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July 8, 2014 Tuesday, Private Session with The Mother about the Divine Feminine and relation to Divine MasculineEdited to exclude private material. About the Divine Feminine and relationship of Divine Feminine to Divine Masculine, how they are one. Q: I have a question about the Mother. At Emrich, when I saw the Mother, the energy was very strong and loving, like I recognized. When I was listening to her words to other people, it sounded like Aaron. There was dharma coming... Aaron: She's learning from me.
Aaron: She is learning to articulate these things from me. There are many facets to the Mother. Certainly there is a wisdom facet. But increasingly her darshan is through, let me put it carefully. The words are almost irrelevant. The words are a way of passing the time and keeping people's attention while she's transmitting energy through her hands and eyes. Some people are not able to sit there in silence for that long, just looking into her eyes, so she gives them something to think about. But she's transmitting the energy. The energy is the predominant tool for her. Did you feel a difference in the way the Mother was speaking to people, in the way she has spoken to them in the past at Corinthians? Q: I was surprised at the dharma coming out. Aaron: One moment...(The Mother incorporates) M: You can feel the energy. I am not one being, I am a mix of numerous beings, naming a few as Mother Mary and Kwan Yin, but many other beings as well, many aspects of the Divine Mother, some of them with deep insight into dharma. Through Aaron I am gaining an ability to articulate. When he says I am learning from him, learning the articulation of these dharma expressions, which I have never had any verbal way to articulate in your language. So when I am incorporated, Aaron is out there, he's not here in the body, he's not speaking, but sometimes I turn to him and I say, “How can I say this?” He provides me with some support to articulate. But it is not Aaron you are hearing, it is me. Did this concern you, confuse you? Q: Yes, it confused me because I thought maybe Aaron was there instead. But the energy was definitely the Mother. M:, Aaron and I spoke about this beforehand. Because it was a vipassana meditation retreat he said it was suitable to speak in more depth than I usually do, because people were in a deep place from their vipassana practice. We felt that some of my articulation of dharma could be of support to them because they were so open, with the eyes and hands connected. Helping them to let go of old perceptions and old attachments. So I spoke. But it was me, I assure you! Q: Can I ask about the Emerald Isle retreat? M: Certainly. Private material cut I think the articulation sometimes comes out a bit like Aaron because I do turn to him for help with the words. But also, its being a vipassana retreat-- and I am new to vipassana to some extent. In the finest technical aspects it is valuable to Aaron for precise articulation. But it's my energy, and I think you can feel the difference between my energy and Aaron's. There are many parts of the Divine Ferminine; I don't mention all the parts. There are so many aspects of the Motherthe Black Madonna, the ancient crones of so many different times, shamans and healers of so many nationalities and cultures, of so many spiritual practices. I draw on what will be most useful to those with whom I speak. Here I tend to keep myself more with Mary, Kwan Yin, and also Santa Rita, that you know from the Casa, she is a strong part of me. The one you call Joan of Arc is a part of me. Here are many different faces of the Divine Mother. But I don't want to confuse people by displaying multiple personalities (laughing). I try to hold myself to a central theme as Aaron holds himself to Aaron. He has been thousands of beings, some of them amazingly wise and loving, but he tries to stay with Aaron, to that personality. I hold myself to Mother Mary and Kwan Yin as the essence, but if I were to speak to somebody in a completely different culture, I would bring forth a very different essence. And certainly parts of this essence have practiced Buddhadharma. I am the Christian, the Buddhist, all of those. Q: Are you the Divine Feminine? M: I am the Divine Feminine. You could call me that. And I use the various faces of the Divine Feminine as personality, because the Divine Feminine in itself is simply nothingness. So I use these personalities as a way of expressing the Divine Feminine; the ten thousand faces of the Divine Feminine. I choose a few that can incorporate comfortably in this body and speak from this body. Do you understand? Q: Yes, thank you. (long silence as the Mother takes K's hands and looks into her eyes) M: Feel my energy come into your hands. Breathe it down into the solar plexus. Let it settle there. Then inhale more of that energy. (inaudible) Draw it in. You are the Divine Mother. (inaudible) (pause) Can you feel that you're taking more of it in? (yes) (pause) Release anything that is too strong for you. Retain what supports. It is not my energy coming into you, it is THE divine energy that we share. (inaudible) Barbara, this instrument, is one aspect of the Divine Mother. Now of course in practical human terms, she is not the Divine Mother, as we would say you are not the Divine Mother, and yet you both contain that essence. So I use her energy and wisdom as well as the other expressions of the Divine Mother. The Divine Feminine is simply love. The Uncontracted; love. The masculine takes that love energy and makes something out of it, to create, to advance. The Divine Feminine simply holds the space of love. This is why it's so important that these go together, because the Divine Feminine is the ground, and the Divine Masculine is the expressions of that ground. They cannot exist without each other. But the Divine Masculine, let's not call it the Divine Masculine, but a simulation of the Divine Masculine taken over by the priests and so forth on the earth, feared that they would dissolve into the ground and be destroyed, that they would disappear. So they started to deny the ground and promoted the belief that only the expression was important. But they exist be together. This is something the world must learn. Aaron: I am Aaron. You can feel the difference in our energies, yes? I think she answered your questions. I would never attempt to teach her love. I only teach her human articulation. Have you further questions? (Remainder not transcribed) |