Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2002
November 25, 2002
November 25, 2002
Present: Ann Barden,
Barbara Brodsky, Cassie Cammann, Corty Cammann, Jackie Deron, Pat
Shalis, Martha Zingo
Visitors & Others: Su
Hansen (office manager), Kate Leshock (taking notes), Kalindi
Trietly (signing for Barbara), Lou Weir (Building Oversight).
President's Update (Ann)
Minutes of last meeting
were approved by email.
Summary of the Nov. 18
special Board meeting will be posted on the website.
Action items still to be
Dianne Austin will be
co-coordinator of program manager, and is looking for a board member to
be fellow co-coordinator (maybe Jane Grace?).
George S. and Dave
Brown were invited to be on a finance committee that meets quarterly.
Site Report
Lease in negotiation,
Lou Weir is heading the work. Go Lou!
Discussion about a
careful departure from Friends Meeting House. Thank you note will be written by Ann and Cassie, and a blurb
of gratitude in the newsletter.We
will offer the January pre-paid rent to FMH as a gesture of gratitude
even though classes will be in the new location.
Hold Gay Nelson in the light.
Building Oversight Committee Report
(Lou Weir)
John and Lou have met to
talk about designs. Open, clean, sacred. Waiting for Dottie.
Itemized move-in costs
totaling $800.
In current lease, tenant
insures the plate-glass windows. This is not covered in our current DSC
policy and a new one ($500) will need to be purchased. Monthly expenses will
now total $1175.
Floor and walls work: 30 volunteer slots needed. Less volunteers = less stuff done. $1805
in expenses. Nixing the padding, it becomes $935.
The committee of Lou, John
and Dottie will be the clearing house for organizing the donor requests and
also formulating the general design plan that will be brought back to the
sangha for feedback.This will
be announced at the Dec. 8 sangha meeting and another meeting
at the site for plan unveiling will be held.
Dec. 14
Open house! Sit at 9am, eat afterwards, and work period from 11am onward!
January 12 is
the Dedication of the Space, 1pm 4pm. Barbara as Master of Ceremonies!
There will be invited guests from other sanghas.
Stated need for guidelines
about the space use / rental to others
Carpet discussion: No padding, new carpet in all rooms, as long as it stays within the
$2000 move-in costs total budget, including new insurance annual fee. John
and Lou have discretionary privileges with the $2000 budget. (Kalindi is
offering $200 toward carpet and will not stop her monthly pledge. Barbara is
offering $100. Zafu/zabuton pledges from Kate and Lou.)
Discussion of Policy of class fees
and rental charges agreed that a
small group will work on this and bring it forth to the next board meeting. Ann,
Martha and Cassie.
Board Meetings
- December 22nd (Sunday), 1:30 3:30 pm at
- No meeting in January.
- February 9 (Sunday), 1:30
3:30 pm.
- Return to regular meeting (4
Monday of the month) on February 24, 7pm.
Financial Report
Funds approved for
copyright of DSC books, $30 per book. There are seven now. The publisher
will pay for the new Aaron book.
Pass-through donations to
be discussed another day too complicated.
2003 budget will be
presented at Feb. 9 meeting
Direct deposit is approved
in principle, use prudent judgment.
Office Manager and Office Manager
Advisory Report
Everything else will have to
wait! Good-night everyone.