private meeting with Aaron and other Brothers/ Sisters of Light on the release of negative energy / a negative entity

August 20, 2015 Thursday, Private Session

Support to release negative energy

This is a private session with a friend who works with helping to release negativity (a very limiting capsule statement of his work), especially in Germany but really worldwide. He wrote to ask to meet with Aaron and me. He described some recent experiences with something very negative. We both feel there is value to share what we did and learned with others. Although it is personal, it also touché son the experiences of many of us who are working to offer loving service in the world.

He said in part when he wrote,

" In Germany last spring I had worked with a number of people who had dark energies that had become attached to their systems and for the most part that seemed to go well, but there was one session where it did not and where I had reacted more from personality.  One time I guided a person in a directive way to release a negative energy in her system. I had become more directive because I had limited time to work with her in the small group process and it had taken a long time to clarify the entity was there.  I did not take time to listen to all the parts of her who did not what to let this energy go.  I am usually careful to do this, but I was tired and had been working for many days straight guiding very deep work and the time to end the session was pressing on me.  She did go through a process of releasing this entity, but then she was confused.  I didn't have time to deal with that all in the group session, but was able to arrange an appointment to see her the next day alone, to sort things out.   Afterward I felt very heavy, exhausted and negative.  I walked into the nearby hills tying to re-center and then had a sense that I had picked up the energy she had been holding.  I had the strong sense I needed to try to release it.  I found some large old trees made contact with them to try and release it.  This didn't work well, nor was the "heart of divine light"(his guide) able to help in this situation.  I then had the sense I needed to give it back to the women I had been working with, and I apologized for separating them.  This seemed to bring some relief, though I still had a feeling of uneasiness.   Fortunately, I could meet with her individually the next day and work through the process.   It turns out that she had felt at a very deep level, that it was her job to be tending this dark entity; she had been caring for it years and felt it was one of her important life purposes.  I had the feeling that perhaps this was a very deep soul caring for a dangerous entity, and I had released that entity through idea that these entities always need to be released.  I working with her, she was relieved to have her job back of caring for this entity, but I was not sure it had all returned to her care. 

Meeting August 20, 2015 with T, Barbara and Aaron:

Barbara: I had an interesting experience the day before yesterday when your email came in and again this morning. When I read it and reached the part about the negative entity, I suddenly started to feel dizzy, so I stopped reading and lay down. I meditated some and felt better. Because of my ears I do occasionally get dizzy, but not often any more. It came up very suddenly. So I meditated for about an hour and I did not go back to reading it.

Then an hour ago, before you came, I started to read it again. I was fine this morning. And again when I got to the place that mentions the entity, I became very dizzy. So I stopped reading. I sat here and meditated and asked whatever it was, I said, "You may not enter into me. You may not do this." And I could feel a very strong dark energy. It was coming up just with the reading of it. It was there, part of it. So I want to share that with you. I'm fine. But I couldn't read it before. Now, with the two of us sitting here together, and with a strong statement, "You may not interfere," I could read it without that dizziness.

Let me say a little more about other things in your email because after Aaron talks I won't be much here and able to talk.

It's so hard to find balance. There's so much suffering in the world. And we really can help alleviate some of that suffering. And it feel can feel selfish not to just go out there and keep doing it. Unless we take time to restore ourselves, we can't do that. We really need to do something with our schedules to cut back and to say, "Okay, this is all I as the human can do." The spirit could work 24/7. I can do such work quietly sitting in my woods and just sending energy out, but I can't work constantly and directly with people. We really have to do that for ourselves, and give ourselves time for personal retreat.

Talking about finding time for breaks.

You know what I'm getting at.  I'm not trying to figure out for you how to do it, but I have found that I have to stop. I have not cancelled things, but I've scheduled half of what I used to schedule. I still am exhausted sometimes. And if I'm exhausted, I know I really need time to be alone and clear it out and release it or I'm not only harming myself but I'm also possibly harming others because I'm carrying that dark energy from one place to another. As in this situation with my just trying to read, you need time to release this.

Okay, one additional quick thought here... It's so hard to find that place that says it's okay not to do, just to be and meditate and from there to work with this high divine loving energy, sending it out into the world, going energetically from here off to the places that ask support. Part of my meditation time is just quiet, resting in light. It's blissful and there is some attachment to just staying there. Then I ask to see what wants attention in myself and in the world. One can see, or feel the needs as areas of darkness. I just let awareness go out to them, seeing the light and inviting release of shadow without being there personally. I'm not doing that 24/7, I'm just doing it for part of my meditation period; just being.

For me I find that I connect in meditation to a very high focused light, a very intense light. It feels like I'm within the bottle of Casa water on the altar, but if you imagine that radiance as a waterfall 200 feet high and brilliant light coming out. I feel like I approach this Light. I can't see what it is; it's just light, light, light. The closer I get to it, the more it seems to burn everything away that's not of that light. Sometimes I can get fully into it. Sometimes I can't. I go as far as I can, to a point where it begins to burn and is too uncomfortable and intense. It is burning away portions of the personality self that are still not ready to release at that moment; burning away old karma too. Then I just stop and rest there.

I ask that light to release anything that's of darkness in me, and then I consecrate the light out to service in the world. I do this on a daily basis. I also note the simultaneity of that more dense shadow and the ever-existent light so it is not a process of getting rid of something. There is release but it is more a willingness to let go of the shadow, contraction or dense area of whatever body to return to the already present ever-perfect. I think willingness and intention are the keys. If I don't meditate like that every day, I find that I cannot do the work I'm doing because, little areas of darkness in all the bodies – physical, emotional, mental, spirit – these areas of darkness get stronger and stronger until there's a big personality self trying to do this work, and then I'm exhausted. It's no longer spirit doing the work. So I'm just sharing my experience with you and the importance of taking time to renew yourself both daily and also yearly with regular retreats and quiet time.

Okay, Aaron, is there anything else you feel I should say to Q? Aaron says, (suggesting attending the October Remembering Wholeness retreat if it fits T's schedule)

(tape paused while Aaron incorporates to speak directly)

Aaron is not yet incorporated... he says he will speak some in this way so Barbara can also here, and then speak directly to T.

Aaron (not incorporated): We invite into this space all the entities of love, the great Masters, and others who are not so well-known but who are deeply grounded in love. We invite in the archangels–Ariel, Gabriel... One moment, please...There is some very strong dark energy wanting to break in. Ariel and Gabriel will be with us today in this inner circle and others of the archangels and high angels are forming an outside circle. In other words, spirit is forming two circles-- one immediately around this room and one further out-- to give us strong protection...

This negativity is proclaiming its right to be here, and we are acknowledging it has free will. But we also have free will, and it may not come close into this inner circle. Because Barbara did not shield herself as she started to read, it already has invaded, and it may not do that. I'm speaking to Barbara here. Whenever you are reading something from anybody on the internet, or even in a book, take a moment to ground yourself. Ask me, Jeshua, Father John, the Mother, one or several of us, to be with you and to strengthen the protection for you.

I continue to speak to Barbara and T here. Immediately before reading T's email, you had read the request for help from the woman who, in a period of deep depression and mental illness had killed her children; she wrote to you from a mental hospital. As you read you could feel the negative energy coming through. She said the doctors said she was cured, but you could feel she was not fully healed. There was still karma and presence of negativity. You were drawn into her story and pain and wished there was a way to support her healing.

You went immediately from reading that on to reading T's email without taking the time to release that contracted energy and work with it, which is when you became dizzy. I'm speaking to both of you here. You are both doing work that requires vigilance of you–vigilance is not the right word. Vigilance implies a kind a hardening of attention, and in your work you must remain soft and open. Be aware and shield as is appropriate but with no intention to close with fear. Rather than fear or any contracting alarm, wisdom and compassion say, "no". You must always be aware of the subtle presence of negativity when you first feel it and respond with this power of love that is not yours, from the personality self, but draws from t eh eternal love   and comes through you, base don your intention. It is never offered to 'fix' or for personal gain but only for the highest good.  In this way, you model to negativity the true power of love grounded in the Divine.

Barbara, as you read that email from the woman asking for help, she was not asking for help at that point to release negativity but to look at how to forgive herself, and to forgive the doctors who had released her from the hospital with a post-partum depression and sent her home, saying, "You're okay." She couldn't forgive the doctor for not seeing there was more to her situation.

You felt there was some negativity still within her, as would be understandable in such a painful situation. And T, you have similar situations to which you are exposed. I'm citing the story of this woman, but each of you has hundreds of similar kinds of situations. For you both, as soon as there is a personality self that feels that it "should" help, "should" fix, you release the appropriate shielding because the vulnerability of that personality self becomes predominant. When you can read or hear such messages that come to each of you, perhaps not on a daily basis but at least on a weekly basis, or several times a week, when you first begin to read something like this or hear and listen, pause before you begin. Pause before you meet the person, whether that meeting is by reading  on the internet or in person, and invite in appropriate shielding. You both know how to do that.

It begins with the kind of centering Barbara just spoke of, and it needs to be done on a daily basis, bringing in the whole self into the light. Barbara's asking moment please. I have been saying this without incorporating because I wanted you to hear me clearly. Barbara, Have you heard me?

Barbara: Yes, Aaron, thank you.

Aaron: I will finish with this part and then I will incorporate.

You begin your day with bringing yourself into the light, consecrating this mind, body, and spirit to the light, to service to the light, to love, for the highest good of all beings, just as you might shower at in the day to wash off any dirt, brush your teeth to wash away particles that don't belong in the mouth. So your morning meditation is also a cleansing.

When you see yourself against this bright light, you can see the bits of darkness. Sometimes they're in one or another of the chakras, sometimes in the physical body, sometimes in the emotional body or even the mental one. It has a bit the appearance of one small storm cloud, denser cloud against the clear sky. This is where the work with the akashic field is important. We do not create a duality that says, "I will get rid of these bits of darkness and then I will be cleansed." We notice the bits of darkness and we know the eternal light and love. The storm clouds are just the sky itself, in a heavier density and with the appearance of shadow. Yet they do have a reality and we heed the lightening that can emerge from them.

Thus, the darkness is not so much like a stain that must be scrubbed off to finally get to the pure skin or even that must be surgically scraped off and have the skin regrow itself. It's much more like, if the sun were shining bright and you were under a tree with intermittent leaves and branches, there would be patches on you of brilliant light, and patches where it was shady. You don't believe that there's something you must brush off. If you wish bright sun, you simply move yourself back into the light. The light is always there. If you're in a place of deep shadow, you pick up your chair and move back to the light.

There's nothing to fix. As soon as you believe there's something to fix, there is some further contraction, more personality self, and then the meditation is not refreshing but is simply more work. When you go through a cycle like this, and this is part of what's happening for you, T, when you go through a cycle like this, you become exhausted.

So what's needed here, I can use several metaphors and you choose the one that is best for you. Sitting on the stool and the sun has shifted, so you simply move your stool back into the light, with no belief that you have been damaged, or that the darkness has worked its way into your cells. The other metaphor, you're gardening and after the gardening you notice there's dirt on the hands. It hasn't worked its way into you. Love simply washes the hands. The perfect hands are always there.

What I want you to most closely attend to is this small–begins small but grows – this shift, a contraction into the personality self. Both of you are more facile in attending this in the self, but when faced by the suffering of others, the old stories of "I should" arise and the contractions compound.

Barbara, you and I will speak more of this personally. With Q's permission I would like to ask Janice to transcribe this section of our discussion. What's more personal to T will be put in a second file. I would like to incorporate because this is hard on your energy body. Is this okay with both of you?

Barbara: Okay. Thank you, Aaron. I'll pause this...

Aaron: One note to Barbara before I incorporate. Do you notice how your throat is tightening?

Barbara: Yes.

Aaron: The entity that has been hanging around and that has been pushing you around a bit, yesterday and today, it doesn't want you to speak. Let's spend a minute here just with loving energy to the throat, and then I will incorporate...Aaron takes a crystal and holds it at Barbara's throat for a few minutes.

(tape paused)Aaron incorporates.

Barbara: We come together here, all of us for the good of all beings, and with love. I invite into this circle this support–Jeshua, Aaron, the Mother, Father John, whatever archangels wish to be part of this circle. I understand that some of you are creating a second circle beyond this inner one, and I thank you for that. I invite T's guides and helpers into the circle. All of us here together deeply committed to service to all beings and with love. I ask protection for this body; the moment when I leave the body and before Aaron comes in, the body is very vulnerable. Jeshua, Father John, holding my hands. I consecrate this body to the Light...

(tape paused, Aaron incorporates)

Aaron: I am Aaron. You may open your eyes, T, or keep them closed, as suits you. My blessings to you. Thank you for coming to talk with me.

Love always wins out. Trust that. We learn more skillful means, and what you are learning, what you are experiencing is part of your growth and serves others too.

Both of you frequently meet with people who are carrying strong dark energy, in person, on the internet, in different ways. You understand the difference between shielding and armoring.(T asking asking for further clarification)When it's raining you put up an umbrella. It's an appropriate way to shield yourself from becoming soaked. You don't run into a cave and seal the entrance. The sun will come out and you don't need the umbrella anymore. You take it down. You don't live eternally in the cave thinking, "But it could rain again." Armoring is contracted. It's hard, hard-edged. It separates. Shielding is completely open and soft, but is a voice of compassion that says, "No, I will not get soaked. I put up an appropriate shield."

You need to start each day, and it can just be for 5 minutes in bed if that's all the time you have. But for whatever period of time you can give it, a confirming your commitment to service to all beings, to the light, to love, asking for help, and hopefully within that 5 or 20 minutes or hour, however long you have, hopefully really feeling the personality self fall away at least partially. Feeling your self fully merge into that field of light. Rest in that field of light.

I can't say you carry that field of Light with you–it IS you. The personality self is on the surface. This field of light is what you truly are. You carry it with you to your computer, your meeting. You never know what you're going to meet when you open the computer, when you open the mail, when you open the door, so it's important to offer the shielding through grounding in the light, but you do so not from a place of fear but a place of love. That grounding can take different forms. Ask spirit for help before the fact. Feel yourself so strongly in this field of light that nothing can penetrate it, literally taking your guide's hand, my hand, Jeshua's hand, whatever teachers are predominant for you. For both of you; Jeshua. The Mother, Kwan Yin, any of these beings of divine light and love will support the grounding into this vibration. Asking for their help.

Then, for Barbara, who will read this message, when you begin to read something-- immediately, even as you opened the email, you felt something–there were two dozen emails, as usual. But even before you clicked to open this one, you immediately felt something coming from it. You did not heed that signal. The personality self said, "Oh, I've got to get through 5 more emails." It's late at night. So you pushed yourself ahead instead of stopping and shielding yourself and anchoring into the Light vibration.

There is warning given you, and ample time to ground. When you come into a room, you can feel if there's strong dark energy in there. Before you come into a room for a workshop, you need to give yourself half an hour at least to fully center yourself in the light. And you need to not enter that room until you feel centered and protected. Then, shield yourself as is appropriate. This is never done from fear. It is part of your commitment to non-harm and for the highest service to beings not to perpetuate that low vibration or absorb into it.

When you work with people who are carrying such dark energy, both of you often employ a method to take the heavy vibration into you and release. If it is taken in via route of the personality self, it sticks. You can do the practices like tonglen but they must be done correctly, by which I mean not only full release but that the one doing the practice is empty of self, as much as is possible. He/she has meditated and released the 'doer' as much as possible. You will note that such emptiness cannot be guaranteed. Thus, you know you must do some cleansing after. It is vital to make time for that.

You can work with the person carrying the dark energy or can turn directly to the dark energy. Now, I was very struck by what T says...

It turns out that she had felt at a very deep level, that it was her job to be tending this dark entity; she had been caring for it years and felt it was one of her important life purposes.  I had the feeling that perhaps this was a very deep soul caring for a dangerous entity, and I had released that entity through idea that these entities always need to be released.

So there needs to be real sensitivity there. You reached in to release it because this is what you do. You did ask, "Is it okay?"  but whom did you ask? How do we tell the difference between carrier and entity? You were rushed. In a situation like that, if you feel rushed, it's better not to do anything than to proceed. Let it be, for the other person, the entity and for you.

Then later, if you have the chance to meet with the person privately, you can ask about it, and ask her if she needs help with this entity, to release it. If she says no, then that's her choice. If she says yes, she does need help with it, then you begin to work together as a coordinated unit, to attend to this dark entity. Then you must also ask this dark energy: what help do YOU need? It's lodged there. It wants to stay there, it must be educated to understand it is harming its host. As long as she's taking care of it, it will never understand a choice to move on.

I'm reminded of the situation of a parent who's raised a child who's very angry and starts using drugs at an early age. The mother says, "You must leave the house. I will not support your drug habit." The child replies, "Then I'll kill myself." So the parent says, "Okay, you can stay here." The child really wants to be free of the drug habit at one level, wants the parent to say no, but is terrified of that possibility. The parent is enabling the child to maintain the habit because of the fear the child really will kill himself. There are many deep connections of fear, power and control, and also refusal or inability to be responsible. Responsibility: response-ability; the ability to respond with love and wisdom rather than to react. It's very similar situation. So people do carry such negativity and move into very unwholesome patterns with it.

On a human level, we work with that by saying the hard no. "If you choose to kill yourself, I can't stop you. But I will no longer support this drug habit." It's one of the hardest things that a loving person might have to do. This is not different. This woman has not learned how to say no. She's just carrying the entity, with whom she must have long-term karmic connections. The dark entity may want to find a way to release, but it's terrified. It also wants to stay there. She feels it wanting to stay there, so she's willing to let it stay there until it's willing to go.

You're working with both the woman and the entity. And Barbara, I'm talking to T here, but you know this applies to you. When there is this kind of negativity, remember that you are working with a person who is carrying the negativity, and you are working with the negative entity. In addressing their needs, they are equal in weight. But if you can align yourself supportively with the person who has been carrying the dark entity, then the two of you together can begin to talk to the dark entity. If you just go to the dark entity, which both of you sometimes do, then you're not addressing the needs of all of them. That's the personality self with the belief, "This dark energy is here and shouldn't be here."

There is concern for this dark energy that it go to the light, that it find healing. There is concern for the human who is likely suffering some effects of carrying this heavy vibrational being. But what I'm talking about here, I think you understand this now, is better coordinating the needs of all, and coordinating it first from that place of your own light. As soon as you feel any push, pause. This is why you need to leave more time for your inner work. Better to do half as much and do it–"well" is not the adjective I would use, but to do it more skillfully and with more space and ease, so that it's more successful, than to try to do too much. As soon as you try to do too much, the 'doer', the ego self, takes over and you are pulled into that whole flow of contraction.

So – and this is something that I have been repeating to Barbara for over 25 years – if as you work you feel any subtle push of negativity from yourself or from outside, your own personality self coming in and saying, "Needs to be fixed," or the external negativity pushing against you, pause. Tell the other person(s), "There's strong negativity here, and we all need to re-center." It doesn't matter if it takes one minute or ten minutes. So there must be time allowed. When Barbara schedules private meetings like this, I ask her to always schedule at least 2 hours, often 3 hours, for what would presumably be a one hour meeting so that we can pause if we need to and she can cleanse before and after. Just pausing. And I know this is hard because you're there(at the workshop) for a short stay, and you have many people in need. But it's not helping anybody if you get pulled into the negativity.

Pause. Find the "Heart of Divine Love"(T's guide) . Find Jeshua. Ground yourself. Because of the power of your daily meditation, you have developed tools to bring you back into the light fairly quickly. I know you have done this. I know you have techniques that help. For Barbara centering often involves just chanting OM or some similar chant. Moving the hands. Breathing. She consciously moves herself into the Light and asks for support; whatever helps to bring her into the sacred center. As I said, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, as long as is needed until you feel that the divine self, the heart of love, is now directing the movement again. The personality self is still watching and seeing but is not controlling.

It's easier for Barbara because once I'm incorporated, the personality self doesn't come in so much.  It's harder for you. But coming back into that space where you can say, "The divine self is now in charge. I surrender any tension, any fix-it thinking, all of this; I offer this contraction out to the light." And state the intention, "for the highest good of all beings and harm to none."  Come back into this stream of light coming through the crown chakra and washing through the body, radiant light. Only then begin talking with the person again. Even if it's a group, tell the group in the beginning, "If I am feeling any negativity, I've learned that I have to pause. If I pause in that way, please help me by centering yourself in light also. Between us we make the statement that whatever is deeply negative may stay and listen but may not influence this circle. It may stay to learn." Don't be afraid to pause. Write space for the pauses into your program, because they will happen.

I will now shift this session and we will begin to work directly with the negative entity and the ones holding that negativity. This is directed to T but transcription will benefit many. This is how I work with such an entity, and with Barbara  and T who have picked up fragments of it.

Aaron: Reading my highlights from Q's notes:

T speaks of exhaustion:

There are two parts to this, T. One is, simply, you are experiencing exhaustion because you are not giving yourself enough time to center and cleanse. One is that because negativity now has gotten in, it's pushing you further into negative or contracted experience. This is negative voice, the voice of depression, of fear, of sadness, of limitation.  There is deep heartfelt aspiration to attend to the suffering of the world, and the negativity saying, "Oh, we're not going to let you do that." Then the personality self pushes back.

The negativity begins dominate your consciousness. In this case there is a strong negative entity--not just one, several, but one predominant. What I suggest here is that we spend some time now releasing.

You're in the situation of a person who, because they've been working hard and not nourishing themselves well with food, with sleep, etc., their immune system is very weakened, so that one negative entity hits and wipes you out.

You say you found some large old trees, made contact with them. Tried to release it. It didn't work well, nor was the Heart of Divine Light somehow able to sense the situation.... "Heart of Divine Light" was not able to help because you were too deep into the darkness and constriction to permit her help, not that she was not present but could not violate your free will, the free will expressing of the small self that wanted to fix.

You had the sense you needed to give it back to the woman. All right, much wisdom here. You approached this skillfully at this point. You were aware of the negative entity. You were aware that you needed to give it back to the carrier. But you did not fully cleanse yourself of it.

This entity is a strong negative energy. You gave part of it back, and the rest is festering like a bacteria would in your body. Let's spend some time here together, then, working to release this. I share this with readers as one example of such release.

(Aaron has shifted his chair to sit in front of the altar and invites T to move his chair also, facing Aaron. He also gives T a crystal to hold.)

(some time of silence as we center; then speaking to the entity in a very calm manner and voice)

You have lived within the previous host for a long time. You feel her discomfort with you and yet her belief that she needs to carry you, to take care of you. It has been comforting and yet confining. You find yourself now, my friend, with some ambivalence in that you have felt safe and protected and yet recognize that within you there is a strong strand of, let us just call it negative polarity, service to self.

You have the strong belief, because of your most recent past life, that power comes from expanding the self. Not the divine self, which cannot be expanded but is infinite, but the small self. It was your way of survival in your past life, to become as big and as powerful as you could, with no concern as to how that impacted others. This is a deep habit for you. And it is not bad; it is simply unskillful because it does so much harm to others and yourself. I know you don't fully believe what I am telling you.

There is a belief in negative polarity that there is a way through to 8th density, if I can put it in those terms, through a negative path, and this is not so. The only way through to that level, to full connection with All-That-Is, is through a positive path of service to all beings, of non-contraction. The further you move on a negatively polarized path, the more terrifying it becomes to step back. So you have rested in relative safety with your prior host, but you have felt the desire to burst out, to have more power, because you didn't feel fully safe, because this host was considering how to release you; she was taking care of you, and yet you were aware that this host was impermanent. Where do you go from there? What will happen to you? Will you be destroyed? So greater power was perceived as necessary.

My friend, the essence of you is light, although you do not believe that right now. It cannot be destroyed. Herein is your greatest strength and safety. The layers of darkness around you, these can be released so that you begin to know the true essence of your light, can begin the transformation.

You have attempted to work your way into both T and Barbara, and they are saying, "No, you may not integrate yourself into me". I feel your trepidation as I say that. You are telling me you have free will; you can go where you want. Not if it does harm to others. Both of these beings of their free will say no. I say no for Barbara, reemphasizing her choice, and let T say no for himself.

But we wish you no harm, only that you may begin to release these shackles of darkness that you have held for decades in the most recent lifetime and before that in previous lifetimes, that you may begin to move into the light.

T, can you feel this entity's presence?( T nods yes)

You have free will. That free will does not extend to continuing to be within T and Barbara. They say no. But you have free will whether you wish to stay in the place of darkness or whether you wish our help to consider the possibility to emerge from that darkness.

You always are in control, and at any point in the process you may say, "Stop, that's enough." We will heed that immediately.

I know you cannot tolerate the light of Jeshua, of the Mother, and so forth, that it's too painful to you. So I think the release here through T and Barbara's help, and with them connecting to the higher entities, may be more comfortable for you than trying to bring these very radiant entities in, those whom you feel will destroy you.

Are you willing for us to proceed? And I want to hear Q's discernment of this answer, here, what T feels you saying... This is also to teach T to trust his discernment.

( T says yes)

Thank you...

You were not born in darkness. You were born in light. Because of fear, pain, confusion, heaviness of this earth density, you took layers of darkness onto yourself to protect yourself, to armor yourself, until you began to perceive of yourself as darkness.

But you are not darkness. You are love. With your permission I'm going to add one more entity–me, Tom, Barbara's consciousness is not here but I know what her will is, and we have the picture on the wall here of the entity from the Casa, Dr. Valdovino. I  hear him say he would like to support this. Are you willing to have this entity enter our circle? He is a loving entity but not as strong a light as one like Jeshua.

T, again, what is your perception of the entity's choice.

(T says yes)

What we ask of you, friend–you ask, why do I call you friend? I love you. I hold you in my heart. In the deepest place in your being, you want what all beings want, which is to be happy and have peace. But circumstances have led you to a belief that in order to find happiness and peace you must be hard. I call you friend because I see you have suffered. I wish you well.

I see you gravitating back and forth, a sense of the heart beginning to soften... and closing up again.

I ask that you take our hands-- Dr. Valdovino, me (Aaron), T, and his loving guide. Put yourself in the center of our circle and trust that we will never harm you. We have only your well-being at heart. It is a gradual process. We do not ask you to drop away all the armoring, only to open it the smallest bit so that that tender heart may begin to experience our love.

Again I hear you saying, "Why do you love me?" Because I see the core of light within you, the divine essence within you, and I know you are that. You are me; we are one.

That scares you, doesn't it, when I say that? You are that. Beyond all the layers of armoring, all the truly unskillful things you have done in that past life, there is this essence of love. And it is not hopeless. IOpening to that love is a process that takes much courage, but you will never be alone. I promise that I will walk with you. Q's loving guide will walk with you.

I know you are not ready for too much light yet. But you will always be supported with just what you can tolerate.

I feel you considering, and I would not pressure you. Let us just rest here for a minute until you feel ready to say yes, you are ready for us to go a little bit deeper. I wish T to practice discernment, so I will be quiet here until I see T nod yes or no. And it's your free will, my friend, your choice.

(longer pause;T says yes for the friend)

Now, my friend, I want you to picture a waterfall, 500 feet high, of crystal pure water. You are a mile back from it. You see it in the distance. Silver light comes out of it. We approach it very slowly. Stop whenever you feel the need to stop, and then walk further.

As you get closer, within a half a mile distance, its radiance is very strong. From here we begin to notice there are 20 or 30 very small falls pouring off from this main waterfall, some really just trickles. It is all the same water, some 20 feet high, some only 5 feet high. Some like your shower, some simply like a thin trickle. I want you to choose one, and when you have found one that will work for you today, tell T and he will nod...

(pause; T nods)

I'm asking you to work with T in this because I want this to be part of ongoing work with healing support he does with you. So I'm trying to establish a clearer positive connection between you.

Let us now begin to walk toward the outpouring of water that you have chosen. Approach it gradually and stop whenever you need to stop. We walk beside you, we pause when you pause. You are always supported.

And we stop here perhaps 5 feet away, just watching this radiant stream of silver water coming down...

Whenever you feel ready, with no pressure, I'm going to ask you to step forward into this small waterfall. If you cannot fully immerse yourself in it, just put your hand in it, a foot in it.

Ask that it begin to wash away your fear, your sorrow, your hatred, your grief. Let it begin to reveal to you the purity of your loving heart, this radiant essence of your being. You cannot trust my word that it's there. I want you to have a direct experience of it.

We stand beside you and around you. Since this smaller waterfall you have chosen extends out a bit from the back rock face, we form a circle, this loving retinue that accompanies you, a full circle around the water that comes down. Tell T when you are ready to step in, and we will come closer, holding you with love. But if you need to back away, know that that's okay. We love you unconditionally and are here to support your choices for yourself.

My friend, you have much courage and we support you. I know that what I ask will be hard.

And yet it will also be beautiful. Before you step in, think of yourself as you will of somebody who has rolled in mud and become so encased in the mud that it has formed a hard shell around you. Through so many decades you have begun to believe, "I am that mud." Let us walk now into the circle, this whole circle moving you gently under the water. Before you move, know that you can stay there as long as you wish. You can step out when you wish.

We hold you in love. Again you're asking, why? Love has no reason, friend. I love you because I love myself and you are me. You say that sounds crazy. No. When we come to this divine essence of our being, we are simply all the divine, all expressions of the divine, and I love the expression that you are. No I do not like some of the outer manifestations of that expression, and I trust they can be released. But not liking has nothing to do with loving. I don't like them because they have done harm to you and to others.

Tell T when you are ready, now. And then when you need to come out–you can stay there for 5 seconds, 5 minutes-- when you need to come out, tell T and we will all step back. Although I can hear you perfectly, I want him to be the one through whom you're communicating for now. So if you're ready, tell him and we will close in and accompany you into the water.

(very long pause)

You are weeping, my friend. It is okay to weep. Enter the light. You are loved. This will be a process, so many layers of armoring, each to be released. But the process has started, and you may begin this deeper entry into the truth of your being.

The woman who has carried you and cared for you, she will continue to do so until you're ready to say to her, "I don't need this armor anymore." You are safe.

I invite the Mother with some of her energy toned down, to come under the water with you and embrace you. (can't make out words) Much weeping. But you are loved.

Please say with me:

In whatever ways I have harmed others, I ask their forgiveness.

In whatever ways others have harmed me, I offer forgiveness.

In whatever ways I have harmed myself, I forgive myself; I love myself.

I feel you are ready to come out from under the water. You are shaking. And yet, also so aware of the light that is washing you.

May I hold you, and may T's guide hold you? Dr. Valdovino and T surround you and embrace you. We bring you out from under the water, all of us together.

(long pause)

We will stay with you, and your own guides are with you. Gradually you will be introduced to these guides.

As we back away here, I leave you with a personal guide of yours we will call Brother Francis. You will never be alone unless you ask to be alone. Brother Francis will help walk you from this dark place very gradually and only as you are ready, able to tolerate more Light, up into the realms of light. You have free will. There are many loving beings that will support this release from darkness for you. It will not always be an easy process. Just as you have wept here and literally your whole being has shaken with fear, grief, and confusion, this will happen again. But you will always feel support, as you felt our support here. You are never alone. And you are ready to start this process.

I ask you now willingly to withdraw any of yourself from Barbara and from T.

I am doing this for Barbara, and T stating for yourself; I ask you to release, saying that anything that belongs to this friend you give back to him, and feel his willingness to take it, but that you as spirit continue to love him and will support him. May his shadow no longer invade your being, or Barbara's.

T, can you feel him ready to depart now with Brother Francis?(T nods yes)

We thank all who have participated in this release. That this beloved friend may find his way ever further into the light. That he may eventually become as powerful a force for light as he was for darkness and find enormous joy in being such a force for light. Always at the pace of his choosing, of his own free will.

(To T)

You feel how gentle that is. It takes time. You cannot hurry it. Always gently, with the deepest respect for the being whose release you are supporting, or who's choosing to stay in darkness. But making it very clear: that being may not harm others through its darkness. That darkness is no longer a place for power for him; only the light is a place for power. We trust that this being will have the guidance he needs to learn that the power from the light is not personal power but is the power of Divine Love.

We have one more thing to do here... Jeshua is going to incorporate. T, He wants to work with your energy field. I asked who would like to come in to help you, T,  and Jeshua immediately said yes.

(Jeshua incorporates)

Jeshua: Out of the heart of light in yourself, I take you, my brother, to that same waterfall. We'll go stand there together. I'll hold your hand like this...

Go as deep as you feel able without force. No "I should." I cannot do this for you; I do it with you. I do not heal you; I support your healing. Are you ready?

Going as deep as you feel able...

Asking for it to wash away any impurities that do not serve, that do not serve your work, do not serve all beings.

Taking as much of the light into yourself as you feel able. See any areas even of the smallest flecks of darkness and let the water wash them away so that the pure self is left.

There is a much-misunderstood idea of what some Christians call original sin. They have completely lost the truth of our original divinity, original sacredness. That is what you are, all of you, and all else is merely spots that have come and stuck because there was something for them to stick to.


Breathe in. Take it all the way in to the core of your being. Breathing in light, expanding. Feel your whole being expanding. You are that light. You are me, son. You are not different than me. You call me the Christ–we are all the Christ, the Christ is the Awakened One, the Divine One.

This is the place from which you work. It is neveryour power; it is THE POWER, the power of love; the power of our Creator, Source, All-That-Is, which is Love. And with this love, all things are possible.

I am always with you. I am grateful for your work. But remember: being will help more, not so much doing, and always from this heart of light.

And tears of gratitude here for the love in your heart and the love and light that surrounds us all as we do this precious work throughout the world, to alleviate suffering in the world. My gratitude goes to you T, for your willingness to do this hard work to help others. I ask you to take care of yourself. Service to all beings includes the self.

Aaron, do you want to come back? He asks, do you have any questions for him?( T; Yes.)

Aaron will come back into the body.

(Aaron reincorporates)

Aaron: I am Aaron. Thank you, Jeshua. Thank you to all of the Brothers and Sisters of Light who have helped with this release, to Dr. Valdovino and other Brothers and Sisters of the Casa, who support this release into Light, who were there surrounding and helping us release.

(private session continues, not transcribed)