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October 31, 2014 Day Five: Friday - Remembering Wholeness at Geneva: Spirit Canoe JourneyOctober 31, 2014 Friday, Geneva Retreat, Spirit Canoe
Aaron: My blessings and love to you all. (adjusting the chairs) We're trying to contain the energy and form a circle, here. We want our canoe to go straight! That's good... It doesn't have to be precise. We're just creating a flow with the energy.
We turn to the four directions-- north, south, east, and west, and all the beings of every sort within those four directions.
We invite in again the support of the guardian angels–Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Ariel, each taking one of the directions and giving us their guardianship. Holding the space with their strong positive polarity so that we may work in a very safe space.
We invite in all the great masters of every tradition, male and female, thanking them for their presence with us, to support our journey.
We offer our work not just for ourselves but for all sentient beings, those formed and formless, those born and to be born, those of the air, of the sea, of the land, and everywhere in between.
I am your guide on this journey, but you are not merely a passenger. We take the journey together, and your participation is required.
For each being here, I invite in and welcome all of your spirit guides, your power animals, and the great masters of whose families you are a part. Because we are a large group, we have an especially rich and broad support.
As we let go of the world of your traditional reality, we enter this broader space, which is timeless and formless, and in which everything exists, every possibility.
So we are explorers in non-traditional space-time. Most explorers set out to look for something, even if they have no clear idea what it is they are seeking. There is something out there to be found. Many of us, and this is true not only of the people in the center of the canoe but our paddlers on the side, many of us have experienced a sense of something missing in ourselves.
(pause to check on a paddler who has left; he returns) Missing you, son! Inviting you back. Alright, I just wanted to be sure he was coming back, or we would need to replace him. He is not easily replaceable!
The journey itself will be about an hour, and it will be important for those who are holding the space in the chairs on the side not to leave the room unless there is an urgent need. If you must leave the room, try to let me know and I will fill in energetically as best I can.
The ones who are in the center, also if you must leave the room, you do not need to let me know. But try to stay here for the continuity of it, if possible. If anyone needs to use the bathroom, now would be the time to do it.
If anyone becomes uncomfortable during the journey to the point that they are feeling ill or in need of help of some sort, I'm going to call on people in four corners: K and A, D and either D or C. If in your quadrant you see a hand go up, somebody saying, "I need help," please go to them and see how you can support them. Okay? It probably will not happen, but if it does, if you do begin to feel ill or faint, raise your hand and the support person in your quadrant will come and help.
Those four people, then, should open their eyes occasionally to be aware of a hand has gone up. Otherwise it's best to keep your eyes close. You four do not need to keep your eyes open all the time. If I see a hand go up, I will simply call your name and say, "Someone needs help."
So the ones in the center are looking for something that they feel has been missing in themselves. An open heart, for example. Patience or courage. Insight or willingness to be vulnerable. Purpose. Love. Intimacy. Health. Livelihood. Clarity. To name a few.
Those in the center, and those on the sides, may also be holding a world purpose. The deep vision for peace on Earth. Deep attention to the environment, the places where the environment is being destroyed, and to helping to support the restoration of the environment.
When we did this meditation just over a year ago on the shore of Friends Lake, I combined two journeys there. Here I probably will not do that. When we came back from our first journey, we came into port and down a river and saw a volcano, the earth erupting. And many of us moved to support the healing of the earth. We'll see where we are at the end of the initial stage of the meditation, whether it is appropriate to move into a second area of journeying. Or we may just stay with the first.
At a certain point you will be invited figuratively to leave the boat and go with the guide who appears. Please do not literally climb out of the boat. For the pairs of paddlers, one of each pair may also energetically go off if it seems useful. Agree between you which one will leave. That one can come back and the other one go. But please do not both of a pair of paddlers leave at the same time because we need your energy to contain the whole of the canoe.
You don't have to discuss it ahead of time. At that moment when the offering is made, if one of you feels, "I need to go," just look at your partner, work it out. I don't think there will be any conflict of interest.
Q: How do we paddle?
Aaron: In a few minutes we'll practice paddling and we'll practice drumming. People will get started.
You do not need to change seats to change paddlers. Right now, the person on the outside of the canoe would start paddling. Just try it with the two of you. You are paddling and you are drumming. But then C gets tired. She lets D know and D starts paddling. That's fine. So it's not necessary to actually move. Since we're not in an actual boat, we're in a different space-time and there's water all around. You can paddle from anywhere.
Q: Should people keep their arms and legs uncrossed?
Aaron: It would be helpful to keep your arms and legs uncrossed, especially those in the center so that energy can be flowing through more easily. But there will be no great harm done if you cross your arms and legs. You're just cutting yourself off from the flow of energy.
In the traditional version of this journey, I would be in the center of the canoe with one or two seekers. We would arrive at the place where the lost thing is to be found, and I myself would enter that non-traditional space-time to retrieve it for you.
There is one of me but I can be in many places at once, so that's not really a problem. But I do not wish to do the retrieval for you; I want you to be empowered. I do not want this to be something I do for you, but something that you choose for yourselves. But since I can be in many places at once, each of you who journey, I will be with you. And also your own guides, your power animals, and the great masters, all of these will be with you. You are never alone as you travel. And the one who shows up to carry you, this one also is a deeply loving being who will support your journey.
But you, from your own heart, must find that which you seek, holding the intention. Seeking is not the hard part. Acknowledging the resistance to finding it is the hard part. Aware that there is some fear, "What if I do find this part of myself that I have misplaced?" We consider that at some level it was intentionally misplaced because it felt too frightening to carry it. The capacity for total commitment and love, power, vulnerability. You can see the ways these may have been somewhat intentionally laid aside. We will not say lost, but laid aside, because they were frightening.
This is part of the reason why you are in control of this journey. I could go and find all of this and bring it back to you, and you might say, "No! No! I'm not ready for that." It is your readiness that we're inviting, and it is your seeking and intention that draws it to you. The power of intention. The power of the open heart.
Let us do a little more practice here. So I'd like the drums to begin, soft. (slow drumming) Drums and rattles. And those in the middle, if you have rattles or drums, you can sound them. You don't have to, but you can. It will help bring you energy.
Now let's step up the pace. Louder! Faster! Louder! And then soften.
So when it's very loud, I'm going to just do that if I need it to come down. Please pay attention to your leader. –Listen. Your eyes are going to be closed. Listen. Those in the front will hear her tapering off. As she tapers off, you taper off. As she slows down her pace, you slow down your pace. So it will take a few moments for the room to shift to a new pace, but that's fine. Are there any questions before we begin? (No.)
I'm looking here at the transcript from the last time I guided this journey, but making some very real changes. I am just using it as a rough guide.
Then let us begin with a slow, soft drumbeat and the paddlers paddling gently. Remember, you are actually paddling. You're giving energy to this. (slow drumming, paddling)
(there are varied lengths of pauses thoughout, not noted)
We're near the delta of a river where it opens out into the sea. We're paddling here with the intention for the highest good of all beings and harm to none; to release the personal traumas; to find that which we have misplaced through many lifetimes; and to heal the traumas of the earth and lead the earth to restore itself to wholeness, and the nations of the earth.
We're paddling to a land that we can see just dimly in the distance, far across the sea. (You can quiet the drums a little bit so you can hear me better. Keep them going, but quietly.) Far across the sea there are very high mountains. Between us and those mountains is a vast sea that we will cross.
The sun is rising now. In the far distance you can see the pink snow-covered caps of these mountains reflecting the dawn. Somewhere between here and there on this great sea are parts of ourselves that we have misplaced. We don't know if we will find them in the calm waters or on the wild wind-swept sea, on the sea bottom, floating on the surfaces or high in the air above. As with all explorers we simply move out courageously and invite.
Gradually the river draws us out through its mouth and into the vast waters. You must paddle a little harder to move through the waves breaking upon the shore.
We move out beyond these breakers. Gradually the land recedes behind us, and it feels like we are alone in the open sea. It is a beautiful day. The sea is calm, just the normal swells of an ocean. Paddling... The boat rising and falling with the ocean swells.
Feel us moving out and out, beyond sight of the shore. Those travelers in the center of the canoe, you can rock your bodies very gently, feeling the ocean swell. Letting yourself ride with the rising and falling of these gentle waves.
As the hours pass, the sky begins to cloud a bit and then heavier clouds and wind. (stronger drumming) The paddling becomes harder. The boat is lurching up and down now, moved by powerful waves...
Do not use your energy not to fight the sea but to move skillfully with its energy, with the oars. The sea is not your enemy. Yet there is a feeling of violence, waves cresting, hitting the boat hard. They rock you back and forth. Thunder comes from the horizon, black clouds, lightning! (faster drumming)
There is some fear. Allow it to be present. Do not try to stop the fear but watch the fear, holding space for it. Simply breathe with the fear. Loud thunder, boat rocking and creaking, waves breaking over the bow and soaking you. Boat taking on water. Paddlers keeping it perpendicular to the waves so it will not turn over. Fear, and space for it. (very loud drumming, other noisemakers; continues for some time)
(drumming quiets) And the storm blows past. The turbulence diminishes. The paddlers rest a bit with slow, easy paddling, feeling the deep stability of this canoe. It may creak, it may gather water, but it will not overturn. It is a haven of safety. It will support you, all of you.
Paddling across this vast sea, the sun has broken from behind a cloud and is glittering with an appearance of sparkling gems on the surface of the water, so that a thousand diamonds surround you in a broad array of blues, greens, pinks, lavenders, yellows and gold. Awe-inspiring!
Big swells still, the boat rocking gently. When suddenly you hear splashing! (fast loud drumming, tapering off to quiet) Giant sea creatures are leaping from the water. (drumming very softly) Some of them seem to be almost 15 feet long. Creatures of many different shapes, some very beautiful and some a bit fierce in appearance and frightening. They are jumping 10, 15 feet out of the water and splashing back down, but you soon see that they will not land on the boat. Watch them with a bit of awe and with joy. They exude a loving presence.
Each of them calls a name. Bring your attention to the creature that calls your name-- a giant fish, a sea serpent, a seahorse, even an angel, whatever its appearance, whatever its color, hear it calling, "I am your guide and your carrier. Come with me." If it frightens you, hold space for the fear.
One and two at a time, figuratively, I do not want you to take your actual mundane bodies out of the boat, but let the astral body leave the boat and go with the guide who has come. If it's a fish, grab hold of its tailfins, or climb astride the seahorse. Wrap your arms around the sea serpent. Gently let yourself go. The paddles stilling now, just holding the boat in this space, not moving the boat. Just holding it here against the current, gently.
All the passengers depart, each with their own guide.(longer pause)
Once you get into the water, you will find you can breathe underwater. Your companion will take you underwater. You will not drown. You are entrusted to this guide.
Go down with it through the surface water and into the black depths, seeking for what is lost. Ask your guides and power animals to help you.You want to retrieve that misplaced part of the self? And yes, there is fear. Who will I become if that is retrieved?
One of each pair of paddler drummers may also take hold of a fin or climb astride a sea creature, finding what calls to be found.
You may find different things. One looks like a treasure chest. Open it. See what is there.
Perhaps coming through the darkness, you arrive suddenly in a brilliantly lit place at the bottom of the sea, filled with crystalline structures. You may find living beings down there that smile at you. They may even take your hand and lead you to a sacred place to find what you seek. Allow yourself to be guided. Allow your intention to lead you. Sea castles; sea caverns filled with crystals; mountains and undersea forests of tall, waving fronds.
The drums and rattle continue softly, and we'll have a few minutes of silence. Remember your guides are with you. I am with you.
Whatever you seek is accessible and it is safe to retrieve it. If there is a lot of fear, acknowledge the fear and ask for help. I, the Mother, and other spirit will come. This is your journey and your free will choice to take that which allows you once again to feel whole.
This is the journey of the seeker. It asks love and courage.
Remember that I am with you in this non-ordinary space-time. I am your guide and I will never leave you alone or abandon you. You are fully supported. There is no such thing as lost. Whatever has been misplaced, there has been some intention to back away from it, yet you have not felt whole without it. Now it is time to reclaim this truth of your being, to reclaim the fullness of the loving heart, to reclaim your power, to reclaim your ability to love and be loved.
Those who dream for the whole earth, what has the earth lost through becoming caught up in fear, contraction, and separation? Also take hold of one of these fins and go into the sea, finding what calls to be found.
What does peace look like? What is the deepest experience of compassion for each human and other sentient beings? Explore these depths with your guide. Take as long as you need.
Enjoy the beauty of this undersea world.
Your safety, your wholeness, your open heart, your courage, your love, it is all being offered. Nothing is ever lost. Through trauma and karma we seem to misplace parts of ourselves, but they are never lost. The strength of your intention will lead you back to what you seek. Your guides will know your intentions, to lead you.
When you have found what you seek, and it does not have to have happened yet,... when you have found what you seek, ask the creature who has carried you to bring you back up to the surface, and flying over the boat, to gently place you back into the boat.
Those who are lying in the middle, know that you are lovingly attended to. Everything you seek is here, whatever has been lost, whatever it is. The hard thing is not finding it but receiving it, because you have lived your whole life with a belief in lack of wholeness, and suddenly you are discovering that you are whole. The lost parts of yourself are returned. You are intact.
For many of you, you will need to release something in order to bring back that lost part. To release an old limiting belief. To release old hardening of the energy field and blockage of the chakras. To open the heart.
We will give some time to this step, letting you explore underwater, holding your intention, being guided. Eventually, when you are ready, you will be carried back to the surface and gently laid upon the boat.
If it feels like you need more energy, then the drummers drum a bit louder to bring up energy. Paddlers, use your energy to direct, seeing the source of light and love and use your energy to draw the travelers to the heart of that light. Keep drumming. I'm going to be quiet. Paddling, drumming as is appropriate, for several minutes.
To seek and to be willing to receive are two different things. So hold your hands up and ask for help for that willingness to receive and integrate what has been offered. Feel the Mother's energy with you. If any of you with arms up literally need a human to come and help, wave one arm a lot. The others, just holding your hands up, to ask for spirit help.
Experiencing love coming to you, holding you in its embrace, and reminding you how to take into yourself and fully integrate this part that had been misplaced and is now returned. It's frightening to get it back; acknowledge that. You're not sure how to use it. You will learn. It will be a learning process. That's okay. Welcome it back.
Again, if anybody whose hands are up inviting spirit help needs literal human help, wave one hand so that the support people can see your need.
This boat of ours is thick with spirit guides, with so many loving beings, all rejoicing that you are finding what you seek. You are safe.
Those who have journeyed underwater now begin to return, coming back up into the boat filled with light. Thank the sea creatures who have carried you as they gently deposit you on the deck. And we see them swimming off, some of them leaping playfully like dolphins.
Now our canoe family is all back aboard the ship, and we can begin to paddle again.
We can see that distant shore. We approach it. It bears a remarkable similarity to the shore we left except that the air above it sparkles. It is new and vibrant. It is so filled with promise and hope. It has not been touched by fear, pain, and desolation. It is the land of our true being.
Our canoe moves in through the breakers and into the river, up the river to our harbor. The water is gentle here. The boat rocks very gently. There is a soft breeze and warm sunlight. The sounds of angelic presence fill the air, and an extraordinary feeling of love surrounds us all.
You are safe. You have always been safe. Now we rest here in this boat for about ten minutes. The paddlers may rest, and the drums and rattles may play occasionally very softly.
Investigate what you have brought back with you. Ask your guides how best to bring it into the self, how to open fully to it.
About ten minutes of quiet meditation, then, while we integrate. The drummers moving at will, as feels appropriate, or simply resting silently.
(silent sitting about 15 minutes)
Now gradually we are ready to disembark. Together while you lie here and sit here, let us sing the song, "Love is the Law." Some of you able to lead it, perhaps.
(singing) Love is the law Love is the law Love is the law of the universe. All you have to do is Feel inside yourself For love is the law.
God is love God is love God is the love the universe. All you have to do is Feel inside yourself For God is love.
God is truth God is truth God is the truth of the universe. All you have to do is Look inside yourself For God is truth.
Love is the law Love is the law Love is the law of the universe. All you have to do is Feel insides yourself For Love is the law.
God is love God is love God is the love of the universe. All you have to do is Feel inside yourself For God is love.
God is truth God is truth God is the truth of the universe. All you have to do is Look inside yourself For God is truth.
Love is the law Love is the law Love is the law of the universe. All you have to do is Feel inside yourself For Love is the law.
Love is the law Love is the law Love is the law of the universe. All you have to do is Feel inside yourself For Love is the law.
You may now begin to open your eyes and sit up gradually. There's no rush. Take the time to get up, get yourselves some water and use the bathroom, and then come back and form into your small group circles, your dining room circles, for some time of sharing. If you do not wish to speak in the sharing circle that's fine. Then sit silently. But I invite you all to form and sit in these circles, even if you simply sit and hold hands. When the sharing circles feel they have finished, they may depart.
(session ends)