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February 25, 2002 DSC Board Minutes
Board Members: JaneGrace Bowman, Barbara Brodsky, Kris Kurnit, Aiji Pipho,
George SanFacon, Pat Shalis
Guests: Leslie Desmond, Jack Keopfgen
- Minutes for January 28 Board Meeting.
Minutes revised and issued by Dottie
via e-mail were approved. (Action Item: Because item B
under Committee Report section did not print off for Kris, Dottie was asked to
check and assure this item is still carried in revised minutes being forwarded for posting
on the Web.)
- Board Membership.
Kris and George will end of their 3-year Board members
terms with the March meeting. Ann Barden has accepted the invitation to serve on the
Board. Her term will begin with the April meeting. A few Board positions remain open.
Other recommended candidates have been approached or contacted.
- Financial Reports.
Pat distributed final financial reports for calendar year
2001 (including both summary and detail). She also distributed the new yearly budget
overview report for 2002, along with the new periodic budget and expense reports (monthly
for January and the year-to-date). These reports and related budget/expense information
system represent a major milestone for the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary
responsibilities as a non-profit organization. Kudos and gratitude to Pat Shalis! (Action Item: Once the Board is more comfortable with the new
reports, it is recommended that the Board consider posting them on the Web site for the
- Office Manager Position.
A consensus candidate was approved to fill the new
DSC Office Manager (OM) position. It was agreed to offer the position to the candidate
and, if accepted, that he or she start as soon as possible. It was also agreed to ask
Alice Britt to help out with the transition and training the new OM, for up to a two-week
period. (Action Items: Pat will contact the candidate and
make the job offer. She will also ask Alice to help with the transition and training.)
- Board Advisory Group
. Kris and George proposed that the Board consider
establishing a Board Advisory Group (BAG) as follows. Under the framework, selected
individuals would be invited by the Board to serve on BAG. The length of appointment would
be determined by the Board and vary. Individuals who agreed to so serve would: (1) monitor
Board activities and functions, and (2) provide information, comments, or advise as deemed
helpful to the Board and Deep Spring Center. BAG members would be copied on all Board
e-mail communications and meeting minutes, and have unlimited access to Board meetings as
observers (but not participants or decision-makers). (Action Item: Board
to consider proposal sometime after new Board members are in place.)
- Newsletter.
JaneGrace distributed report and update on the newsletter. Next
issue will be considerably shorter (either 16 or 20 pages). The layout and formatting will
be simplified, along with related workloads and costs. Investigation is underway on other
newsletter options and improvements, including preprinted envelopes (for donations,
registrations, and book orders) and having a tear-out calendar section (requested by
- Independent Contractor or Employee?
Kalindi sent brochure on guidelines for
determining whether an individual is considered a "independent contractor" or
"employee" when working in paid service for Deep Spring. (Action
Item: Pat to review material and determine requirements Deep Spring has related
to new Office Manager.)
- Site Search Initiative:"Where to go from here?"
Jack Koepfgen and
Leslie Desmond were asked to meet with the Board and share their thoughts on direction and
next steps related to the site search initiative and the January 27 Sangha meeting. Jack
reported that he believes Deep Spring's priority should be emphasizing and building
Sangha, not in terms of infrastructure but in terms of community. He
provided a detailed report and summary on the proposed direction and a community-based
process of inquiry. Leslie believes that members really want to build a sense of Sangha,
including meeting together on a periodic basis. She recommends that the Sangha meet from 4
to 6 times yearly. This could be done using rented space. Related to rental possibilities,
Kalindi provided some information on the NEW Center, which included room sizes and rates.
(Action Items: Barb will expedite forwarding on and
sending out the e-mail summarizing the January 27 Sangha meeting and announcing the April
get together. The Board will establish a Sangha Gathering committee or task group
to help plan, organize, and coordinate periodic get togethers. Jack will do some initial
work on this, including contacting others who might also be willing to so serve, and get
back to the Board. Leslie will investigate rental possibilities with local churches and in
the private sector.)
Handouts Distributed
- Financial Statements
- Retreat Committee Meeting Minutes (for 1/28/2002)
- Web Page Report (dated 2/25/02)
- Brochure on Independent Contractor or Employee?
- Newsletter Report (dated 2/25/2002)
- Jack Koepfgen's Notes for DSC BOD
- Board Advisory Group Proposal