September 30, 2002 DSC Board Minutes

Attending: Ann Barden, Jane Grace Bowman, Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, Jackie Deron, Pat Shalis

Visitors & Others: Anna Marie Henrich, Su Hansen, Susan Klimist, Martha Zingo

Scribe: George SanFacon

  • Sangha Development Initiative. Anna Marie brought forward a proposal from the Sangha Development Group to meet with the Board to clarify purpose and direction related to open-heartedness and non-duality. The group recommends that a dialogue be held to review various models and ways of doing things, and how that relates to getting the Sangha more involved and willing to support what is unfolding. Cassie and Corty shared that they sense a gap between the Board and the Sangha Development Group related to the areas of communication, shared vision, and boundary conditions. The Board and Sangha need to find the balance in having such dialogues without too much re-work of what's already been completed. The Board approved having the dialogue. Action Item: Board to meet with Sangha Development Group October 19 or October 27, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, at Cassie's and Corty's house over a brown bag lunch.
  • Site Search Committee. Corty brought forward a recommendation that the Site Search Committee be comprised of: Ann Barden, Barb Brodsky, David Coupland, and Susan Weir. This was approved by the Board. Action Item: New Site Search Committee to take proposal from working group and develop specific Action Plan for renting space to be presented to the Board at the October meeting. Once approved, the Action Plan will then be presented to the Sangha for feedback…Cassie informed the Board that Kate LeShock had written a letter encouraging the Board to include a space at the site for body workers and other healers to rent. Depending on the finances, the Board is generally supportive of this. Action Item: Cassie to forward Kate's letter on to Ann, who will include consideration of Kate's letter and request as part of the Committee's work in developing the Action Plan.
  • Minutes for August 26 Board Meeting. Minutes were approved as revised.
  • Carry-over Action Items. Updates were provided on carry-over action items from previous Board meetings. All action items were completed.
  • Finances. Pat Shalis distributed and reviewed the monthly financial statements and reports for July and August 2002.
  • Board Books. Su, Ann, and Ethel reviewed the Board Books within the context of the new office infrastructure and present needs. Action Item: Su and Ethel will be re-organizing the books. They will have materials ready for Board members to update their books at the November meeting.
  • Office Management. Su will be out for surgery during the week of September 30 through October 4. Her return to work, including days and hours, will depend on how she feels…Pat proposed that Office Manager be issued a debit card for deposits only. Approved by Board. Action Item: Pat to request bank to issue card…Pat requested that she be allowed to dispose of old DSC computer. Approved by the Board.
  • Sangha Service Committee. Jackie reported out on recommendations from her and Kalindi, including a mission statement for the group, its history and organization. The two-member group is comprised of an Outreach Coordinator (Kalindi) and Project Committee Liaison (Jackie). They will meet at least every two months. Board approved framework as proposed.
  • Retreat Committee. Jackie reported out on new committee membership. The members are now Jackie as new leader of the committee along with larissa Czuchnowsky, Mary Grannan, Hal Rothbart, Julie Wooster and Lisa Zucker. Group is still looking for two or three more members…There were a lot of good comments and very little negative feedback from June retreat. Some changes and fine-tuning will be made based on the experience and a few of the comments…Committee is working on the filling the Food Manager position and confirming who will cook at next year's retreats…The upcoming Vipassana/Holotropic Breathwork Retreat (January 31 through February 2, 2003) will be organized and coordinated by the Retreat Committee.
  • Newsletter. Cost for the last newsletter was approximately $850 for 730 copies, including printing and postage. Barb, Jane Grace, and Nicholas will be investigating local sources for printing and mailing the newsletter. Articles are due to Jane Grace by November 1.
  • Teacher Training. Cassie reported out on the teacher's support for a rental space. To help with the additional funding needed, they offered to teach additional classes to generate more revenue. Cassie also reported that Dianne Austin is the new liaison to the Board.
  • Fundraising. Ann presented a draft proposal for a Fundraising Committee. Charges would include an annual review of fundraising activities and organizing fundraising activities. The proposal was approved. Action Item: Ann will carry this into the Sangha Service Committee and work with them on reconstituting the committee…For several reasons (present operating deficit, decrease in donations, lack of recent fundraising initiatives, new funding needed for renting space, etc.) Ann proposed that Board members contact ten to fifteen people who have been recent DSC donors. Purpose of the contact would be to thank them for their past support and assess their interest in continuing such. Action Item: Each Board member to contact specific individuals on the donor list. Ann will send out draft verbiage for use as a general guide for the contacts.
  • Finance Committee. Ann presented draft proposal for an advisory (to the Board) Finance Committee. The committee would convene quarterly, and include the Treasurer, President (ex officio), Assistant Treasurer, and two other non-Board Sangha members. Approved by Board. Action Item: Ann and Pat will work to fill the positions and convene the committee.