrete
visions for the future that span a range. This will be presented at the May 22nd Sangha meeting.
- Interfaith Update: Per David Coupland's talks with David Bell, it is estimated from projected costs that DSC would need to
provide ~$75,000 for our half. We currently have $18,000 in our building fund, would need to raise $55-57,000. The monthly
part would be ~$2000 - we currently pay $1000/month rent.
We would not be tied into being equal partners. Board members also discussed the need for an exit strategy if problems arise.
Susan Weir has suggested a summer get-together so that DSC and Interfaith members can meet
FINANCIAL: DSC received a gift of stock which has been sold and put into account. The CD for $10,000 has been purchased. The
trend of DSC assets continues to rise.
- Retreat: The March FaHoLo retreat netted $649 with 19 people. Reviews were generally good, with silence being the major
The June Retreat will have 3 or 8 night options .Columbiere has asked for early (now) numbers of attendees so early
registrations must be encouraged. The Committee will state on the flyer that full payment by Apr 20 will guarantee a single
room, o/w we may need to assign doubles, depending on number of registrations vs. the number of rooms reserved.
Due to the costs at Columbiere, it is estimated that this June Retreat will net 1/2 or less than previous retreats - this will
affect the DSC Operating Budget.
- There are already requests for scholarships and no extra budget money, With $55 in the the scholarship fund, we cannot
afford the 50% scholarships of the past. The Board approved $20 per person after registration numbers hit 35 (break even
point) so we at least make our costs. The Committee will look into fundraising for scholarships.
- Workshops: Reported a probable loss on the big Workshop with Jeshua in September d/t large upfront expenses
- Building: Reported 1 outside rental from another religious group
- Fundraising: There will be a jewelry sale May 1st with 25% of sales to be donated to DSC. The Board approved.
- Nominating: Will meet to fill the upcoming 3 vacancies. They must also replace Sam Clark, who has resigned from the Board
- Newsletter: Will be out in a few days
Meeting ended at 9:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron