January 11, 2005

January 11, 2005

Attending: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Sam Clark, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, David Coupland, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener

The meeting started with a few moments of silence followed by Board member check-in and sharing.


  • Vision Tree: is up and going - the tree is getting covered with leaves! Teachers did root portion and the Tu/Th classes and Sunday am sittings started contributing leaves - the process continues. Ann Thomas will help with collating key ideas
  • Budgeting Tasks: Board members have been working on their areas - see below
  • Mary Grannan and Susan Klimist have been working with a small committee re: students in acute distress, and are forming a more specific document to present to the Board. Rachel Glick, a psychiatric physician from UM will come to speak to the teachers; the Board & SAG will be invited

ACTION ITEM: document will be presented at the next Board meeting

Sandy & Corty have sent thank you notes to donors

ACTION ITEM: next meeting: the April meeting date will be set.

FINANCIAL REPORT: the Financial Report letter with chart was sent for the second year. Donations attributed to the letter (when a donation card came with it) were $2634. An additional $1400 came in as year end donations plus a donation of $1000 stock. Susan Klimist has come up with an idea to try as a fundraiser: Sunday night movies. Funds will go to Library acquisition.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: met and has reviewed our status. Currently our funds are in a 0.65% checking account. The committee has recommended to the Board that $25,000 be moved to a CD or short term bond fund (which could involve some risk). The Board approved the committee to make - decision where to move $25,000 to an account that will provide more growth than the savings account

BUDGET: The Board reviewed the annual report for 2004. Expenses equaled those budgeted. Income was greater than budgeted, especially in donations. The net income was ~ $8000.

2005 Budget:

  • Board members presented specific budget areas for discussion. The General Budget will include donations, insurance, taxes, misc. expenses. The Office Budget includes the office manager salary, and a new computer for Barbara as a budget request.
  • The Board approved buying a new computer for Barbara under Office Budget, which will reduce the Inquiry Budget $1OO/month for this year only. The computer will be owned by DSC
  • The Board approved Alice as office manager to change her hours from 25 to 20/week except for 3 mos/year of 25/week when the office is busier (classes beginning, etc); OMA will decide whether to recommend any salary change.

Archives: The Board approved $500 as a provisional amount for postage and immediate expenses, with an update from Martha Zingo in May on what they will need for this year. This is a new budget line.

Building: did not meet our last year budget due to a reduction in rental income from planned.

Retreat: the committee reported income greater than expenses for 2004 and expect to budget for the same this year

Teachers: committee requested a budget line for copying

David Bell of Interfaith would like to talk; with the Board about more interaction with DSC. His group has not yet purchased land but is in the process. Any decision about DSC involvement would have to be approved by the Sangha - we are just in the "gathering info" phase

The Board approved Sandy inviting David to an upcoming meeting; the Sangha will be informed of the date.

Next Board meeting is February 16th.

Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron