Dec 14, 2014, Jeshua at Corinthians; "You are the Light."

December 14, 2014 Sunday, Corinthians

Recorded at Corinthians Center in Jackson Michigan at the close of the Remembering Wholeness service. Jeshua has incorporated to greet us, with a short Christmas message.

Jeshua: Good morning. My blessings and love to you all. When I come to you and say "I am Jeshua. I am one who walked the earth with that name 2,000 years ago," what does that mean? We are all part of that consciousness that I was. I was one expression of that divine consciousness, one that was named Jeshua Ben Joseph. You are not Jeshua, you are you and you and you and you, (looking at many people, with eye contact) but carry the same spark, the same divine consciousness, which is your essence.

Why do you believe yourselves to be less than that? Why do you hold yourselves with the image of flawed, imperfect, or broken? Why do you believe that you can lose that radiant core of your being?

You are here to remember. Some of you would say you are here to express that divine essence, but that puts the emphasis on the wrong place. Once you remember, you cannot help but express it. If you think, "I have to express it. I have to express it,"–that's a lot of "I must, I should." When you fully remember, "I am That. I am that divine essence," then it will pour out of you, shining everywhere.

I took birth in that lifetime, the birth that you will celebrate in a week or two, coming into the world to remind you we are all that light, all of us. Was it hard for me? Yes, of course it was hard, to leave the radiant light of our Home and come into this heavy density planet. Many of you feel that-- it's hard to be here, it's hard to be human. As my brother Aaron would put it, you are volunteers. You've agreed to come. But that doesn't make it less hard.

I came because I loved, and because I so deeply wished to assist in the bringing of this light into the earth plane, to help Light release into this heavier density earth. You came for the same reason. Not one of you came for a lesser reason than that.

As you celebrate my birth, celebrate the birth of yourselves, of your own awakening, you might call it Christ Consciousness, awakened consciousness or Buddha Nature. Wake up, knowing you are that. Celebrate the release of your own light into the world.

Try to celebrate the journey with joy, even though the way may at times feel heavy and difficult, because the more joy there is in your heart, the easier the path becomes. It is not easy to walk this earth as a heavy density human.

Why did I come, then? Your Earth is a very special place. There are many environments with sentient consciousness. You on this particular planet have a very special commitment because you are deeply conscious and aware of choice, that in moments of sorrow, pain, and fear, you have the choice to grasp, to contract and diminish yourselves or to lift yourselves up with your open hearts, to choose love. When you choose love in this way, it changes everything. It's as if the Earth was encrusted in heavy black dust that your light knocks off and dissolves so that the true radiance of this whole plane, the possibility of high vibrational consciousness, opens and opens and opens.

You can do that, each of you. You have the choice. When something comes along and pushes you, do you make yourself small? Or do you make yourself big? Watch what you do. What is your habit with it? When you make yourself big, it is not to overpower that which has pushed you, but to join with it. (demonstration; Jeshua takes the pusher's hand and supports the raising of both hands) You are one. So he pushes at you and you don't push back and you don't fall away, you join with it and help it to open to its fullest expression as you open to your fullest expression of love.

(to individuals) What can I tell you but that I love you? I love you... I love you... I cannot take the time to hold every hand here. Five minutes won't do it and I wish to respect your human schedule! But know how much I love each of you. And we walk this path together to bring the Earth into a high, beautiful consciousness so that all beings may know the experience of our love, so that all beings may know the blessings of love.

This one already knows it... Thank you for your beautiful presence.

(walking aroundsilently or speaking to individuals)

Do enough of you know the song, "Give me love in my heart, keep me praising," to sing it with us? Are there a few of you who can lead this?(no) All right then, "This Little Light of Mine," is one you know. Sing it with me.

(The group rises and  sings This Little Light of Mine)

May the blessings of this Earth be yours, and may your blessings enrich the Earth. Let this be the gift you give to the world at this Christmas season, the ever-growing birth of the Christ that is you. The awakened heart that is you. I love you all.

I'll release the body...

(session ends)