June 28, 2004

June 28, 2004

Attending: Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Camman, Corty Camman, Sam Clark, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Martha Zingo

Moments of silence were shared

Minutes from the May meeting were approved

Board Books were updated, including entering the Charters from most of the committees

Review Action Items:

  • Ann sent an Email to the Sangha about Dana for Barbara
  • Corty made copies of documents needed for the Board books
  • Ann communicated with Barbara re: the open slot on the Newsletter
  • Cassie has Charters from most committees
  • The Sangha picnic will be August 22 at Leslie Desmond's, 1-5pm, Potluck


  • We remain ahead of budget for the year
  • The Budget was revised in sections by the Board, as it is 1/2 way through the year; Corty (Acting Treasurer) will have the revisions collated for the next meeting
  • Dave Coupland (Treasurer) has expressed some concern re: the plans for financial support for Barbara. Due to IRS rules regarding non-profit organizations, we must be clear about how we go about this. We will need to identify specifics that we will cover (i.e. mileage, computer support), not to provide a "salary". Dave provided the name of an accountant who works with non-profits and Corty will meet with him to find out what criteria we must meet.. The Board approved paying the accountant. The Board defined the amount for this year, after looking closely at the budget, to be $2000-$2500. This will also be the amount budgeted for the next fiscal year(total).

SURVEY: Ann has collected the surveys. She will start pulling together the results and will ask for help once she decides how much she will need. They are due at the end of August (will have copies at the picnic)

SERVICE PROJECT: Susan Weir baked & sold muffins at Sunday sittings and raised $126 that she donated to the Great American Bakeoff (to end childhood hunger) in DSC's name, as Seva work. She has suggested the Sangha get together to volunteer for the Neighborhood Senior Services' fall cleanup for seniors. The Board approved it Barbara suggested we begin and end the day with sittings at DSC, ACTION ITEM: Ann will ask Susan to coordinate this.


Archives: is collecting names of people interested in working on projects. Barbara & Martha have come up with a list of short and long term tasks; Cassie has some names of possible volunteers for this. Martha is putting the audiotapes into computer for digitalization.

Building: no report

Fundraising: in September, we will again send out a 1 page summary Financial Report. The Board suggested 2 versions — 1 especially for regular contributors to thank them for their regular support. ACTION ITEM: Ann will talk to Susan Weir about this.

Newsletter: Larry Siden will be the new "collecting editor" for the Newsletter. Barbara will choose the Aaron articles

Retreat: the June Retreat did well with 53 participants. Will have the financials and results of the evaluations for next meeting. Barbara mentioned there seemed to be a lot of coming & going, distracting. The committee may need to consider set times for arrivals/departures, etc. Barbara is also looking for a longer retreat, hopes to have an extension next year; also considering a winter retreat with no group or dharma talks but daily meetings with her/Aaron.

Nominating: came up with set terms. Each September, 3 Board members will rotate off, 3 new ones on; will try to overlap so new members have a "mentor". Nominations will be taken in April.Will have the names of this year's at next meeting. The committee has both Board and non-Board members. A 10th member could be added if the Board sees someone whose skills are needed. ACTION ITEM: Corty will have the names at next meeting and will send letter to the Sangha.

Volunteer (Sangha Service): coming up: Sangha Service Day as above, the cleanup for seniors in the fall. Also, the Yoga Group is cleaning DSC on 7/14 for Cassie's Intro class on 7/17

Library: encourage Bookstore & Library re: potential relationship.

WEBSITE FOR THE COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD: Not many people have signed up. A couple Board members have, but have not received any messages — are problems with signing up, too complicated? ACTION ITEM: Cassie will send out another invitation to the Sangha to sign up, and ask Larry Siden to assist those who may encounter problems with signing up.

Board adjourned at 9:25 pm

Respectfully submitted:
Jackie Deron