September 21, 2104 Sunday, Aaron at Corinthians

September 21, 2104 Sunday, Aaron at Corinthians

Living From Your True Nature

Aaron: Thank you for that delightful music.(Aaron had asked them to open with the song, "Give me love in my heart, keep me praising..." while he incorporated)I am Aaron. My blessings and love to you. When you sing in that way, it raises your energy, and it raises your vibrational frequency. Can you feel that higher frequency in the room? You habitually keep yourselves small. That habit is at the heart of my talk today. Why do you keep yourselves small?

Who are you really? How can you learn to fully trust yourselves and the inherent divinity that is your essence? Now let me ask you a question, and I think I already know the answer. If you were suddenly surrounded by a group of terrorists, a gun was held to your head and a one year old baby held in front of you, you were given a sharp sword and you were told, "Behead the baby or I will kill you,"--a horrible choice-- I would venture to guess, I'm not looking in the akashic records here, I will not violate your privacy, but I can feel from the energy coming in from all of you, there is no one in this room who would behead the baby. If they kill me, they kill me. I will not behead an infant. I will not behead a 5 year old or a 20 year old, either, not to save my own life.

This service to all beings, this commitment to non-harm, is a hallmark of positive polarity. You all have that light within you. Now here's another question. Is there anyone in this room who has not, even in this past week, killed a mosquito, an ant or a spider? Is there anyone who has killed it completely with love, not just, "A mosquito--" (swatting sound). "Oh, whoops, I didn't mean to kill it." But there's that habitual (swat). So you all know that uprising of service to self within you. It's okay that it's there. You are mammals. You came into the incarnation as a mammal expecting to experience the catalyst given to a mammal, which is in part self-preservation.

This, I don't want to call it a duality, there is no duality, but this blend of the highest positive polarity and of self-centeredness, of service to self, of fear and contraction, is the base of your learning experience on earth. If you were not mammals, if you didn't have that reaction to something that might threaten the self, there would be little way to learn. If you came in here fully expressing the angel that you are, you would lose learning opportunity.

But if you came into the incarnation without the ability to override those mammalian reflexes, you also could not evolve. You would simply spiral down further and further into negative polarity. You come with the intention to live the highest positive polarity possible, with as much love as possible, and with compassion for the human that can't always do it.

Let's change that scenario that I gave you at the beginning. If instead of a gun to your head, guns were being held to your children's heads, "You kill this person, cut off their head, or we will kill your children," it makes it harder, doesn't it? It's easy to say, "I will die. I will not kill another." Can I let my children die?

Eventually the determination to live one's life without harm becomes so strong that yes, one can even let one's loved ones die, and with love. And yet that choice is not always the highest positive one. We learn how to say no with compassion to negativity in the self and in the outer world, not to hate the negativity. The ability to do this comes from knowing the power of the loving heart.

I ask each of you to think of something that you cherish. Bring it to mind. A beloved person, a pet; just a beautiful plant or flower; a beautiful place that gives you much joy. Hold it in your heart. Can you feel your heart opening and swelling as you hold this cherished object? Can you feel the boundaries, the armoring of the heart fall away, and how full the heart can become?

All right, now another experiment here. Within the next minute or two I'm going to shout. I'm warning you in advance. It will be a loud shout, and perhaps you'll jump. It may scare you. This heart that's so open, right now as I'm talking about I'm going to scare you, can you feel the heart already beginning to close? So we'll see what happens. What happens when there's that loud alarming sound? (shout!)

Did you feel the contraction? Now what do we do with that kind of contraction? Put your hand over the heart. Breathing in, I am aware of contraction. Breathing out, I bring love to the contraction. Breathing in, I am aware of the human fear. Breathing out, I offer compassion. Bring your attention again to that cherished person or place or thing. Can you feel how you swing between them, the contracted self that is capable to move into fear and the deeply loving angel that is your essence?

But as I said in the bookHuman, I asked Barbara to read those opening lines, you are not incarnate to get rid of fear but to learn how to take fear as a teacher, to begin to feel the body contracting with fear and not get caught in self-identity with the thoughts of fear, with the body expressions of fear, but to return again and again to spaciousness. This is what we call living from your true nature.

It's a very powerful experience, to understand that you have a choice. We are notcreating this true nature or it could not be true nature. We are revealing and returning to it. It's always been there. Where could it go? Where does the sun go on a cloudy day? Has the sun disappeared? Some demon come along and eaten it? It's simply covered with clouds. When the weather changes, the clouds will go away. The sky will open and become clear and the sun's warmth and light will return.

Where does this light in your heart go when there's contraction? You begin to pay attention to the unlimitedness of the heart, the innate radiance of the heart, so that each time there's that "Boo!" and you close, you remind yourself, "Closing, closing. I choose to come back." What is your highest intention? To protect yourself, or to live in light, to be the light that you are?

Love everyone including yourself. Feed everyone. That means nourish. Give of this radiance in yourself. It is only fear and old habit that limits you. It is only the belief that you are limited that limits you. How could you be limited? You are divine. You are radiant. You are love.

How many of you have had experience with the Mother? May I see a show of hands? Many of you. I could go on talking for another 10 minutes. I think a better use of the time-- the Mother is here and offers to incorporate, not to have darshan individually with you, but simply to share energy, walking up and down the aisle here and connecting energetically with you.

So we're going to do that. I want you to feel how deeply-- let me say this carefully. I don't want to say "how deeply your heart opens," that's a prediction. I can't say your heart will open. I want you to feel the possibility of the heart opening, and that if it stays closed, you can ask yourself, "Is there fear to release the armoring? What if I let this love in?" Because it is not just her love you're feeling, but the potential that you are also that. You are love. You are light. And she reflects that innate radiance of being back to you.

I'm going to pause; the Mother will incorporate...

(tape paused, the Mother incorporates; walks up and down the center aisle; takes a few hands.)

Aaron: The Mother has just incorporated, for just about 6 or 7 minutes, and then we sung "This Little Light of Mine." Now a few last words from me.

You did not come into the incarnation to keep yourself small, or safe in conventional ways. Certainly you're not going to walk out there in the middle of the highway and say, "Come on, car, hit me." You do want to keep yourself safe and alive in terms of the incarnation, to take care of the body, to be prudent. But also to be alive, to know your unlimitedness. The body is not going to survive the incarnation. Consciousness survives. You are not the body, you are this radiant consciousness.

The more fully you can come back to this loving heart, remembering again and again when you feel yourself contracted, "Open up. Remember, I am light," and then live, speak, love, from that place of light, the more you are doing what you came to earth to do. The earth is moving into a higher consciousness. You are either part of the growth or you are part of what holds it back. Which do you wish to be? Do you wish to support this transition into higher consciousness, this transition to an earth capable of holding the high vibration of love, or not?

If your answer is yes, and I believe it is, then with every moment in which there is a contracted reaction, stop and ask yourself, is the reaction I'm about to express suitable to my highest intention? And if not, can I come back to this light in my heart and let it shine? That's all.

I hope to see some of you at the October workshop. I am delighted with the opportunity to spend five days, doing this kind of work, with darshan with the Mother, and others of the Brothers and Sisters of Light supporting it, too. With singing and dance. I think the days will be very helpful to people,  to support learning to live from your true light. This really is why I am here, incorporated in Barbara and working with Barbara, to help support the transition of consciousness on earth by helping each of you to trust the light that you truly are and to live from that light. I know you can do it.

We'll end here.

(session ends)