Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2004
April 26, 2004
April 26, 2004
Attending: Ann Barden, Cassie Camman, Corty Camman, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Martha Zingo
Moments of silence observed and some personal sharing among all present.
March meeting minutes were approved Board books were updated
Action Items were reviewed:
- January meeting minutes were distributed & put into Board books as were updated policy statements from Dottie and
- Larry Siden is coordinating the community bulletin board - see below
- Nominating Committee has a meeting planned in the next week
- Sangha Service Day - work in progress
- Corty will make final copies of "Decision Making at DSC" and "Responsibilities of the Board of
Directors" for Board books
- Ann will make copies of " Understanding Nonprofit Financial Statements" for books
- Cassie will update and bring copies of committee charters for books
Dottie Coyne was unable to attend her final Board meeting; Ann will present her with a gift to express appreciation for her
service to the Board.
Upcoming Board meeting dates 2004: May 24, June 28, no meeting in July, August 16, September 27, Board retreat October 9,
November 22, no December meeting.
March financials were good in that we had total income over budget and total expenses slightly under budget - a lot due to a
couple of larger gifts to DSC The payroll group is still working on integrating with us Tax exempt status: Corty reported that
we are not exempt from property taxes as we are not a church or an educational provider. Therefore, if we purchase property, we
will have to pay taxes, at least in Ann Arbor.We are currently assessed ~ $2000 for the value of the property we own (i.e.
We are very happy with Alices's performance & she has been given a raise. She has been working hard to be clear about what's
involved in the job/the hours, and planning ahead to match her work hours to anticipate "crunch times." She works a
lot at home but the office is staffed Mon-Thurs 10-12. Alice is on vacation May 17-20 and Ann will staff the office. During June
retreat, the office will be closed; Corty will check phone messages mid-week Upcoming projects: revising the Directory.
"Who Does What at DSC" is now a flyer and the inside front cover of the Directory will state its policy on usage.
ARCHIVES: no report. They are still working on the best format in which to preserve/store the tapes. Committee will
need to replace JaneGrace
BUILDING: we have an individual cleaning DSC for pay every 2 weeks, and she has offered to come in the other weeks for
no pay. We are keeping Wed 1-3pm open for cleaning. She is gone 1 1/2 months this summer - committee will explore other options
in the Sangha
FUNDRAISING: no report
NEWSLETTER: JaneGrace has resigned as content manager (Aaron tapes and advertising) ACTION ITEM: Ann will talk
to Barbara about a possible replacement - maybe the same person for the Archives committee and content manager for Newsletter
NOMINATING: meets next week. Nominating new Board members is not a "just in time" process but should be
on-going recruitment, coming up with names of people interested, feedback from committees. The upcoming meeting is to lay out
this process.
RETREAT: the Charter was reviewed and approved The Draft of the Cancellation Fee Policy was approved and will be sent
to Sangha members for comment. ACTION ITEM: Mary will have Alice send the Policy to the Sangha, comments due in 2 weeks, results
by next Board meeting The Committee is discussing a new possible site, FaHoLo and will move the March 2005 retreat there for a
trial The January No Frills, Feb Breathworks and 1st March retreat all made money.
TEACHERS: no report
VOLUNTEER: no report
Larry Siden reported on his research into an automated Email system. The purpose is communication of non-DSC business (i.e.
workshops given by members, upcoming yard sales) - things that may be of interest to DSC members but not DSC business; NOT a
chat room. It would be optional - open only to those who sign up after notification that the board is open.The page will state:
" Please be mindful of the messages you post and respect the sensibilities of others". Board approved a 6 month trial.
Larry will administer it, the Board will set the policies. ACTION ITEM: Ann will compose the intro and get to Larry.
Larry will communicate with Alice about mailing to the Sangha the instructions on how to link up
Reviewed and revised Ann's 1st draft of a document reviewing the Mission Statement and recent history. It then asks members to
participate with their thoughts on where we go next - so we can come to a vision statement on how we next want to work on
fulfilling the Mission. Names will be optional. Can be done electronically, copies will also be at DSC, given to classes, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35
Respectfully submitted: Jackie Deron