Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2005
April 25, 2005
April 25, 2005
PRESENT: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Cassie Cammann, Jackie Deron, David Coupland
Cassie received a letter from Barbara: she will be reporting soon on the recent Meditation & Non-Violence Conference. Barbara
has her new computer and it is working well for her.
There is a hands-on Healing Circle meeting Tuesdays noon-1pm at DSC. Sangha members are encouraged to come or sit at home.
Cassie is the current point person - let her know of any requests for healing energy. ACTION ITEM: Ann will talk to the
Teacher's Circle about a long term DSC commitment to the Circle; if so, it can be included in the DSC calendars and Alice should
be notified.
March Board Meeting Minutes were approved
- David & Alice have started to look at the use of credit cards to pay for retreats, etc.:ongoing
- Web page link from the Home Page re: donations to DSC: in progress
- addition to the Web pages re: retreats, a disclaimer that DSC retreats may not be appropriate for all people to attend has
been added
- partner link to Amazon.com was deemed to have too many issues/difficulties and we will not pursue this further at this
- The group requested to meet with a lawyer to look over the document. There was discussion as to whether this was necessary
for a volunteer organization; it also ties us into a document (vs. suggestions to follow when needed).
- There is now the new Website disclaimer (above). The Retreat Committee is also instituting a telephone interview for each
retreatant who has never attended a DSC retreat, it they are coming for a weekend or longer (Peg Tappe will be doing the calls
for weekend, Barbara for weeklongs/longer)
- ACTION ITEM: Ann will call Planned Parenthood to see what they do about liability issues around using volunteers; when do
you bring in a lawyer and what do you as him/her to do?
September 9-11, 2005 with Aaron, Jeshua et al. The Board approved the Workshop Committee to continue planning the Workshop with
the goal of breaking even; there will be upfront costs such as travel, hotels, etc. The Committee will project costs and come up
with a cost for the Workshop. They will ask Barbara & Hal to provide transportation for Judy & Tom once they arrive; Carla & Jim
are driving. Some Board members will go as working attendees to help evaluate whether this should be a DSC sponsored activity in
the future.
May 16th is the meeting to synthesize the input; May 22 is the Sangha meeting. At the Sangha meeting, David will present a
financial update. Cassie will report on need for volunteers and find people to present a "pitch" for the committees: workshop,
newsletter, retreat. Ann will talk about future needs for Board members. Mary & Cassie will set up drinks & paper products &
will ask attendees to help clean up.
Assets were down in March due to increase in total Operating Expenses, decrease in donations and classes/retreats.
- NOMINATING: Carol Blotter will fill Sam Clark's position until 9/07 (Corty will formally invite her). The Committee will
bring a slate of 3 to the next meeting for Board approval for the upcoming September vacancies.
- NEWSLETTER: Lisa Zucker has resigned as chair; search is on for a new chair
- RETREAT: 17 registered so far for June Retreat - 35 is break even
- Scholarship Fund currently has ~ $1200 and the proceeds from the upcoming Jewelry Sale; the Board had previously approved
use of 25% of the profit to be used for scholarship but this will now go back to the Operating Budget. The Fund will need
constant replenishment: there is a note in the Newsletter and the Fund will be included on the Dana page of the Website as a
special Fund. Retreatants should not have to pay for scholarships (through higher costs).
- Transportation to the retreat from the airport is problematic; Mary is looking into a shuttle.
- Jackie Deron will be leaving the committee in July
- ACTION ITEM: Mary requested that total amount of donations to the Fund and the source (not the name of donator) be
reported before each committee meeting; Alice will be asked to provide this. Alice will continue to send Thank-you's to
preserve confidentiality
- OMA: Alice received a good Performance Review and was given a raise. She has asked that when the Board approves an
activity, it be responsible for finding someone to take charge of it - o/w it falls upon Alice to carry-through. The Board
agreed to do so.
- TEACHERS: at next meeting will discuss structure of teacher training and the fall classes. If there is any doubt in the
Teacher group about the content of a new class, Board approval should be obtained.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Jackie Deron