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October 27, 2003October 27, 2003In attendance: Cassie Cammann, Jane Grace Bowman, Mary Grannan, Jackie Deron, Martha Zingo, David Coupland, Corty Cammann, Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, and Delyth Balmer signing for Barbara. Barbara's book is completed. A signing and fundraising party is scheduled for November 21st. September minutes accepted as written. ACTION ITEM REVIEW:
FINANCIAL REPORT - 3 handouts - David Coupland Assets are what we have and equities are what it's for. At the moment no liabilities--nothing owed. Balance Sheet, Budget and Profit and Loss for September and year to date and Summary Balance Sheet for our checking and current for the entire year through September reviewed. We are holding our own--have just about the same in our checking account now as in January. Our new Chart of Accounts reviewed. New and fewer categories of income and expenses. We shall put it into play in 2004. Next meeting we shall finalize the budget for 2004. The new accounts will be the basis of the new budget and our tax reporting for next year. ACTION ITEM: The committees to meet and plan their budget and decide their expenses and income for the coming year by month.
FUNDRAISING REPORT - Susan Weir She created an annual letter to initiate pledges with a financial report included. The surprise was the lack of responses. Perhaps people who are donating regularly from their bank account should not get an asking letter so much as a thank you. We need the information to know where people are. Maybe next year two different letters--one to new people and one to steady contributors. Zen Temple sends a quote from the Dhammapada, or a colorful postcard--these become keepsakes. Membership?? This business of fundraising needs to be brought up at a sangha meeting. Aaron: Everyone who takes part in Deep Spring contributes to the energy and life of the whole. Everyone is part of the family of Deep Spring Center. ACTION ITEM: Ann and Dave and Susan will continue this discussion. ACTION ITEM: Cassie and Jane Grace will work on the postcard idea feasibility. OMA REPORT- Ann Barden With ongoing evaluation of the office manager position, we see that while Lalita has handled nontechnical work with much loving care, and has dedicated herself deeply to her work, she lacks the advanced technical skills to handle the increasingly complex technical aspects of this job. We need someone with sufficient technical expertise for the tasks in our office. The OMA is empowered to find a new office manager and handle the details of transition. The financial arrangements with a new office manager will be similar to those in place at the moment. RETREAT REPORT - Jackie There is a question about pricing. They have made an overhead list including a payment to Deep Spring. 20-25% of each retreatants payment would be the contribution to Deep Spring. They are basing their pricing on 75% of full attendance income. Retreats have broken even except for June which makes money. ANOTHER NIGHT: a dana discussion. TEACHERS REPORT: a written review of the Winter/Spring classes and teachers' plans. CHARTERS--Cassie. ACTION ITEM--She will continue to collect the charters from the committees. SEVA SATURDAY NEXT WILL BE NOVEMBER 22. DECISION MAKING DISCUSSION WILL BE A SANGHA MEETING THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6, 7:00 PM AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8TH, 1:00 PM. Any responses that people have should be forwarded to Corty. Meeting adjourned 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, |