Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2005
July 25, 2005
July 25, 2005
Attending: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Carol Blotter, Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, David Coupland, Jackie
Deron, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener
Sangha Business:
- Cassie reported on the current Dana discussion as to whether the Rec & Ed teachers would receive some of the tuition as
Dana. Teacher will have more discussion on this in September; if so, it would affect DSC finances.
- The cleaning person is gone for the summer. The Yoga group will help with general cleaning. The Board approved money to
have the carpets cleaned.
- The June minutes were approved. Jackie will be leaving the Board in September and a new secretary will be needed. Board
members were encouraged to clean out their Board books; since there is a Master book, they may "de-bulk" up to the beginning
of the year
Vision Discussion
- Barbara & Aaron spoke of their thoughts: the intention is to save the Dharma & it will happen organically - invite it, not
grasping it. When we have more class room there WILL be more teachers. As there has been more need in the past, it has come.
Aaron asked us to reflect on the ways we are constrained, the sticking points: teachers, time space etc. It is the
responsibility of the Board to be responsible but open hearted to limitless possibilities.
- Corty: the task of the Board is to request the teachers form of vision of a broader teaching offering & space issues will
follow from what the teachers are willing to do. It is the Board's job to support it.The Vision is from the Sangha and the
Board articulates it.
- David: presented a different way to look at the process, a Visioning concept web with purposes, methods and actions we can
- Next step: complete the Web together. The Board will meet after the Sept meeting for this.
Open Items:
- Nominating Committee: has 2 members, continuing to look at a third to start in September
- The Board began discussion on who will take over the jobs of President, Vice President and Treasurer-in-training
- New ad: we list in Shambala Sun ($170 last year), Inquiring Mind. The Board approved 1 year ($65) to place an ad in Buddha
- The June Retreat netted $1382 with 30 attending (16 weekend, 14 full week). Mary is working on a survey to find reasons
for the smaller turnout.
- Net income -$3500. Classes will be starting soon and income will rise
- The Board approved raising Rec & Ed class fees from $5/class night to $7 and 1/2 day Intro class fees from $15 to $20.
- OPEN ITEM: teacher recommendations re: Dana (see above).
Childrens Group: meeting 8/7 after Sunday sitting. Ann is facilitating, with Susan Weir & Dianne, parents
Social: Sangha picnic at Friends Lake 8/21
Newsletter: on schedule. There will be a flyer insert & calender pullout for no additional cost
Workshop: the Sept 9-11 Workshop was quickly revised d/t illness of the speakers. It will now be: Expanding Consciousness:
World in Transition, led by Barbara, Aaron and guest speaker Russell Boulding. One Board member to attend free for
volunteering to help at the Workshop: Ann
Retreat: prices for the Fall Retreat at Howell (Oct 28-30) will be $220 ($205 early bird) and commuter $95. The Senior
Retreat Feb 3-17 at Columbiere will be $400 1 week and $730 2 week with full payment due by November 15th
The next Board meeting is September 26th. The Board meeting will be at 5:30, the Board will have brown bag dinner 7-7:30 and
at 7:30 will begin discussion on the Visioning process.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron