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On self-identification as a vital step for personal responsibilityJune 11, 2015 Tuesday, Private Session (J) On self-identification as useful for responsibility.
Aaron: The friend with whom I am speaking has a background as a wanderer and has experienced various different forms. I'm discussing the fact that when one lives in a plane of total awareness of non-duality and co-creation through group effort, where one does not see that one is really creating anything, but – I used the example, many puffs of wind creating a cyclone, creating a vast cycle of wind, but each one can say, "Oh, it wasn't me." And it's easy because there is no concept of a separate self. One has come to that wisdom early; there is no self. But – one has not developed the responsibility that comes with the idea of a separate self. Each being has free will and is responsible for his or her choices.
When one is part of a group energy, there is free will to participate in that group energy, but one loses sight of that free will of intention to participate because one is so swept up with the energy around one, and feels oneself to be part of it, that one could not separate from it. Then sometimes there are positive results from that group energy; sometimes harmful results. But there are no obvious karmic repercussions. One simply says, "Well, I was part of that group." If a tidal wave sweeps up on a beach and kills many people, one molecule of water can say, "It's not my fault."
Because this group energy and experience of non-separation was your earliest origin, only gradually did you grow into the experience of self-responsibility. And that was an almost impossible concept. How can there be self-responsibility when there's no self? But having recognized that there was self-responsibility, you understood that you needed to move out of that time-space and into some other conscious experience where you might more deeply experience that "self."
If he is the shark chasing something else through the water, at the point where he's about to bite down, he can say, "No, I don't want to be a shark anymore," and back away. If he's the small fish being chased by the shark, he can say, "Whoops, enough of this game!" Out of it! If he's about to be murdered, stop! Turn off the switch! So it's so easy to opt out and not have direct repercussions of the experience.
After some time as a shape-changer you realized this was not the best learning place for you. I'm not going to go through every different life form that you tried. But at some point many do come to Earth and many came here early, as Lemurians. You were part of the Lemurian experience of teaching/learning.
You may now change this to a new file. I don't want to get too much personal material in.
(recording ends)