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March 22, 2004March 22, 2004 |
Attending: Ann Barden, Cassie Cammann, Mary Grannan, Dottie Coyne, Sam Clark, Corty Cammann, David Coupland, Jackie Deron
Moments of Silence and sharings of personal stories all round.
February Minutes approved.
Jackie Deron elected secretary to replace Dottie Coyne.
ACTION ITEM: January Minutes will be approved next meeting.
Board Books were cleaned of all financial reports for 2003 except for December, 2003.
Board Meeting Minutes for all of 2003 and previous years will also be held exclusively in the Master Book. This complete record is
kept in the office steel closet.
ACTION ITEM: Dottie will get the up-to-date policies statements to go into the books at the next meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Database management is on hold until October when Dave gets back.
ACTION ITEM: There is no volunteer email coordinator for the community bulletin board. Larry Siden will be asked by Cassie to take on this project.
ACTION ITEM: Corty will get the Nominating Committee together. Dianne Austin and Dottie will serve from the teachers' group.
ACTION ITEM: FOUR TIMES A YEAR, a Sangha Service Day--fold newsletters and work needed at the Center.
Cleaning Service Bid: $40 per week, biweekly, or $35 per week, weekly (Merry Maid) Can we afford $80 a month? It needs to be budgeted. It's $960 a year. Board empowers Corty to establish six months of cleaning service.
ACTION ITEM: When Barbara is present at a meeting we need a discussion of retreats as income producing events. We are planning 2005. This ties in to our strategic planning about a permanent center.
ACTION ITEM: Next month, we need to form a policy to guide us in making resource allocations, around publicity, support for the archives, supporting Barbara.
We're very happy with Alice's performance. She's been keeping track of her hours by category at our request. Finance takes 12-15 per
cent of her time--book keeping in house is a good thing. It's important to keep Alice in the loop on what's happening.
ARCHIVE COMMITTEE: (Barbara, Martha Zingo and Carol Blotter)
BUILDING COMMITTEE: In July (24, 25) there will be another Marcia Rose event. It's a retreat that Sandra Berman is organizing. If they need Sunday morning, this will have to be negotiated.
TEACHERS COMMITTEE: Board approves Wednesday group sittings, July and August, coordinated by Alice Britt. She can establish the time and advertise it. If people want instruction, they are to be referred to the classes.
ACTION ITEM: Teachers need to think how they can empower senior students to lead a sitting.
ACTION ITEM: Ann Barden will finalized the DOCUMENT ON BARBARA'S ROLE based on sangha feedback and will bring it back to the Board for final approval.
How do we see ourselves? Where do we want to be in three or five years? The Board discussed strategies around involving the Sangha
in talking about and understanding Deep Spring Center identity. This will be a long term project--six months or so.
Meeting adjourned, 9:35 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Ann Coyne