April 23, 2001

April 23, 2001

Attending: Jane Grace Bowman, Barbara Brodsky, Kris Kurnit, George SanFacon, Pat Shalis, Kalindi Trietley.

Minutes for February 20, 2001 Board Meeting: Submitted, read and approved.

Meeting with Selected Sangha Members: A few Sangha members have expressed dissatisfaction with the Board. It was proposed that the Board make themselves available to meet with these individuals. The purpose would simply be to provide them direct access to the Board in order to further mutual understanding and peace.

Board Membership: George will taking a sabbatical from the Board during the upcoming summer months: June, July and August. He will be available … Kris announced that she is planning to step down as Board member and President in April 2002. As part of transition planning, she recommended that the Board consider establishing a President-elect position. This idea was endorsed by the Board, although no one was nominated … Aiji and Dottie were nominated for consideration as Board members. After reviewing the criteria within the context of what we know about t them, they were both approved for Board membership if they were so willing to serve. Kris will make sure that they each understand the nature of the work and commitment.

Openness: Board discussed the pros and cons of: (1) having open Board meetings, and (2) posting the Board meeting minutes on the Web site. It was proposed that “open meeting” mean that Sangha members could attend monthly Board meetings as observers if so interested. The only exception and agenda item that would not be processed by the Board in the open format relates to review of candidates for consideration as Board member. To safeguard the privacy of those being considered, such discussions will be held confidential. Observers who wish to speak to a particular issue, may approach the Board or a member and asked to be heard. The Board will then decide the best means to do that. It was also agreed to post the monthly meetings minutes on the Web site.

New Staff Position: It was decided to establish a half-time job for administrative work. At $10 or $12 an hour, the cost would be approximately $1,000 monthly. It was agreed that a portion of the monthly pledges would be earmarked to fund the position. Work will continue on developing the position description while the pledge drive is underway. Action Item: Barb and other Board members will send their recommendations to Kalindi. She will then consolidate the inputs into a concise description and overview.

Answering Machine: Barb and Hal will be away late May for two weeks. We will need some sort of coverage on the answering machine while they’re away. Action Item: Kalindi will check for possible volunteers for this.

Registration Refunds or Credits: Board discussed issues related to refunds or credits for cancellations, or no-shows, at the retreats … It was decided that those who paid in full for the February 2001 retreat but had to cancel at the last minute because of illness or family emergency would be offered a 50% credit toward the next retreat. This was a one-time Board decision. A general refund policy will be discussed and considered at the next Board meeting.

Upcoming Meetings: Tuesday, May 8; Monday, June 25; Monday, July 23; and Monday, August 27.

Handouts Distributed during the Meeting

  1. Meeting Agenda.
  2. Minutes from February 20 Meeting.
  3. Retreat Committee March 12 and April 18 Meeting Minutes.
  4. Retreat Questionnaire Summary.
  5. Financial Summary.
  6. Expense Summary for March 24 Fundraiser.
  7. Notes from Canvas Training Meeting.
  8. February 2001 Retreat Financial Summary.