November 24, 2003

November 24, 2003

In Attendance: Jane Grace Bowman, David Coupland, Jackie Deron, Mary Grannan, Dottie Coyne, Ann Barden, Corty Cammann, Cassie Cammann, Martha Zingo, Barbara Brodsky.

SANGHA SHARING for a few minutes of personal stories affecting board members this month.

OCTOBER MINUTES are accepted as written and edited via email.


  • POST CARD: Jane Grace displayed a lovely pen and ink drawing by Dianne Austin to be the front of a year end postcard with a statement from Aaron regarding generosity.
  • NEW NEWSLETTER: first edition is out with calendar and stories. It will come out at the beginning of each month, not mailed by available at the Center.
  • CONTINUING ACTION ITEM: Fundraising group has not met.
  • COMMITTEE CHARTERS: Alice can be a collecting point and can act as a filter to see if the charter is clear and ready to be on the WEB. These charters will also be in our board books when approved.

DECISION MAKING DOCUMENT is approved unanimously and the Board decided to put it on our WEB site in its entirety along with other policy documents. A copy will be in the Master Board book and in all our board books.

OMA REPORT--this is Lalita's last week. She will receive a gift in appreciation. Alice is contracted for a six week transition period at the end of which there will be a review.

FINANCIAL REPORT--things are going steadily along and we are holding our own financially with even the increase of rent and salaries.

BUDGET PROCESS--Each board member has taken responsibility for creating a budget for 2004 for a specific area of Deep Spring. Next year we will be able to track income and expenses by categories.


  • ARCHIVE--the members have met and are talking about the job of transcriptions especially what materials should the archives be kept in. Where the archives are held--Barbara's computer, Barbara's house and Martha's computer. The
  • charter is approved.
  • BUILDING--this committee has a charter. Will begin to recruit new members for a firm two year term limit to facilitate rotation. An intra-sangha note in the new newsletter and the regular newsletter could market the building for
  • the off hours.
  • FUNDRAISING--this group didn't meet this month.
  • NEWSLETTER--this committee has a charter.
  • RETREAT--this group has a charter and it will be revised. At present it is The Good Karma Guide which is years old. Sandy Weiner is a new member of this committee.
  • TEACHERS --have fixed the class schedule for Winter/Spring 2004 which will be printed in the newsletter and the Crazy Wisdom calendar. The teachers have just finished a retreat/intensive. Their charter is in its third rough. There needs to be a paragraph about the teachers role in the life of the entire sangha.
  • VOLUNTEERS--a simple charter of one paragraph is done. The cleaning projects are going well. The volunteers also corrected the Deep Spring brochure for phone numbers. The committees can come to Cassie when they have needs for more personnel. Cassie will compile a list of steps in finding volunteers and a set of instructions for doing jobs.

We need a committee to be aware of specific needs of sangha members--health needs etc. We could fashion it on the Care and Visitation Committee of Friends Meeting.

The meeting will be in late February, February 28th, 9-12 am, "Barbara and Bagels.” 9:00 sitting, 9:30 food, 10:00 business, annual report and discussion of Barbara's role. The document about Barbara's role will go out to the sangha in the early part of January. Late January, two meetings to take questions about it and surface any issues, revise it in February and send out a final copy just before the meeting. Cassie will handle these two meetings.
ACTION ITEM: Ann will send a notice to the sangha announcing the Annual Meeting of the Sangha. Cassie and Corty will get the document out in early January.


  • ACTION ITEM: Cassie will get the agenda to the office manager who sends it out to the whole sangha. Cassie will facilitate that meeting.
  • BUILDING CLEANUP--A sign up list with dates will be in the kitchen to clean the bathroom or sweep the kitchen with a check list. Alice and Cassie are organizing this.
  • DEEP SPRING PRESS needs an email address to handle inquiries about the book. Barbara and Hall will monitor this and Alice can set it up quickly.
  • ACTION ITEM: Barbara is considering planning with Haju (Zen) and Aura Glaser (Jewel Heart) a multi-sangha day in June or the fall.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy Ann Coyne