August 16, 2004

August 16, 2004

Present: Ann Barden, Cassie Cammann, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Martha Zingo

Minutes of the June Board Meeting were approved.

The Board elected 3 Board members to start in September: Diane Austin, Ann Barden and Sandy Wiener. Ann has agreed to change classes and serve for 5 years so that the current irregular terms can be evened out. From now on, each September, 3 members will rotate off after a 3 year term, and 3 new members will rotate on.

In the next few months, the Board will consider a new President. Ann feels it is important the role of the President not be identified with 1 person.


  • Income exceeded expenses for both June & July. The biggest discrepancy is in rental income, which is less than anticipated. The revised Budget was deferred until September when Corty will be back.
  • Support for Barbara: Corty spoke with the accountant (who graciously did not charge us): we now have ideas on what we can/can't do to support Barbara in her work. We will need to be clear and careful with legalities.

ACTION ITEM: Corty will bring copies of the June, July and August Financials & the revised Budget , with copies for all Board books.


  • Alice spent more time than anticipated with answering calls for the June Retreat - people tend to call the office 1st vs. the phone number on the flyers.
  • She is doing better anticipating the "waves" in the job (i.e. when classes start) and is more easily planning her other jobs around them.
  • Alice is looking at data to assist the Board/Treasurer with planning in the support for Barbara's work. She also helps point the Board in directions (through OMA meetings) that may need to be addressed.


Costs of publishing this totaled $830.76: one time set up costs $445.50 and $385. for 35 copies. Discussion was held about how much/whether DSC should charge for this book. The book originally was printed as dana, and given to us with permission to duplicate it by the author Ajahn Sucitto. As such, the Board decided to absorb the costs of printing and offer it in the same spirit. A 1/2 sheet will go into each book with notation of the costs to DSC for printing and that dana would be accepted if offered. ACTION ITEM: Ann will ask Barbara to help word the insert. The Board wants it clear that any offering is dana ; we are not "charging " for the book. We were reminded "Trust in generosity"


  • Julie Steiff attended a discussion about the library, whether it should have a budget. Currently, incidentals are purchased through office funds. Books are donated and there is no guiding philosophy over what the library should provide to the oganization.. There are more books than space and some books are outdated. A lot of people from classes & Sunday sittings are using the library.
  • Julie was asked to form a committee of 4-5 (including Susan Klimist from Bookstore if able) to discuss connections between the two. It would also be good to have a person to help Susan and learn how the Bookstore works.

ACTION ITEM: Julie will Email the Sangha for volunteers & work on this the next couple months, including Barbara's input. She will present the Board with a proposal with a vision of the Library/Bookstore, budget, donation guidelines. She and the rest of the library staff can cull the current books and offer extras at classes/Sunday sittings; the remainders can go to the A2 Public Library Sale.


Fundraising: ACTION ITEM: Ann still to talk to Susan Weir re: letter to the Sangha on Financials . for September mailing

Newsletter Lisa Zucker worked with Nicholas on the current Newsletter. Still is someone to help with overall content, ads, to work with Nicholas & Larry. ACTION ITEM: Ann will contact Lisa to see if she is willing to take on this job.


  • June Retreat had 48 paying attendees (slightly down) and netted $4100.00. Mary has booked Emrich for next June - we are assured the price would be no more than 3% higher. Transportation was a big problem this year: the committee will look into solutions such as a shuttle; otherwise , people can arrange their own limos to A2 or Emrich.
  • Board approved a workshop put on by Barbara and Judi Coates from Seattle: Aaron and Jeshua will be the speakers. There were concerns about the date 1 week before fall retreat, and cost. It will be a one day, non-residential, at Friends Lake. DSC will pay for the site and registration checks will be made to DSC; Barbara & Judi will teach on a dana basis.
  • Breathwork will probably also be non-residential, in January
  • Barbara is also looking into a teacher supported, personal retreat.
  • The March retreat will be at FaHoLo and will be a combined beginner/experienced retreat , with separate and combined sittings for the two groups.
  • It has also become clear that there is a need for a Workshop Coordinator - someone to coordinate with Barbara on the workshops she wants to teach/arrange. The person would have to coordinate with the retreat committee on dates - whether this would be umbrella'd under the Retreat budget, although totally independent, like No-Frills, or separate , is to be determined. Possibly one of the new Board members would take on this responsibility.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10

Respectfully submitted, 
Jackie Deron