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May 24, 2004May 24, 2004Attending: Ann Barden, Cassie Camman, Corty Camman, Sam Clark, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan. Barbara Brodsky was present for the last item of discussion. Moments of silence were observed. April Meeting minutes were approved. Review of Action Items:
Carryover Action Items to June meeting:
FINANCIALS SURVEY VISIONING PROCESS SANGHA PICNIC: Ann will check on a site for a Sangha picnic for August COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD: Cassie will be the Board representative working with Larry Siden on content COMMITTEES ARCHIVES: no report BUILDING: reported that there are some new rentals coming in from members FUNDRAISING: no report NEWSLETTER: no report NOMINATING: the Board approved the proposed "Board Member Selection Process" document; it will be sent to the Sangha to inform them of the process. The Committee will be working all the time and needs to know what the Board is working on and its needs for particular skills. Therefore, 2 Board members will be on the Committee. The Board discussed having 10, rather than 9 members; this is allowed in the charter. The Committee will look for 2 people to join the Board this September. The Committee will draw up a schedule of rotation so that 3-4 Board members rotate on/off each September. Since this has not been done recently, some current Board members may need to stay a few more months than their exact 3 years. ACTION ITEM: Corty will amend the document and bring copies to the June meeting. RETREAT: 42 people have signed up for June retreat so far. There is a new manager at Emrich. Mary has booked FaHoLo for the March 2005 retreat. It was suggested that retreat committee members visit the site in the summer to get a better picture of what it is like when we would be using it for a June retreat. 2 other sited have been suggested: Webber in Adrian and one in Metamora. The committee will check them. VOLUNTEER: no report DISCUSSION ON FINANCIAL DECISIONS BY THE BOARD TO SUPPORT BARBARA'S WORK Barbara's role has been clarified in the recent Sangha approved document. The Board wanted to start discussion on what is our responsibility in Deep Spring to support her and her work. The organization is expanding; many people do not even know Barbara & do not offer her Dana because they are not in her classes. Yet she spends a lot of her time & energy doing classes, retreats, organizing, archiving, answering Email questions. She gives the Board and the organization guidance and the Board feels that we can offer her Dana for that . The organization is separate from Barbara and we are becoming more independent of her but we do have her as a guiding teacher and what we do is to support the work she is engaged in Our job as a Board is to be fiscally responsible and Dana would be offered, not as a specific percent, but given our resources, which may vary year to year. We will build this into the Budget at mid year review but the Sangha will need to validate the principle at the fall meetings, to guide us for next year. It was stressed that it needs to made clear to the Sangha that this is not a replacement for individual Dana for classes, counseling etc. Barbara stated that her Dana from classes is only 1/3 of what she usually receives. She also has had no income the past several weeks, due to her accident. For her, the most important thing is the health of DSC she does not want to be a drain on it, but if it feels fiscally responsible to offer Dana, she would welcome it. ACTION ITEM: Ann will send an Email to the Sangha as a reminder to members & students that not only has Barbara not had any income but is also facing medical bills. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm Respectfully submitted: Jackie Deron |