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June 4, 1991 Wednesday, Individual Sessioncorrected by Aaron, 6/26/91 There is quite a bit of static on the tape, especially as the session begins. Aaron is talking about a drawing made by Q of a being from the 6th density that was to help a friend through her grave illness. He begins with the “halo” or “rays” that come from the being's head, which he refers to (for lack of better terms to put it in) as a cross between a halo and a hat. Private portions of the session have been omitted. Aaron: It is a halo or a hat of sorts ... ..It is a pattern of light ... It is not quite a halo radiating out of the being, it is not a solid physical form like a hat, either, but is, I can best express it as a light body. I believe it is something the being puts in place. One does not quite PUT it, but THINKS it in place, and such a being would feel naked going out without that thought. It is ... Let Barbara see a picture... The number of rays have their specific rank, more or less like your four star generals, but it is not a military rank, and it is not sought after as a way of ranking oneself and gaining prestige in the eyes of others. Rather, one might almost say that as one of this race learns and grows, new bits of this appear, so that one thinks of this bit of light onto oneself as one feels it to be an appropriate outward manifestation of one's inward state. One does not arrange it, nor decide how many spokes there will be. They appear quite naturally depending on the being's level of understanding. And, yet, there's no rank or prestige here. That a young child may have just three of these, does not in any way mean that people look down on that child; or that another child might have a half a dozen does not mean in any way that people are awed by that child and say “Wow, look how many he has, and he's so young.” Rather, it is like the glow that a healthy human has, when the hair is shining and the skin radiant, and one looks at that being and observes that the being is simply healthy and radiant. And one looks at another being, even without being able to see auras, and sees that its aura is diminished. In a sense, one might say that this is the visible manifestation of this being's aura. As such, with all of those rays behind it, it is indeed a very healthy being of its species, and a very wise and old soul. (personal material omitted) I will also have to conjecture that your friend is a wanderer, or you would not have been moved to draw this for her. Since you drew it at a time when she was very ill, it would seem to me that the drawing of it was a reminder of who she was, where she was from and where she was going. It was offered as a help to her, should she cross that threshold beyond this life, and also, a reassurance. ... As I said, this is not a portrait of a specific being. It is more a portrait of a race, let us say. You have heard me speak of beings of light that are just pure light without an intactness or form. The light can move into an intactness, when that seems useful, or can be dispersed. But the being is simply that light without any solidity to it. And then there are beings, of course, like yourselves, that are material, that have incarnated into a solid form. There are beings that fall between the two. They bring that light into a semblance of solidity, so that there is what would seem to be identifiable form and features and even clothing. And, yet, solid beings, as yourselves, could run a hand straight through that light, much the way one could move one's hand through the beam of a flashlight. The beam seems to have soliditythere's darkness on either side, and it doesn't just gently disperse, but there is a solid looking beam of lightyet, there's no solidity to that beam. These two beings both exist on such a plane, both the portrait that you drew for your friend, and the portrait that Q2 relates to. Because there is an intactness to that light, they're readily recognizable, and yet, they are a higher density than an Earth figure of third density. They may be anywhere between fourth and sixth density. Your higher self, which is simply the combination of the mental and spirit bodies, is a sixth density. The entire higher self, all the energy of that, does not incarnate, nor all the energy of your soul, only part of that energy. As that energy incarnates, you become fully third density, as you live as a human. Now, perhaps you have heard me speak a bit about humans who choose to move from the astral plane into the form of a tree or some other such. In other words, to incarnate not as third density, but, for some reason, as second or even first density for a lifetime, because there's something important to be gained from that incarnation. The example I've often given here is a being who badly needs to learn patience, and may decide that to incarnate as a long lived tree like an oak, just being in one place with its roots fixed to the earth for all of that time, would be the lesson that it needs in patience. So this sixth density higher self, with a third density astral body, incarnates into a second density physical body, and for that time of its life on earth, it is fully second density. But the astral body is third density, and when it moves past being that tree, it returns to third density. There's still a higher self, that one aspect of it that's sixth density. So, in essence this is an ungraded classroom. There are so many levels, and you move where you need to move, dependent on what you're learning. But you cannot be fully sixth density until the emotional and physical bodies have fallen away. Or, for a being who is not incarnating through physical manifestation, until the emotional body has fallen away. For such beings as the two in these drawings, there is a full range possible of fourth to sixth density. However, for a being to have attained the rank, let us say, of peacemaker within this race, such a being would be fifth or sixth density, usually sixth, with no emotional body at all. Essentially this is the pure mental and spiritual body of such a being. Others of that race, though, who are not in a physical body, and have never chosen to be in a physical body, but just within this intactness of light, which is their own style of manifestation, let us say-- (what I mean here is that when such a being takes incarnation, the light pulls together. And when it moves past that incarnation and back to the astral plane, the light dissipates. Then it pulls together again with the next incarnation.), a being that has not reached the wisdom and depth of love of and compassion of such that we would give its rank to be that of peacemaker, still exists in this race. As for the being with its halo of sorts, that also runs through fourth to sixth density. A being with that full and radiant a haloyou understand that when I say “halo,” I'm using that in symbolic termswould be sixth density. Yet others of its race may only be fourth density. There is no judgment, it is not a symbol of prejudice or self-esteem, nor used in any sense of I'm better or lesser than you.' No being in either of those races feels embarrassed by being just what it is. There is little sense of competitiveness, in terms of trying to out-do another, but, rather, a sense of aspiration to learn and to grow and to be all that one can. These beings do have an emotional body, but it is a far weaker emotional body than that encountered on Earth, which is one of the reasons that the Earth incarnation path is both faster and more painful. While the other paths may be slower, they also take one to a greater depth of understanding, in the sense that studying for an exam throughout the entire semester would leave one with far greater wisdom several months after the exam than that grasped at by one who studies just the night before. So speed is not the only measure here. (personal material omitted) Do you have questions? Q: Is there such a thing as this veil of forgetting in any other density? Aaron: Not in the way that you understand it, which is one of the reasons that wanderers come here, because it does so much deepen their faith. That is all. (personal material omitted)... It doesn't mean that one feels less, but that one relates to those feelings in a different way. The emotional body does not fall away from the human. While you are incarnate in this body, you will have an emotional body. You will feel. You will feel joy, you will feel pain. But the emotional body becomes healed. In terms of the way I see it, it becomes clear, so that, where before it was casting a filter over the higher self, now the purity of that mental and spiritual body can be seen without the shadows of the filters of the emotions. This means that, while the emotions are still there, they're simply THERE. What casts the shadow is not the anger or greed or jealousy itself, but the reaction to those, the attachment or aversion to having those feelings...(moving past that) so that there becomes a greater clarity. And through that clarity, the higher self is more able to express itself. Do you understand? All higher selves are powerful. And yet, the energy of that higher self may be so encased in the emotional body that very little of the soul energy can move through. ... The higher self has a tremendous amount of energy. This is the energy of the soul, quite literally. And it, in a sense, is balanced, not filtered through, but balanced with the mental body, and then filtered through the emotional body. The emotional body in itself can have a great deal of energy coming from both love and fear, from negativity and positivity. And yet, the emotional body is very unstable, and easily swung from one to the other extreme. ...As one moves to clarify this energy still further, the energy field will grow stronger, which, in itself, has the cause and effect of deepening the faith, and moving one even further into positivity, each growing in some ways out of the other. (personal material omitted)... You must understand here that energy is a very powerful thing, and that, if there's not full awareness of the ego self, how easy it is to misdirect that energy, thereby causing harm to another, rather than helping another, and, simultaneously, creating adhering karma for yourself; moving yourself back into a place where there's simply more work to be done for healing on this plane. While I have said many times in the past, and hold to the idea, that one's unskillful choices, one's mistakes as you may wish to call them, are valuable to one's learning, nevertheless, one does not wish to make mistakes that harm another. ...There's something I'd like Barbara to add here. Do you understand what I've just said? Barbara: This is Barbara speaking. (laughing) Aaron's not being very specific about this, he just threw an idea at me and said “Just talk about the whole thing.” When I first started channeling Aaron for others, it scared me because I knew that, if I got my own ego into it, that I could harm another, and that I was responsible if I did that, and I didn't know if I was ready to be that responsible. I think that what he's suggesting is that, in allowing healing energy to flow through you, you've got to be cognizant of the same thing. That, if you harm another, through getting your own ego into that, wanting to be the healer, or, rather than just allowing healing to happen, to be the creator of healing, and the ego that that creates, that you not only can harm another, but harm yourself. That you've got to be responsible for that, and it's just more karma. So that it's very important to have enough healing of the emotional body first. That you have both enough honesty, the habit of honesty with yourself, wisdom, and perspective, to catch that ego quickly, when it arises, and be able to put it aside to be able to do the healing work without harming yourself or another. (Personal question omitted) Aaron: ... Let me simply say here, first of all, that as long as you are in a human body, there is going to be some ego. The important thing is not that you get RID of ego, but that you be AWARE of ego, and, thus, able to balance and work with that. It's rather like swimming against a stream when you are on one side of the river and want to cross, and the current is going this way. There's no need to stop the current to get across, just to know that because of the current, you must head upstream a bit, so that it will drift you down to where you need to be. As you bring awareness of ego, notice each time it arises and, simply noticing its presence, be willing to stop, if necessary. The important idea here is that the presence of ego is not something to terrify you but a gentle reminder. It is not ego that is the problem but your relationship to ego. As long as there's attachment or aversion, then you NEED the recurrence of ego to help you move past that attachment or aversion, until it becomes just ego. Then you are free of reactivity to it. At that point when you no longer have anything to learn by its presence, it will largely, but not entirely, dissolve. You must always be aware, watchful both for its presence and for any reaction to it other than “Oh here's ego; come in for that cup of tea.” Remember that you are not trying to get rid of ego, just to observe its presence and your own reactivity to it, thus allowing it naturally to dissolve. Barbara: This is Barbara. Something that I find very helpful to me, and I don't know if it'll be helpful at all to you, when I first was channeling, and first was looking more deeply at ego, and all of that: there's a Buddhist scripture called the Diamond Sutra ... It's short, it takes about ten minutes to read it through ... Aaron had me read it through a couple of times a day for a while, and while it's written specifically about Buddhism and teaching, that it says: when one is teaching this, there's nobody teaching. And it makes that point in a number of ways. It still may be something that's meaningful to you. It's not something to be read and analyzed sentence by sentence, just kind of to be read and absorbed. Aaron: Those two beings are related, [the being with the rays,and that being which I referred to as a peacemaker]. Of course, one must be a healer to be a peacemaker, but there is a difference in the energy. They are dealing with different levels of healing. That being, which I call peacemaker, gives off such a strong positive and loving energy, that it's very difficult for one to be negative in the presence of such a being. ... That being will not use physical force against another, nor in any way harm another, but will employ only that degree of force as is necessary not to allow a being to harm another being. It will not deprive a being of its free will. It simply teaches by the force of its spirit body. Its very essence is peace. In that very aspect of itself, it heals that which is unpeaceful and unwhole in others. The being with, I hesitate to call it either an aura or a halo, since it's not quite either, the being with this crown of light, is more directly healer in the conventional use of that term. That light draws in more energy. It ... your language is so lacking to describe this ... I can put it only in the most rudimentary terms. It first thinks this light around itself, and, incidentally, it is not a two dimensional light, but a three dimensional light. It is more that it's enclosed in that light. It thinks that light around itself. That light serves a bit as an antennae, through which stronger energy may be drawn into the being, which is a very powerful ability to transform that energy and send it out to where it needs to be. Such beings, then, are natural healers. Many wanderers come from this race, and have incarnated here largely to serve through their healing ability, but, as is always the case, also to learn for themselves. Far fewer wanderers are peacemakers, very few. There have been a noteworthy few in the lifespan of your planet, and I decline to name them specifically, but you may be aware of them if you give it some thought. Such beings are largely beyond the need to incarnate on the human plane, so that their coming to this plane as a peacemaker is largely as a matter of service. Because of a law of non-intervention, let us say, the free will, the freedom to move into this plane to create peace by allowing that peace to emanate from their being, is limited. In other words, because they are not here to learn for themselves, their incarnation on this plane could well be perceived as distortion of human free will. However, such beings do visit the astral plane, and those of you, who are between lifetimes, will know of them, and at some level, will carry that knowledge into your incarnation and, thus, recognize the drawing of such a being. Do you understand, and do you have questions? (We're talking now about this woman with long red hair and the symbol of healer toward the back of her head.) Aaron: Not Atlantean, but a similar culture. This one is more directly a, I will not say a portrait of yourself, so much as a portrait of your experience. Do you understand what I mean by that? You may visit times and places on the astral plane where you have never been incarnated in a physical body. Once you move beyond the physical plane, you move away from any sense of time or space. ...Again, this portrait is not a specific being, but more or less of a group portrait. Although, this particular portrait is modeled, I would think, on one being, while the other two portraits we've spoken of are modeled more on a race. ...You were not incarnate on Earth in human form at the time that such beings existed. Does that clarify it? To simplify it, let's just say that time doesn't really matter at all. What was there on Earth, before there was recorded history of any sort? Does it really matter if what you now know to be human lived on a planet similar to Earth? Similar in terms of the body systems being the same, the oxygen needs of the beings being the same, the gravity and distance from a sun being the same. Could you call such a being other than human? If its chemical composition was identical to that of the human, and yet it lived on a different planet, what difference does it make? (We are speaking here of the man with the light coming off of his head) This was also a light being, and of the fourth through sixth density. This one ... would incline me to believe that this particular being was fourth density, although, others of its race range from fourth to sixth density. It does not speak in telepathic thought, nor in vocal sound patterns, but communicates through music. You know that each chakra has its own musical note. I ask you just to envision this: draw in the energy through the crown of your head, and allow it to move through a chakra and then exhale it, so that the chakra itself becomes a horn of a sort. The clearer the chakra, the clearer the sound that emanates. Within a very pure sound there is a great potential for healing. These beings have the capacity to do that, and also, to draw pain from others. Thus, they are also healers, not through creating music in the sense that you understand the creation of music, but simply, through their own thought and energy, which, quite literally, thinks music. ... Do you have questions? Q: I related a memory of being among a group of people, all of whom were very androgynous looking, it was hard to tell who was male and who was female. They were wearing long, flowing pastel robes, and sat in a semi-circle on the floor and on three ascending tiers. The room was back-lit with soft pastel lights. They had come together to make music, and they were both the performers and the audience... Aaron: Forgive me for interrupting, I only want to say that it is only on present day Earth that one has gone to the concept of art having a performer and an audiencehaving an artist whose works are hung on the walls, and others who come to see that; or having a performer on a stage and others that come to listen. This is the only time-space where art has been treated in such a way, rather than being an integral part of life, where all beings are artists, in the sense that art was simply part of the way of expressing oneself and communicating. Now it is more entertainment than communication. Perhaps our discussion today ...gives you a clearer perspective of all the wonderful abilities that you have within you, and the potential for bringing those together in new and creative ways as part of a human life. My love to you. That is all. |