September 27, 2004

September 27, 2004

Present: Dianne Austin, Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, Sam Clark, Mary Grannan, Sandy Wiener, Dottie Coyne (scribe)

Welcome to the new Board members, Dianne and Sandy. Thanks to Dottie for coming to do the scribing. Sharing around the table of the experience we each bring to the Board and something of our experience since coming onto the Board. A suggestion is made that the sangha be reminded of the Open Sharing at the beginning of each Board meeting. The sharing need not be in person but could be a message that is read at that time by a Board member. Sangha members are welcome to observe the rest of the meeting.

Acceptance of Minutes for August 16, 2004.

Action Item Review:

  1. Copies of financial statements for June, July, and August are complete.
  2. Income information on "Dawn of the Dhamma" is not yet available but it is clear that cost of the publication is not yet covered due to the large set-up fee. Since this work was published originally on a dana basis, the Board agreed to continue this tradition and underwrite the cost of this edition. Dana for this cost is welcome.
  3. Library: Julie Steiff and Mary Gleidt have done a good deal of work cleaning out the library and organizing the shelves. Building Committee will work with them on a system for offering the de-selected books as "freebies" to sangha members or donating them to the public library.
  4. Fall Fundraising letter not done as yet. Ann hopes to complete this project before she leaves for Mexico on Oct. 21.
  5. Newsletter content manager: Lisa Zucker and Sam Clark have agreed to this responsibility.


  • Review of June, July and August financial statements was completed with no surprises except large increase in donations in August. Corty will identify for us whether this was from one source or several. Donations are the major source of income for DSC. This is normal for the sort of non-profit we are. Small changes were made to the budget to reflect reality. There were no major changes.
  • A new account, Inquiry Projects ($200/month) reflects our intention to offer support to Barbara's work. This will not be issued as salary but will support expenses for projects within our mission at DSC.
  • There is little income from rental of this space since we are using it for DSC activities during most of the desirable times.

ACTION ITEM: Begin discussion of what to do about our rental space when our lease is up in December, 2005.

ACTION ITEM: Dana talks should be given at the beginning of each semester in each class and when appropriate in other classes and gatherings like the Open Aaron Nights. It is most effective when someone other than the teacher takes the responsibility for doing this. It could be another teacher or a senior student or Board member who gives the dana talk.

OMA: (See OMA report)

  • We asked Alice to work for five more hours each week in August and September since it became clear that the workload had greatly increased with classes and the workshop. We wondered about just continuing that increase but Alice expressed some doubt that there was sufficient work after this month to justify that. She would like us to consider making at least some of the calendar and Website work which she presently does as a volunteer part of the OM work and this seems reasonable. The Board authorizes an additional 5 hours/wk through December. At the end of that time we will evaluate the cost/benefit of the change. OMA encourages Alice to use her own judgment about decisions that confront her. If mistakes are made, we will review them and we will know better next time!
  • The Board and OMA recommend trying to identify office tasks for volunteers to do on a regular basis.


Archives: Will be meeting in October

Building: Eight new chairs have been purchased. Otherwise, no report.

Fundraising: No report.

Newsletter: See #5 in action item Review

Nominating: New members present. Current classes are:

2005: Cassie, Corty, Jackie
2006: Sam, Dave, Mary
2007: Dianne, Sandy, Ann

Retreat: Three new members: Dianne Austin, Gisela Wilson, George SanFancon. New retreat venue @ Columbiere with better prices and more service for the January Senior retreat and the June retreat. Workshops will also be managed under the auspices of the retreat committee at this time but will eventually be more separate.

Teachers: The question has been raised again about what constitutes a "Deep Spring Class". The Board authorizes a small group consisting of Barbara, a Board member (Cassie) and another teacher to meet and make this decision on a consensus basis. They will bring their criteria for "spiritual inquiry" to the Board. Corty will facilitate this group initially.

REPORT ON THE SANGHA SURVEY (See attached) The survey shows we have a small pool from which to draw volunteers. 30% response is normal. The question is asked about how you can work in a community with such a wide range of interests.

ACTION ITEM: In preparation for the Sangha Meeting on November 20, the Board will meet in small groups, then come together at 7:00 on Thursday, October 7, to share their views and visions. Query: What is my vision for the next five years?

It is important to get clarity around the issue of what we do about a building space. Aaron says that the Board can become a bridge in taking in different viewpoints and bringing a vision to the sangha, not as a finished fact but as a possibility.

Ann will be away from October 21-November 16. She asks the Board to consider and decide on a new President to be announced at the November 20 Sangha Meeting. She feels that it is important that the role of Board President not be strongly identified with one individual but, just as with membership on the Board, be a role many people can take a turn with. She plans to stay on the Board and be active in other roles.

Meeting adjourned 9:50 pm

Meeting scribed by Dottie Coyne
Notes edited by Ann Barden