August 27, 2001 Board Minutes

Attending: Jane Grace Bowman, Barbara Brodsky, Kris Kurnit, Aiji Pipho, Len Puustinen, George SanFacon, Pat Shalis, Kalindi Trietley.

Minutes for July 23, 2001: Read and approved.

Date Change for Next Meeting: The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 17 at the Meditation Hall. The date for the October meeting is also moved one week later to October 29 because of the Teacher Training schedule.

Follow-up on July Meeting's Action Items:

  1. June Minutes' change in wording. Action Item: Kalindi will check with Dottie.
  2. FileMaker Pro purchase. The board decided not to purchase FileMaker Pro at this time. Nicholas has fixed the FileMaker Pro on the Mac. He will be supporting office functions for the next several months. This subject can be revisited at whatever time there is a change in office support.
  3. Computer questions from Dana. No one knows of any specific computer questions. Action Item: Pat will ask Dana the next time she talks to her.
  4. Newsletter apology. Jane Grace included an apology in the newsletter just being published. This was to recognize the contributions of all who give of time and effort to Deep Spring, not just those giving money.
  5. Pat and Dana met in August as part of the transition of the Treasurer job from Kris to Pat. Process was reviewed. Pat asked that receipts be given along with checks when she is asked to sign checks; all receipts are to be filed centrally at the DSC office. Pat and Dana have set up two "mini-retreat" brainstorming sessions per year to look at possible changes and/or improvements to financial reports and financial processes at Deep Spring.
  6. Kalindi will bring a card for Ken to the next meeting for all to sign.
  7. Barbara wrote and consolidated the office administrator job description. There is no job description for the web manager. Action Item: Kalindi will email Ian for details.

Administrative Assistant: The subcommittee met in August. A revised job description was emailed out and discussed by the committee. Barbara brought a proposal that Nicholas and Ethel split the duties for the next several months. Duties were assigned to each, with Nicholas doing all tasks that could be done remotely from his cabin at Friends Lake. This arrangement will be temporary until DSC has a new home and we can look for a permanent employee. The board approved wages for Nicholas at $12/hour for up to 13 hours per week. Ethel will work up to 8 hrs/month in exchange for retreat registrations. Action Item: Kalindi will talk to Ethel to verify this arrangement. Pat will Contact Dana to find out what papers Nicholas needs to fill out, and how timecards and wage payments are handled.

Retreat Committee: The August Retreat Committee Minutes and the June Retreat Financial Report were distributed by Pat. A draft of the scholarship request form from the retreat committee was distributed and discussed. Some wording changes were suggested. The board decided not to make any changes to the retreat scholarship process for the coming year. Anyone needing retreat registration assistance can request it. They will be asked if they can pay any part of the registration and/or if they can make payments over a period of time. They will also be asked to help with some appropriate retreat job if possible. Every effort will be made to cover remaining costs. Action Item: Barbara will ask Hal to update the form and redistribute it for review.

Financial Report: Pat distributed the August report and the revised July reports.

Computer: The board approved Joshua to support DSC computer troubleshooting and repairs as needed at a rate of $25/hour.

Handouts distributed during the meeting:

  1. Agenda
  2. DSC Board Meeting minutes for 7/23/01
  3. Retreat Committee Minutes
  4. June Retreat Financial Report
  5. Draft of Retreat Scholarship Request Form
  6. DSC Financial Report: July 2001 (revised)
  7. DSC Financial Report: August 2001