Home -> Board -> Minutes -> 2002
May 29, 2002
May 29, 2002
Meeting was held at the Camman's house.
Board Members in Attendance: Ann Barden, Barbara Brodsky, Jane Grace
Bowman, Cassie Cammann, Dottie Coyne, Jackie Deron, Aiji Pipho, Pat Shalis. Guests:
Corty Cammann, Su Hansen (Office Manager), Kate Leshock, Martha Zingo signing for Barbara.
- April minutes read and approved noting that April was Cassies first meeting.
- Discussion of the process of our meetings: It was decided not to use Corty at
tonights meeting. Perhaps Corty can do an in-service training in the future about
how to run a meeting.
- Insurance for our employee (old action item): This is in place now at a cost of $288.
- Financial:
- New formatted reports replace all but the April report from last month.
- Financial situation good despite large office set up costs. Brochure is finished. A
donation from the Coynes will cover the cost.
- Nicholas @$300 per month will end soon. Pat will review the statements at the June
- A discussion of computer expenditures also postponed.
- Retreat:
- The June retreat is a wait-listed sellout: 53 total, 17 out of town, 7 scholarships, 43
for the full week. Coordination of the volunteers and the transportation discussed.
- Discussion of the "no frills" retreats led to the decision to schedule a
breathwork weekend in January (20 persons) and a no frills retreat in April. There will be
a subcommittee to the retreat committee to handle these alternative weekends.
- Office Report:
- A credit card for Deep Spring Center was discussed and a decision postponed until Su
researches it a bit more.
- Computer work goes forward with Nicholas putting a bigger into the MAC, costing around
$120 to back up Barbaras computer. He is also buying a larger drive for himself to
back up files off site.
- Discussion of Digital Realm as a provider for the DSC computer. Nicholas will research
ACTION ITEM: next meeting the board needs to discuss who Nicholas is responsible to and
what his job description is.
- An Office Manager Advisory task force is being established with Pat Shalis, Kris Kurnit
and Dottie Coynethe three who conducted the search and hired the office manager.
- Website: The board agreed to send Alice Britt a thank you for her hard work on the web
- Teachers Group: Kris Kurnit reports to the board that the teachers are currently at work
on an ethics statement.
- Volunteer Outreach: Cassie Cammann reports to the board that there was an excellent
volunteer day at the Whitehall Convalescent Home---10 volunteers planting flowers.
- Fundraising: no report.
- Site Search: There is a consensus for a smaller rental for the present. The Board
endorsed the Middle Way proposal. The site search committee will combine with the business
plan task group and they will look for a smaller rental building that will be
ACTION ITEM: Jane Grace will inquire on behalf of the board who exactly is on this
committee. A suggestion was made for boards to be up at sangha gatherings for signing up
for committees.
- Sangha Development: Corty Cammann reported that a collection will be taken to pay the
baby sitters at the sangha meetings. The board will guarantee $7 an hour.
- Topics for discussion
- Where do we stand as a teaching group offering Buddhist teachings?
- The sangha will want to learn from the ethics code that the teachers are developing.
- ACTION ITEM; Discuss at the next meeting how to thank the departing board members. Also
nominations for the board at the next meeting.
- Should we sponsor a gay/lesbian event in Ypsilanti or just notify our mailing list and
let each do with it as they wish?
- Susan Weir is willing to develop practice support groups.
ACTION ITEM: Ann will ask Susan to prepare something for our next meeting if the Sangha
Development Group is for the idea.
BOARD INTENSIVE AND MEETING **** JUNE 29th, 8:30-2:30 at Cammanns.
- Intensive to start, then 1 or 2 hours at the end for the meeting.
- Possible topics for Board Intensive:
- Selection of Officers.
- What are the priorities of the board?
- Our financial statements and responsibilities. (Pat-15 min.)
- A photo of the board by Corty.
- How are we to best structure our meetings, our officers and nominations.
- The question of privacy in our meetings.
- Procedures and bylaws to be reviewed by Cassie.
- BAGthe Board Advisory Group.