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160115pC Guided Meditation to the WaterfallJanuary 15, 2016 Saturday, Private session:Guided Meditation to the Waterfall; A private guided meditation with someone who feels deep shame, unworthiness, fear or sadness. This guided meditation from Aaron is based in part on Barbara's experience of the Casa waterfall.
Barbara: We have been meditating, with a little bit of guided meditation to start, not recorded. Breathing in, and releasing. Let the body be however it is. Ahhh.... Releasing any tension. Aaron is going to incorporate and lead this.
(He incorporates.)
Aaron: My blessings and love to you, Q. I am Aaron.
Come with me, walking down a winding path into the valley.(pauses are present, not all noted; please take time to pause as you read this meditation). You can hear the waterfall in the distance. And then the first sight of it, first bits of light seen through the trees. We descend further until the full waterfall comes into view.
There is a bench here. Let us sit. Look at the waterfall, feeling its energy. So filled with light. The day is pleasantly warm, not hot, so you're comfortable sitting here, and also comfortable physically to contemplate wading in and under the falls. Its coolness feels inviting on this warm day.
As you look at the waterfall, begin to feel the light and energy in it. It comes from the very pure spring. Filled with light. Fire and water element combined, and yet also grounded in the rocks that contain it. Earth energy. And a gentle breeze the blows through this valley.
Begin to feel this balance of the elements in yourself, as it is expressed in the waterfall. Breathing in light, and releasing. Breathing in space, and releasing. Breathing in fire, and releasing. Feet, buttocks, arms, whatever touches the earth, deeply grounded in a supportive way, not stuck but resting supported, so that the energy that flows through you can become higher with each breath. Balanced: grounded and lifting up to the light.
The more you look at the waterfall, the more light you see in it. Small flecks of spray, each containing a rainbow– light, light.
Into your vision field, perhaps entering from the side or stepping directly out from the waterfall, begin to see the great master who calls to you, to your heart, or see the figure of love who calls to your heart. It could be a person for whom you feel much love. It could be one of your guides. It could be an ascended master. Or you might simply see it as a butterfly, bird, or animal. Whatever it is, see it filled with light.
Sitting and breathing. Breathing in light. With the exhale release any contraction. Breathing in light... releasing any contraction. You may feel a strong pull to move toward this figure, but also perhaps some trepidation. What will be asked of me if I move forward to more fully merge with this light; to allow the deepest expression of my own light?
I'm not saying there will be tension, but if there is any tension, note it with kindness. Nothing to fix or get rid of; just note that small area of tension. Ahhh... And if there is no tension, of course just rest with ease.
But let us assume here that you yearn to come forth, not so much to merge with this figure as to know your always present connection, that you are and have always been one with this expression of love.
It is possible that you will have some memory of shame or discomfort, something that says to you, "Before I can know myself as light, this must be repaired or discarded, fixed in some way." A contraction, holding onto this image of a distortion in the self which serves the purpose to protect you from the need to walk into the light. As long as there is the imagined distortion, you cannot truly fully merge with the light.
Feel the subtle pull of that distortion, and old area of anger, shame, or confusion. An old area where you felt you did not measure up, or felt jealousy of others who did. Something that was said, or something that was left unsaid.
So I am asking you to feel the open arms and love of this beloved, emerging from the light, arms open to invite you in. And whatever thought of resistance might arise in the self, don't ask, "Is it true? Is it real?" Simply note, this particular thought of imperfection has arisen and it's uncomfortable.
If this particular thought or feeling of imperfection were not here, what might I do? Walk into the waterfall, merge with the beloved, merge with the light. What does this old story of imperfection protect me from? Going into the light. Letting go of all the old armoring, begin to see how you might hold the story of imperfection as a way of avoiding that dissolution into light; how the ego self itself serves as armor keeping you from fully knowing your divinity and perfection.
The beloved one comes closer. Whatever form it takes, you are able to understand its thoughts and speech. "Come with me, sister. Come with me, son. Come with me, beloved. Set down all the stories of imperfection and come with me into this waterfall, whose very high energy will cleanse and release many of the stories. Take my hand and come with me."
I, Aaron, also offer a hand, literally, if you need a hand to hold, to help you take these steps. I know you are holding the crystal. But if you choose, put it down and hold your hand open, receiving the hand of the beloved. I can take the crystal from you so it will not be in your way...
You are not being pulled into this waterfall. Be patient. Even patience is not the word. We're simply here with openhearted presence to assist you, and the moving forward is your choice. As you feel ready, you can move the hand forward a bit to indicate that you are ready. But I will not lead you forward until you feel you are ready. We simply sit here and contemplate the radiant rainbow of light coming from this waterfall. Hold the intention that it will help release old feelings of shame, inadequacy, and fear. Old anger and regret. Old confusion.
Whatever it is you most seek, ask the waterfall, this radiant water and light, to cleanse the body. To feel the release. Again, you will indicate to me when you are ready, and if you are not ready, that's fine, we can just sit here and contemplate it, contemplate the possibility.
(after some time, Q indicates readiness to move ahead)
Then let us walk forward together– you, me as Aaron, and your beloved spirit guide. Walking toward the water, you begin to feel the spray of it hitting the face and body. It is not such a big waterfall as to be painful to stand under it, but you will definitely feel the pressure of it. Moving through the crown chakra and the whole body when you are ready to step into it.
Your beloved guide and I are here to support you. I invite you again to step forward, as you feel ready. Hold in your mind the intention, what you ask support to release. It may be a specific memory, or it may be an overall feeling of shame, fear, unworthiness, or something else. You're not limited to one item, but try to focus on one area which you especially ask support to release.
Let us walk in directly under the waterfall, no longer spray but strong pressure. Bring the crown chakra under the direct current and let the falling water wash radiant light over the whole body. Allowing the whole body to dissolve into light. Nothing solid remains. So much of the body is water anyhow.
Now, picking up this very high vibration, inviting it to wash through you, bathing you in light.
Allow yourself to focus on the light. As you lift your face up, the water is not falling directly on the face but more on the back of the head. Open the eyes to see the light. Allow it to permeate into every cell of the body, the cells singing with joy. Turn the body so any place that is sore, wounded, abandoned, feels a deeper measure of this radiance.
Let it flow through you. A part of you, the intellectual part, maybe, thinks, "Oh, this is an interesting exercise of imagination. This thinking is a defense mechanism. We sit here in this office far from a waterfall, yet it is real. That light and energy are here and with us, filling us.
As you stand under the waterfall, ask love for whatever help you need to release whatever you aspire to release and to draw in what you wish, such as unconditional love, joy, gratitude, faith, or peace. Everything is given, everything. Such a wonder to feel that light and love surrounding you, holding you in an embrace.
I experience many figures gathered around us here, hands held to the heavens, singing joyfully, even dancing, offering their support for you to break through into the confidence that this high realm is your home and that you are always welcome, always supported here.
But in order to come in, you must be willing at least temporarily to drop off the old areas of pain and confusion, in the same way you might have left a pack on the bench before we walked into the waterfall. There were things that were not ready to come into the water itself, so you left them on the bench. You can pick it them up again when we leave, or you may even leave them there, knowing perhaps you don't need them anymore.
So much love supporting you. Again, clarify the intention. Let the water wash away anything not needed. Let the high energy and light fill you with love.
Releasing any negative thought. Releasing any fear. Releasing any contraction. Begin to see and feel your Higher Self. There's not stepping out of your physical body but the Higher Self is right there within the heart. Let the heart grow so it literally fills the body, stretching to the edges of the body. Radiant, joyful, uncontracted, resting in love. Know that this is who you are, however this image of Self comes to you– male, female, young, old, human or other. We will spend some time here.
Pausing now to say thank you to these guides, to this radiant water. Stepping back, back up to the bench to sit, the bench bathed in sunshine now, that warms and dries the body. Birds calling in the distance. Butterflies of many species flying in this sunlit grove. And there at top of the wall, water pouring down into the radiant waterfall. We say thank you for this release of whatever has been released, or even for deeper understanding of the possibility of release.
May all beings everywhere benefit from this meditation, releasing whatever darkness has clung to them.
May all beings move into the light and know the essence of light that is the true self.
Bell... bell... bell. Thank you.
Please just sit for as long as is useful.
(recording ends)