Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2005
February 16, 2005
February 16, 2005
Attending: Dianne Austin, Corty Cammann, Cassie Cammann, Sam Clark, David Coupland, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener
David spoke extensively about Interfaith and its philosophy. They have been incorporated 7 years and he has spoken many times
with Barbara about the possibility of a place that would suit both their needs and DSC's. He met with Ann, Sandy & David about
some options. Their group has agreed to purchase land and will build on it and they would like to invite DSC to explore joining
them. They have spent $25,000 so far for deposit, surveys etc and will be building a house this summer for the owner; then the
rest of the land will transfer to theq1( 7.5 acres of 12 acres). It will cost an additional $100- 120,000 for the house and
land. There is also additional property available which would make it possible to build a larger Structure such as a retreat
center. If DSC joins them, there would be a Board consisting of members of both organizations and DSC would contribute funding.
Any building constructed could be rented to other organizations. David feels our organizations are a good fit philosophically
and 2 groups would be able to conserve resources, decrease the impact on the ecology. They are committed to a "green" structure
and will do a lot of their own contracting & labor
The Board agreed to a plan suggested by David Coupland: a "15 minute" short plan to get some idea of costs, etc. The Board
agreed with Corty that DSC will finish the Visioning Process first. This short plan can be discussed with the Sangha at the
upcoming meeting on Visioning
If Sangha members are interested in attending Interfaith services, they are Sundays 10:45 to noon, currently at Allen School.
ACTION ITEM: David Coupland and his group will come up with a short plan to discuss with the Sangha
Minutes from the January Board Meeting were approved
The document on at risk students is not yet ready and will be presented at the next Board meeting. The document will not be a
policy, but guidelines that will be reviewed by the teachers annually. ACTION ITEM for next meeting
Cassie & Ann Thomas have met to coordinate the process. The next 2 branches will be done by mid-March, the last two in
mid-April. Board members and Sangha members are encouraged to get together to talk about the branches, add leaves. The next step
is a small group to coordinate all the ideas to bring to the Sangha. The compilation will be presented in a manner to get
feedback - a Sense of the Sangha.
The Sangha meeting will be Sunday May 22 3-5 pm followed by a potluck
2005 Budget is done. David estimates ~ $10,000 more in income & expenses vs 2004 but we will end up on the black Barbara's new
computer has arrived with monitor to come yet. The computer was bought refurbished; Nicholas will install the programs and train
Last month the Board approved moving $25,000 from checking to CD which should give us -$600 more income over the year. The Board
approved increasing to $30,000, in $10,000 segments so that the CD's would expire at different times and we have better access
to our money if needed
NON- VIOLENCE CONFERENCE (Meditation on Non-Violence)
The Board approved $200 to help sponsor the conference at wed April 2nd. Barbara and several DSC teachers will be speaking and
leading workshops. The money will come from the Inquiry Project Budget line.
- DSC Web: we are an Amazon Associate, a link to Amazon. Books brought through this link have a percentage of the book price
contributed to DSC; DSC itself cannot buy books by using this link. The Board wants to discuss this, implications and whether
this fits our philosophy.
ACTION ITEM: Board will discuss the DSC Web at next meeting and send recommendations to the Fundraising Committee as needed
- Retreat: the January Self-Retreat netted $716
- Workshop: now functioning. They have four 1 day and one 3 day workshops planned.
- Newsletter: doing well and expect to be on target to get the next newsletter out on time
Meeting terminated at 10 pm
Upcoming Board Meetings: March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27
Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron