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March 24, 2003March 24, 2003Deep Spring Board of Directors In attendance: Corty Cammann, Martha Zingo, Cassie Cammann, Ann Barden, Jackie Deron, Barbara Brodsky, Dottie Coyne, Jane Grace Bowman. Guests: Su Hansen, Alice Britt (signing for Barbara). Feb 24th Minutes--read and accepted. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Martha Zingo had prepared a five page and also an eight page report. The Board opted to receive a more consolidated report. We'll be wanting a report that gives building income vs. building costs. And it will be helpful to have explanations for the bottom line. At the present moment we have $9-10,000 in the bank. $6,000 would be the mark that when the bank account drops to this level, the Board should get a heads up from Martha. ACTION ITEM: Ann Barden, Martha Zingo and Pat Shalis will meet and come to a simple, clear financial report method for the Board and the sangha meeting. OM/OMA: Dottie resigned from OMA and Martha Zingo, Pat Shalis and Kris Kurnit will carry on. Su announced her new office hours. This information will be posted. TEACHERS REPORT: A handout of three pages of the summer and fall classes and a single page of spring classes was distributed. Dottie Coyne will be Program Coordinator and the link to the Board from the teachers. RETREAT COMMITTEE REPORT: Howell is scheduled for Spring 2004, March 5-7 and we will use Howell for fall 2003. Breathwork Retreat lost $65. Should we do it again? Barbara recommends it and very much wants to do it. She'd like to give it one more chance. A survey went out to the sangha today about retreat questions. 160 local, about 300 away receive the survey. Jackie distributed a two page financial report for the November 2002 retreat and the Breathwork retreat. Next winter we might be able to use Sunnyside for the Breathwork Retreat at no rental costs. ACTION ITEM: Barbara Brodsky will talk to the leader, Julie Lapthan. Dottie will talk with Bernie. BOARD BOOKS: There is a Master Board Book for 1994-2001 and there is a Master Book for 2002-present. Board members will insert their handouts at one time during the meetings. Hopefully, this will keep the board books up to date and complete. ACTION ITEMS FROM FEBRUARY MINUTES THAT ARE YET TO BE DONE:
SANGHA DEVELOPMENT GROUP--Corty Cammann--three page handout This is a beginning of our evolving understanding of how the sangha/board works. A question comes up, "Is Barbara an authority or a guide? Barbara says she would always work towards consensus with the other teachers. But, if she bears the title of "Guiding Teacher she must have final say over what is taught. We need to know who we are and what we're teaching before we can invite opinions from all angles. Are we primarily a teaching organization or a community applying the teachings? These seem to be basic questions--perhaps for a Board Retreat. And we should know where we are before we meet with the Sangha Development Group. Cassie--also at a day-long retreat we should review the process by which we acquired this building. Also Corty and Ann need to meet with Barbara before April to create a description of Barbara's role in the sangha. And we need to clarify the Board's role in the sangha. DSC BOARD RETREAT INTENSIVE: May 10, 2003----- 9-5 at Cammanns' house. Bring a bag lunch. DSC BOARD RETREAT INTENSIVE: (possible) August 3, 2003------9-5 at Barbara's cabin. ACTION ITEM: Ann and Corty will plan the outline for the May 10th retreat. April 13 a State of the Sangha Meeting, Board members will make presentations:
No potluck but let's share desserts! No day care? Meeting to be held at the center. ALTAR REPORT: The group met Saturday and decided that there would be a neutral altar in place always that could be changed by any teacher or group who so wishes and then returned to neutral. Cassie: We board members have to be cautious that we do not make decisions now that we have so many committees to make decisions for the sangha. ACTION ITEM: For the Board Books, a list of the point people of each committee--Dottie. ACTION ITEM: Corty will bring to the Board a pro forma letter regarding rentals and usage of the spaces which is sent to each renter. ACTION ITEM: Cassie offered to lend her energies to the task of finding volunteers for sangha work. Barbara suggests that we have specific jobs and then ask in classes for people who are interested. BUILDING COMMITTEE: The policies set now are interim. Final policies will be distributed after the sangha meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. |