December 19, 2005

December 19, 2005

Attending: Delyth Balmer, David Coupland, Barbara Brodsky, Sandy Wiener, Dianne Austin, Carol Blotter, Mary Grannan, Gisela Wilson, Susan Klimist, Martha Zingo

Minutes from November board meeting were read and approved.

Main items of business -- charge of both the joint committee and the "staying" committee, tasks, and personnel

Charge: To explore issues and develop plans for consideration by the board and the sangha.
Dianne motioned, Mary seconded and the board approved unanimously.

Append the previous sentence with 'and communicate regularly with the board.'
Carol motioned, Gisela seconded and the board approved unanimously.

Motion by Mary: May the above sentence stand as the charge for both committees.
Seconded by Gisela, approved unanimously by the board.

Motion by Carol: Ask Corty, Gisela, and Peg to be on the joint committee.
Seconded by Mary. Approved unanimously by the board.

Motion by Dianne: Ask Mary to be on the "staying" committee. Mary will contact other people to serve with her, as suggested by the board.
David seconded. Approved unanimously by the board.

The next Board meeting is January 23, 2006 at 7:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Klimist